Considering Survodutide

I love survo! Only a few doses, as needed, at 125mcg, which is less than 1/2 the starting dose (300mcg). I'm in maintenance, have been since the fall, have slowly moved down on my tirz but there are times when I need a bit of help, not much, but to take the edge off. And since I don't want to increase the tirz - am trying to stay steady weight-wise and not lose more - the 125mcg dose just seems perfect. Of course such a small dose means a 10mg vial lasts forever, but I'm fine with that. I have not used it weekly at this point, nor am I thinking of switching over. I am not interested in cagri, nor in reta - the idea of starting over on a glp and one that requires higher dosing for the benefits I already have on tirz seems antithetical to me. For a brief moment, I had 1/2 kit of Maz but decided against it and sold it off. But survo strikes me as the right thing for now, providing just a bit of suppression when I need it. It also instantly warms me up inside. No idea what that is about.
That’s a really small dose -125 mcg. I read that the starting dose is 600 mcg (.6 mg). Pretty cool that you’re happy with what that small dose does for you.
That’s encouraging for me. You might recall I’m at that same point as you: dropped down to maintenance dose tirz 5.0 and looking to switch to something else. Have Reta that I didn’t try yet and survo on the way.
Not sure when I’ll make the jump to the new stuff.
Hi @G Vice, why are you looking to switch to something else? Just curious?

For me, tirz has all the benefits I require, and I don't feel a need at this point to stop tirz in favor of something else. I've had great luck with it, and feel why mess around? I do like the tiny bit of extra whatever that I have needed so far only once in a while that survo can help me with. All absolutely no side effects, and it seems to speed up both metabolism and digestion.

I think the survo clinical testing has two arms that relate to the ultimate maintenance dose - either 3.6 or 6. The 3.6 arm starts with a dose of 300mcg for 4 weeks and moves up to 600mcg for 4 weeks, and continues to move up every 4 weeks to 1.2mg, 2.4mg, 3.6mg, 4.8mg, and 6mg, with 3.6 being the maintenance dose. I guess the other arm started at 600mg and it's maintenance dose is 6mg.

125mcg is a tiny dose. I alway start anything far lower than a "protocol" states. And nearly always, for me, the tiny dosing works. For instance, I felt ss31 on 1mg. So I love that 125mcg of survo does what I hoped it would do.
Not much activity here.... There's a vendor with a good price on Survodutide and I'm strongly considering picking up a couple kits to research.

Anyone have experiences good or bad with Survo? Care to share?
Tried for a month. It doesn't work as well as tirz. Will probably use once I reach maintenance
Hey Ming.
I’m totally in agreement with staying with what got me the results I wanted.
However, tirz fatigue the 1-2 days after injection, although not bad, is something I’d like to get away from.
Survo seems to not cause fatigue, per reports, plus it is better at treating fatty liver and liver fibrosis, which is in my family history.
Those are 2 good reasons to switch.
@G Vice,

So sorry you still have that tirz fatigue, and to get away from the fatigue and having the family history of what survo addresses are both excellent reasons to switch! I haven't had that fatigue in a long time, I forget that some, even in maintenance, still have to deal with it. Also, the ss31 I'm researching has been incredible for my energy. No other "energy" pep but that one for the last 7 weeks and I never want to stop it! But onto mots next for me. Have you done the ss31/mots/nad protocol?
Not yet. I’ve got NAD+ and MOTS-c on order though. Been on order so long I need to re-read on how to start these.
I'm super interested in survo, but I have a freezer full of Sema and have some tirz arriving tomorrow.... I might just take the leap. I am just hesitant because I haven't seen anyone else on it. Keep meaning to join other forums to see if anyone has actually tried it.
who am I chopped liver? it seems to be doing a really good job. my heart rate is hovering around 100 which is borderline high.
i know, i just like to pick on you because i like you.

like in second grade...
That's how you train little girls to tolerate their boyfriends treating them like shit. Tell them boys are only mean because they like them.

How about train boys not to be dicks?


I'm glad the survo works for you 😂
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Hey Ming.
I’m totally in agreement with staying with what got me the results I wanted.
However, tirz fatigue the 1-2 days after injection, although not bad, is something I’d like to get away from.
Survo seems to not cause fatigue, per reports, plus it is better at treating fatty liver and liver fibrosis, which is in my family history.
Those are 2 good reasons to switch.
Survo (GLP1R) + GCGR) + Tirz (GIPR + GLP1R = Reta (GLP1, GCGR, GIPR)

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