Degraded Reta

Update as promised..... the "re-ship Reta" was tested by a group buy server on discord and has excellent specs..... no degradation whatsoever 3 months after production... nice to get some good news once in a while... here is the "Jano"
Oddly, the vials sent to PT when Cain first received the batch tested >15mg. It could just be testing methods differ between labs but I thought it was notable. Nothing we can do about it because it did test >12mg & >99% but if you are storing for more than a year it would probably make sense to test it before you use it - at least to get the dosing correct.

Update as promised..... the "re-ship Reta" was tested by a group buy server on discord and has excellent specs..... no degradation whatsoever 3 months after production... nice to get some good news once in a while... here is the "Jano"
This is great news. Thx for testing! I’ve pinned one vial already so have been wondering.
It's hard when old threads get revived. I get a little jump scare every time someone gives a thumbs up to something I posted back in October. I was young then! I was more stupid than I am now! Don't listen to October chmuse!
I go back and read my post and have no recollection of writing it... These damn fibrils and oligomers! Plus because I didn't get off the couch my entire weight loss gone are equal parts butt, belly and brain!

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