Cycling or Life-long Use

I have no expertise in the matter at all, but one of my best personality traits is believing everything I read. This just popped up in my Reddit feed:

About to take it as gospel truth, until I read something contradictory.
Nice find and thank you for posting it.

I plan to stabilize weight loss, move into maintain mode and then reduce dose/spread dosing schedule slowly, maybe even over years. Hopefully, to get to the point it is no longer needed but will let my jean size dictate dosage. Jeans are loose, need to reduce dose or spread out dosing. Jeans are tight do the reverse. Hopefully, this works and I don't have to slowly increase dose over time to just maintain. In either case, I have plenty of stock in my freezer.
It's gotta rhyme or you'll never remember:

Jeans are loose, gotta reduce
Jeans too tight, dosage too light