Echemi and Made in China and Jano and...


Mar 30, 2024
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I have not bought grey market items often, but have been extremely lucky so far.
I have looked on and made in for companies producing the peptides I have been researching. I have used jano exclusively for testing.

I wondered if anyone else had gone the route of looking for the manufacturers and not just vendors.
I have not bought grey market items often, but have been extremely lucky so far.
I have looked on and made in for companies producing the peptides I have been researching. I have used jano exclusively for testing.

I wondered if anyone else had gone the route of looking for the manufacturers and not just vendors.
Just ask the vendors; they’re all manufacturers. Or at least they know that’s what customers want to hear.
My last order of 2 x 30mg Tirz cost $380 delivered from a vendor (QSC - took about 6 weeks to deliver). The wife an I are both on 7.5mg weekly. That's 40 weeks supply between two of us for $380. Or less than $5 per week each.

What are people trying to achieve by skipping (at least somewhat) trusted vendors, a few dollars per week? - and giving up the relative safety of the network effect of others testing and scrutinising vendors?

Edit: I've just thought through the logic that if you want to become a vendor yourself, this might be fair enough.
Just because they advertise on made in china doesn't mean they are really a manufacturer. All of these companies lie to some extent. MIC has a lot of scammers.
Just because they advertise on made in china doesn't mean they are really a manufacturer. All of these companies lie to some extent. MIC has a lot of scammers.
I got that pretty early on. The more I look and the more I dig...
I am not interested in becoming a domestic supplier. I just want my stuff to be as clean and close to the source with as few other people involved from creation to testing as possible.

Raws just aren't something I want to deal with. AND what I am finding is that most
manufacturers do not finish into lypholized and vialed forms.
Most of the finishers are vendors I already buy from.

I'm not worried about waiting. It is a necessary piece of this business.

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