Clear Protein

I tried Wicked because they were the only one with a sampler pack available. Tasted good until the aftertaste. The main sweetener is Sucralose but I didn't notice one of the last ingredients was stevia 😭 I just can't. The aftertaste of stevia lingers in my mouth for like 15 minutes, no matter how little.

Looking a little deeper, Seeq also uses stevia so I'll be skipping them.

So next is to try is Oath and MyProtein. Oath didn't have samples but MyProtein does so I'll likely try that next. Does anyone know if supplement stores carries single serve packs? I know GNC used to have single serve for protein shakes back in the day, but I haven't been in one of those for years.
I got the wicked sampler also, the weird coating aftertaste is really off-putting. I don't normally mind stevia and hate all artficial sweeteners which almost all other brands use.
I got suckered into buying 1up Nutrition Clear Protein, the Lemon Italian Ice, from a FB ad that had infiltrated my feed. And I’m so glad I did because it’s DELICIOUS.

Funny that I pay more for protein than I do Tirz, now.
You're probably not really gonna find that since sports drinks are just different. They're carbs and salt. Protein is basically the opposite.
Yeah. Clear protein to me still tastes like... protein. I like stevia just fine and none of the dozen or so clear protein drinks have tasted anything like a sports drink.

I've resigned myself to a life of popping in a couple of lactaids and chugging down a protein shake or two every day.
I got suckered into buying 1up Nutrition Clear Protein, the Lemon Italian Ice, from a FB ad that had infiltrated my feed. And I’m so glad I did because it’s DELICIOUS.

Funny that I pay more for protein than I do Tirz, now.
Ive been eyeballing that one but was super hesitant to spend that much without tasting it first.
Protein coffee is the shit -

Otherwise I buy unflavored protein powder that I mix in anything I cook or drink really. You can do pancakes, crepes, smoothie, etc.
Yes! This one has similar macros and is delicious. I got it initially from, but unfortunately had to restock at Amazon.

I got suckered into buying 1up Nutrition Clear Protein, the Lemon Italian Ice, from a FB ad that had infiltrated my feed. And I’m so glad I did because it’s DELICIOUS.

Funny that I pay more for protein than I do Tirz, now.
Yo, are you still into this item? I'm thinking of investing as I love lemon.
Don't take this personal because it's not about you. But it's become a big pet peeve of mine when people use "invest" when they just mean "buy"
I think it's a fun colloquialism when an item is absurdly expensive, but I hear you.
Not right now, but more so because I prefer lemon during warm weather. Something about lemon in the dead of winter is weird to me.
Once winter solstice hits I do my best to trick myself into believing spring is like, tomorrow. Lemon it is!
I got suckered into buying 1up Nutrition Clear Protein, the Lemon Italian Ice, from a FB ad that had infiltrated my feed. And I’m so glad I did because it’s DELICIOUS.

Funny that I pay more for protein than I do Tirz, now.
OMG! I looked this up after reading your post. They have so many flavors that look delicious. Expensive, but soooo tempting. Thank you!
Just curious, what's the benefit of this "clear" protein? Is it literally clear?
Are egg whites considered as clear protein??
clear protein are just ones that mix well with water and then become clear. I don't think its a technical classification. But having experimented with egg white powder, it mixes ok with water but definitely doesn't get clear. It makes the drink cloudy and frothy. But I still use it in some of my juices.

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