For those of you who were referred here via a redditor....


Sep 28, 2024
Reaction score
Central Florida
Just wanted to let y'all know that I caught a reddit ban for sharing this forum link in PMs last night. So, I am unable to respond to messages over there. I feel so bad that people are thinking I'm ignoring them.
No good deed goes unpunished, amiright?
Anyway, enjoy this wonderful forum...I'm so glad this place exists for us 💖

I have a funny story... a bit of an analogy. I live in a fairly new neighborhood in a part of the county that's being developed fairly rapidly. The community is 10 years old now. So long story short, the county was having a hearing for environmental impact statements from citizens for a brand new development going in down the road and some of my neighbors were rallying other neighbors to go down there and complain about the traffic increase, safety issues, endangered wildlife displaced etc etc.

That's kind of the same feeling I get from others on this forum. A bunch of new residents are threatening to show up and the others, who started out just like this new wave of residents did, are apprehensive about the change.

I got temp banned also on Reddit for peptide discussion. This is mostly a great community of people and I think everyone will find their place and, just like our new real neighbors, get used to the new normal.

So as someone who is just like you in this space, welcome!
It's all just 1s and 0s until someone pokes out an eye.
I have a funny story... a bit of an analogy. I live in a fairly new neighborhood in a part of the county that's being developed fairly rapidly. The community is 10 years old now. So long story short, the county was having a hearing for environmental impact statements from citizens for a brand new development going in down the road and some of my neighbors were rallying other neighbors to go down there and complain about the traffic increase, safety issues, endangered wildlife displaced etc etc.

That's kind of the same feeling I get from others on this forum. A bunch of new residents are threatening to show up and the others, who started out just like this new wave of residents did, are apprehensive about the change.

I got temp banned also on Reddit for peptide discussion. This is mostly a great community of people and I think everyone will find their place and, just like our new real neighbors, get used to the new normal.

So as someone who is just like you in this space, welcome!
Thank you for this, and I totally get why the OGs would be concerned. But these newbies have been paying through the nose every month, only to now be facing a major dilemma. Compounded and name brand were all they knew, and now they're about to be stuck. I couldn't leave them like that, knowing what I know. Our healthcare system sucks....and I say that as a healthcare worker who can't afford her out of pocket copays. I hope I didn't cause too much of a ruckus...I just think everyone deserves to explore every option possible in this game that is Big Pharma.
*edited for grammar

Thank you for this, and I totally get why the OGs would be concerned. But these newbies have been paying through the nose every month, only to now be facing a major dilemma. Compounded and name brand were all they knew, and now they're about to be stuck. I couldn't leave them like that, knowing what I know. Our healthcare system sucks....and I say that as a healthcare worker who can't afford her out of pocket copays. I hope I didn't cause to much of a ruckus...I just think everyone deserves to explore every option possible in this game that is Big Pharma.

You didn't find /u/pontarae/ on Reddit I take it? His account eventually got rugged on Reddit, but while he was on there he shared his sheets for source info.

Pontarae is also @dionysos on here who maintains a Google sheet on sources. Visit his profile here and you'll find some interesting source information sheets for both state-side suppliers and .cn suppliers.
Ohhhh....that makes sense!! Yes, I often refer to his spreadsheet...I have it saved on my phone! Small world 🌎
Thanks for that info!

On reddit, I was buying from Arctic and Skye. Thanks to his info in the spreadsheet, I felt better about purchaing from these sites.

I think I paid over 300 dollars for 30mg of Tirz from Skye. I paid 240 for 10 vials of 30mg Tirz from an overseas supplier. One other vendor (Tuk) I thin I paid 330 for 10 vials @30mg per.

So while I think Skye is doing a fine job, the markup is incredible.

Then by orders of magnitude, I'm also paying 500 bucks a month for 3 months of a subscription from a telemedicine provider (currently on Sema with them). I have one more month in my contract and then I'm cancelling.

So each handler of your product adds around 10x to the price. And when you're anchored at name brand prices, it all seems like a better deal.
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Yeah, I understand that they have to make a profit. I have a handful of favorite US vendors that I check on daily for sales. Was able to get 4 vials of 5mg (my current weekly dosage) for $100, bc they discontinued selling 5s.
I pay for telehealth, too. But it's also my HRT provider, so that one is a necessary evil, lol.
Yeah, I understand that they have to make a profit. I have a handful of favorite US vendors that I check on daily for sales. Was able to get 4 vials of 5mg (my current weekly dosage) for $100, bc they discontinued selling 5s.
I pay for telehealth, too. But it's also my HRT provider, so that one is a necessary evil, lol.
I have no regrets. And just like anything you have to pay your tuition.

Once you start exploring these overseas options, you'll find it's not just peptides they sell overseas. So who knows, maybe you'll be able to take over your HRT provider?
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Welcome to the newbies! We were all new at some point and needed guidance. But understand that you also have to put in the work and follow the bread crumbs.

This site was created by Zip, and I found it by is his subtle profile on Reddit. He didn’t post it on the forum or direct message me the link. And honestly you can’t do that. While this peptide community is a helpful community, you can’t trust that everyone who shows up is who they say they are. Some are snakes in disguise who want to stop our access.

So please be discreet and discerning in whom and how you share information. Fight club rules…
FWIW, I only mentioned for them to Google this forum (via PM), no link was shared. Tried to be as discreet as possible. I love this forum, and would never want to put it at risk in any way. But if noone would have helped me find y'all, I'm not sure I would have ever stumbled upon you. And I would have missed out.
If I'm feeling helpful on Reddit (which is rare), I point them toward the Peptide Source subreddit, which has their own off-site forum, on which there are mentions of this forum. That's how I found my way here, and I think that's one of the safer directions to point people. You're linking a legit Reddit sub, plus then they still have to do some digging.

Just pointing people directly here by name, link or not, is the wrong move, IMO.
If I'm feeling helpful on Reddit (which is rare), I point them toward the Peptide Source subreddit, which has their own off-site forum, on which there are mentions of this forum. That's how I found my way here, and I think that's one of the safer directions to point people. You're linking a legit Reddit sub, plus then they still have to do some digging.

Just pointing people directly here by name, link or not, is the wrong move, IMO.
I appreciate your input. Unfortunately, I can't undo what is already done. 😔
I appreciate your input. Unfortunately, I can't undo what is already done. 😔
Don’t worry about it. As a nurse it’s your nature to want to help people. I feel for people paying enormous amounts of money for their meds, I really do. But I just can’t trust that people are all genuine, so I’ve had to learn myself to keep tighter control on what I share. But please don’t worry about it.
One word of caution there - unlike GLP1 agonists, testosterone is a scheduled substance. My personal risk tolerance has me sticking with my telehealth provider for TRT.
I'm not prescribed trt, just estradiol/progesterone. Not sure if those can be sourced or not. Paying a telehealth company $150 every 8-12 weeks just for a script.