I've ordered some ipamorelin and tesamorelin (separately, I'll mix).
Anyone tried this combo?
I plan to do 300mcg IPA and 1mg tesa, 5 days on, 2 days off, for 3 months.
I did CJC/IPa/Tesa which is not quite your program. I moved to Tesa in the latter half of the cycle. I am currently in a deload phase form the peps and my nervous system - I was able to push it in the gym every single workout, and my PR's kept going up.
My next cycle will look like the following:
1. Split the protocol into three phases weeks 1-4, 5-8, 9-12.
2. Weeks 1-4
1. CJC 100ug Evening
2. IPA 200ug Evening
3. Weeks 5-8
1. CJC 100ug Morning, 100ug Evening
2. IPA 200ug Morning, 200ug Evening
4. Weeks 9-12
1. When working from home 2x a week:
1. CJC: 100ug Morning, Mid-Day Workout, Evening
2. IPA: 200ug 3x a day
2. When not at home, stick to schedule of weeks 5-8
I will do 5 days on, 2 days off, and this means each phase has 20 days.
1. Phase 1 : 1-4
1. CJC 100ug x 1 per day x 20 days = 20x 100= 2000mcg (2mg)
2. IPA 200ug x 1 per day x 20 days = 20 x 200 = 4000 mcg (4mg)
2. Phase 2 : 5-8
1. CJC 100ug x 2 per day x 20 = 4000mcg (4mg)
2. IPA 200ug x 2 per day x 20 = 8000mcg
3. Phase 3 : 9-12
1. CJC 100ug x 3 per day x 8 = 2400mcg (2.4mg)
2. IPA 200ug x 3 per day x 8 = 4800mcg
3. CJC 100ug x 2 per day x 12 = 2400mcg (2.4mg)
4. IPA 200ug x 2 per day x 12 = 4400mcg
I am sure these peps are nowhere near as potent as HGH or steroids, but my first run with these was definitely an experience. I wasnt as deliberate in my dosing or my calories. In this protocol, my calories will start at maintenance and I will track upwards with them over the 12 weeks. As my calories get close to 300 over maintenance I am intending to include AOD, to reduce the amount of fat gain. In the last phase I do intend to go full tilt with tesa at 1mg and have that continue after week 12 to 16 - I will reintroduce Reta at 12 too.