BAM-15 new mitochondrial uncoupling agent

This is the first time I have heard of it. Sounds super promising. It will be interesting to see how research subjects react to it if/when it becomes available to purchase. I wonder if someday someone will put together a cycle of SS-31, MOTS-C and BAM15. Who knows.
It is available for purchase at Modern Aminos. I swear I saw on one of the CN price lists but can't find it now. Just to be clear, this is a scary pep (if it is even a pep?) and I am not recommending it whatsoever.
It is available for purchase at Modern Aminos. I swear I saw on one of the CN price lists but can't find it now. Just to be clear, this is a scary pep (if it is even a pep?) and I am not recommending it whatsoever.
What about it are you concerned about?
I read the article. The safety profile is supposedly better than older medications. Idk. I'm just dipping my toe into this pool.
I read the article. The safety profile is supposedly better than older medications. Idk. I'm just dipping my toe into this pool.
There are about a dozen posts on reddit for BAM-15 and Kimera Chems has it for $149 for 60 50mg capsules. The have a (cough, cough, cough) Vanguard COA on it for what that is worth.
If you understand the biochemistry of uncoupling agents, you'll understand why this may not be such a good idea. There are much better, safer ways to go about weight loss/increasing metabolic rate than doing this.
If you understand the biochemistry of uncoupling agents, you'll understand why this may not be such a good idea. There are much better, safer ways to go about weight loss/increasing metabolic rate than doing this.
Indeed. Without a trial we have no sense of dosing. “Safer” than DNP doesn’t tell us much. For all we know there may be some threshold dose that causes organ damage or death.
What about it are you concerned about?

My comment was not meant to start anything, it was purely out of concern when I saw the screenshot.

I’m rather relaxed towards the use of peptides and steroids, some other stuff too - a bit less with anything that’s addictive since it can do people in quite badly.

But DNP really is some sketchy shit, I would consider meth as a pre-workout before I consider DNP for fat loss.

And if it’s miss dosed or you somehow take too much, only thing you can do is sit down in the shower as cold as it gets and say your prayers that your brain doesn’t get fried before it leaves your system.
There's a whole host of things in the range between "safer than DNP" and "I still wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole."

Any sort of uncoupler that hasn't gone through EXTENSIVE lab trials is in that range.
A physician who is very familiar with peptides, on another platform, described having a patient in the ICU with all kinds of wild symptoms and his life was in clear danger, when he deduced that the patient was on an uncoupling agent. That stuff is bad ju ju. Stay away from that my friends.
Good discussion! I have read about DNP and then when I saw this was intrigued.....however, I think I will leave it just as that... intrigued!
In the interest of transparency, I have no interest in deviating from my personal plans and goals.

However, I do love learning about new stuff. And, I am the nosiest of nosies.

These uncouplers that have not been tested in human trials should be approached with the same caution you would use for any other substance used to treat any disease or abnormal condition, that has not been approved by any particular regulatory agency.

I am all about the evidence based protocols. At present, BAM-15 has not been human tested.

This was the best I could find:

"DNP has a narrow window between effective and toxic doses... and it was banned for human use by the FDA in 1938... approaches to control DNP toxicity resulted in the loss of anti-obesity effects."

"BAM15 is orally bioavailable, dose-dependently increases nutrient oxidation, and decreases body fat mass without altering food intake or decreasing lean body mass in MICE fed an obesigenic western diet (WD). "...

In a nut shell, DNP is not good. It has a really shitty safety profile.

BAM15 has a better safety profile in MICE than DNP.

BUT for weight loss, Tirz, Semi, Maz Reta ect. Are all better peptides to use.

Y'all go wreck yourselves. Consider my toes out of this particular pool.
A physician who is very familiar with peptides, on another platform, described having a patient in the ICU with all kinds of wild symptoms and his life was in clear danger, when he deduced that the patient was on an uncoupling agent. That stuff is bad ju ju. Stay away from that my friends.
Wish this could be pinned to the top