Did you ever feel like you knew everyone on a TV show?

It was cool watching the planning process and implementation of the guide , and how it quickly caught on and is being used for it's intended purpose of informing those new to this.

That is shilling my friend
Makes me wonder how many other people are frequent lurkers, watching us like a sitcom. 🫣
Makes me wonder how many other people are frequent lurkers, watching us like a sitcom. 🫣
Here is a fun statistic: At any given time the users online in this forum hover around 40 with 10 members and 30 guests. The members are randomly different each time you look and assumedly the guests would be as well. If I had to guess I would say there are likely 600+ unique logins a day. Some visit regularly, mostly the members for sure, but likely many of the guests. There are at minimum 200-300 people like me that use the forum regularly without registering and 100's more that visit infrequently. These anonymous users are buying from vendors, making mistakes, and having successes while remaining in the shadows.
EWB might have a better view into this.
It is not so much that I was watching like a sitcom, but more after logging in so often i felt like i knew people that i had never said a word to.
Here is a fun statistic: At any given time the users online in this forum hover around 40 with 10 members and 30 guests. The members are randomly different each time you look and assumedly the guests would be as well. If I had to guess I would say there are likely 600+ unique logins a day. Some visit regularly, mostly the members for sure, but likely many of the guests. There are at minimum 200-300 people like me that use the forum regularly without registering and 100's more that visit infrequently. These anonymous users are buying from vendors, making mistakes, and having successes while remaining in the shadows.
EWB might have a better view into this.
It is not so much that I was watching like a sitcom, but more after logging in so often i felt like i knew people that i had never said a word to.
I probably jumped in sounding way too familiar with people, too. I'd been lurking for a week. I'm prone to being parasocial, I guess. Taylor Swift and I are besties, that's why I defend her against Andy.
frankly my dear, i don't give a damn.
You never give a damn, I don't know why today would be different?
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I know, was just messing. 😅 she came in strong and aggressive. Stubborn too. I just wanted to check in on her. But all love for our little peptide community 🙌
You don't have to recant. Can you imagine what she must be like in person? I picture every drunk chick ever pulled off an airplane or yelling at the drive thru about chicken nuggets. I hope she found an amazing pot roast to shove up her ass.
I am trying to do a better job for them to get hired still..
reality is these are rookie numbers to them and not even on their radar
We'll see how it is after compound ends. Not everyone is brave enough to go grey.

I'm bracing myself to be kinder. I'm ok with silly questions. I'm just not ok with suggesting vendors. I need to find a nice way to say that.
I am trying to do a better job for them to get hired still..
reality is these are rookie numbers to them and not even on their radar
I'm sure Novo/Lilly employees are in the same predicament as the rest of us and are using gray as well. It's not like the work at the Gap and get first dibs and 20% off.
I'm bracing myself to be kinder. I'm ok with silly questions. I'm just not ok with suggesting vendors. I need to find a nice way to say that.
Everything is here. You wrote the book on it. Helping anyone further than the Table of Contents is contributing to the delinquency of a nitwit. Every vendor comes with 100% potential of getting screwed... That includes domestic vendors.
I'm sure Novo/Lilly employees are in the same predicament as the rest of us and are using gray as well. It's not like the work at the Gap and get first dibs and 20% off.

Everything is here. You wrote the book on it. Helping anyone further than the Table of Contents is contributing to the delinquency of a nitwit. Every vendor comes with 100% potential of getting screwed... That includes domestic vendors.
I wouldn't call it a book. It was meant to be very basic, but enough to give people an idea what to Google. A lot of times you don't even know what to look up- it was meant to give you an idea what terms to use to Google for more information.

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