Does anyone know where to buy antibiotics?


Oct 7, 2024
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Sorry if this doesn’t belong here. I just had found so much help finding a way to buy tirzepatide through this community. I have been sick with a terrible sore throat for a week, gone to urgent care given nothing because I always test negative for everything and they refuse to give me anything. Finally my mom had some left over antibiotics and gave me some and sore throat is gone. Just wondering if anyone knew of anywhere legit to get antibiotics? Also I know all the dangers of over using antibiotics. I get it.
I would be cautious about wiring money to anyone in RU. It's the same thing as wiring money to North Korea. Majority of their banking is sanctioned by both the US and the EU, and sanction violations can lead to real federal prison time. Government is also tracking crypto (they even have stop-lists of known sanctioned wallets), so if you use KYC entity for on-ramp, you are not anonymous.
Pretty sure it's just their website, they ship from India.
Sorry if this doesn’t belong here. I just had found so much help finding a way to buy tirzepatide through this community. I have been sick with a terrible sore throat for a week, gone to urgent care given nothing because I always test negative for everything and they refuse to give me anything. Finally my mom had some left over antibiotics and gave me some and sore throat is gone. Just wondering if anyone knew of anywhere legit to get antibiotics? Also I know all the dangers of over using antibiotics. I get it.
I Have purchased recently from 3 times. no issue and was able to use paypal for one and wise for the other. received everything I ordered. There are 1000 of pharmacies on there that are licensed and can ship to the US. One pharm i asked about bacterial static water they did not have any so they gave me 35 Sterile 5 ml waters for free. The other threw in some Ivermectin for free. The sellers have rating and customers leave comments. Their peptides are not that good of prices unless you want powder, but EVERYTHING ELSE IS GREAT prices. I bought 2 years of TRT supplies for what I was paying a Dr per month here is South Florida.

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