Go to Vendor?

I wouldn't really consider myself a vendor as there is little to no profit
Then you’re not doing it right. Please spare us the doing it out of the goodness of your heart to help people schtick. It’s okay to be a vendor and make a profit if you just say it like it is and don’t try to bullshit people.
Then you’re not doing it right. Please spare us the doing it out of the goodness of your heart to help people schtick. It’s okay to be a vendor and make a profit if you just say it like it is and don’t try to bullshit people.
If Lowkey is honest, then Lowkey gets into trouble for violating rule 3.
You're right. There really is no reason for me to be here. I came to reddit out of curiosity on what people are doing with reta. I was doing my own research on it at the time and wanted more perspectives on what was working for people, what wasn't, and what were just assumptions. Then I would stumble on posts where people were paying ridiculous amounts for peptides. Like $200+ for a single vial with shotty quality. So I started my own site, selling high quality vials anywhere from $8-$60 depending on the product and mg. I dislike seeing people paying 10+ times more for a crap product. That blew my mind. Then you had people who didn't want to use BTC, other unfamiliar payment methods, buy kits, or wait a week + for an order. My mark up is only 10-15%, rounded to the nearest dollar at or above 10%. Saw a problem, decided to solve it. You'll never see me promote it. Some of these new companies from china popping up, I'll buy a product I don't need out of curiosity. Just for the information. My career consisted of gathering intel and acting upon that intel. It's second nature. I'm still gathering info on reta. Don't care about sema or Tirz, they are the mistakes that created reta imo. I'm here mainly for the vendors. But will provide some information here and there. I want to know who is who, what companies are the same company, who the resellers are, the quality. These companies, the quality of products they have on this site and similar sites aren't from the main players in this industry. Would have never known about them if I didn't google GLP-1 forums. It's been a long time since I've seen this many new vendors. And they aren't popping up on any of the vetted fitness forums. I think kits4less is the only one. They are a good vendor too. This is just what I do. I usually stay in the shadows and observe. But I think seeing people overpay sparked something and now I give my 2 cents. Don't get used to it.

Pretty weird vendor pitch
Then you’re not doing it right. Please spare us the doing it out of the goodness of your heart to help people schtick. It’s okay to be a vendor and make a profit if you just say it like it is and don’t try to bullshit people.
This right here. This Florence Nightingale bs, this benevolence, boy pls. It’s 2024, this is the gd internet and the last decade should’ve well taught us ain’t nobody doing a damn thing out of the kindness of their hearts when they talk/act like this.
So there is 1million mgs in a kilo
So cost price of 10mg x one kit = $5usd per kit?
And they are asking for $160 with a promotion…
Are you sure it costs them 0.05$???

Manufacturing costs $70K to $100K per Kilogram in bulk

100mg raw = $10
+ materials + package materials $10
+ labor= $10
(who knows, dark gray market and all... maybe facilitation payments adds another $20-$30)

* 100mg (10mg x 10 kit) probably costs $30 + the gray.
* Note - 3x more may cost only 2x more - Tirz 30mg x10 kit (300mg) may cost $55-$60
They all sell through resellers on these steroid sites/forums. That's how this market has worked for years. No one really sells directly. Instead a reseller site will have multiple vendors and acts similar to drop shipping. You order from the site and the manufacturer ships directly to you. There is a way to go directly to the manufacturer. But not likely for the average consumer. Most of the resellers don't mark up much anyways and offer a lot of loyalty rewards. Pfizer for example, if I wanted name brand Viagra, I can get it for $11-$12. The vendor sites would sell it for $16-$17. Not much of an upcharge at all. Not like these new GLP-1 vendors popping up selling at a 10X+ upcharge. Napsgear.org is a pretty good reseller site. 20% store credit on all orders, up to $15 store credit for leaving a review. Still need to do your research on some of those vendors, but most are old and vetted. There are many other resellers out there with over a decade of recorded history. Not hard to find them. I recommend everyone to go out to these fitness/steroid forums, get information from the people on there with years of experience in all this stuff (peptides and GLP-1's included), and find the "go to" vendors. Plenty of information on scams in the past, things to watch out for, everything. And use this forum and possibly other GLP-1 forums to focus their GLP-1 info on.

I came to these GLP-1 forums and reddit recently out of curiosity. It's like the wild west out here. But these forums are needed. Just needs more veterans in this field with 5+ years of experience who are actively contributing and helping those coming into all this blindly. That is not me. I'll help people here and there but I'm not active on forums at all. I mean, 10 years on reddit and I made my first comment 3 months ago 😂. More of an observer and information/data gatherer. I'm also selective when it comes to some vendor information. I don't want to end up supporting someone who is looking to take advantage of people. A lot of them are popping up as vendors the past few months. If you search you'll find the information eventually and connect dots, somethings I just won't give easily.
what are some of your favorite PED forums? Looking to research some compounds myself.
This might be a weird question, since everyone here is chasing quality and quantity for the best price.

But anyone have a good vendor for smaller orders of a vial or two? I want to try some peptides but want to make sure they react well with me. Why have 10 vials of stuff I might not like?
I’ve only used this members only site but it was from a reliable source. I’ll DM the password to you or anyone that wants it.
I’ve only used this members only site but it was from a reliable source. I’ll DM the password to you or anyone that wants it.
I just sent you a dm
Doing this in my spare time throwing out as much info in the fewest posts as possible while I'm here. Whether or not someone finds it useful is up to them. If someone believes it's BS, that's fine too. I'm not posting for praise or to be liked. Also not here to solve everyone's problem or do all the work for them. I provided experience and perspective. That's all.
Bro you gatekeep like a mfker!
If you really got good information then spill the beans! Otherwise talk is cheap.
I wouldn't really consider myself a vendor as there is little to no profit. Plus I don't promote it. I have a brand, resellers, and just fill orders that come in. For perspective, I have to sell 300-400 items to get a single COA done. Vs maybe 5 sales for another vendor. I don't want to be labeled as a vendor lol. Was never for profit. My main focus is gathering information on GLP-1's in order to help people who need them. When it comes to these new vendors, I just have a knack for obtaining information. Have a dislike for swindlers, poor/overpriced products. A quality 10mg vial for $80 is fine in my opinion. It's the $100+ for a hit or miss product that I have a issue with. The cheap hit or miss kits. The 99% purity one day, 80% the next. The 60mg purchase but received 30mg. A lot of that garbage going on.

I can give a bit more advice on chinese vendors. The price lists aren't set in stone. You can always negotiate prices to a degree. The sales reps work on commission, which is why you can see many different prices from the same company. It's up to the sales rep and partly the managers on how much of a bargain you'll get. There are a couple chinese vendors on this site that will always provide high quality. But everyone already labeled them as scammers with no evidence. Yet it's the only OG company here. Which I found hilarious. I made a order and posted it just to prove a point. But that is what intrigues me about these GLP-1 forums. It's the land of opposite. Bash the biggest players who provide the best quality and service, then praise and recommend all the risky stuff. It takes years of consistency to determine how good a company is in this industry. It's pretty common for "new" companies to pop up for a year or so, start with somewhat quality products, then start ripping people off for as long as they can. Pop back up as a "new" company and do it all over again. Especially when something new or popular comes out. GLP-1s have been on this market for a good 6-8 years. The main hype happened during the past 2 years.

EDIT - Top companies will also provide custom compounds for you as well. If you wanted a custom Sema-10mg/TB-500-10mg blend or whatever mg you want, they'll do it. It's a good sign.
you may not consider yourself a vendor but glp1forum unequivocally does based on what you said. Failing to turn a profit doesn’t mean you’re not selling peptides. Peloton isn’t turning a profit but nobody is accusing them of not selling overpriced exercise bikes. Kindly contact @ZippityDooDah to register as a vendor.
Most of these vendors all buy from the same reseller who buys from the same lab/manufacturer in China who also supplies compounding pharmacy's. I've spent a year going down this rabbit hole. Finding vendors on reddit, figuring out who their suppliers are and who supplies them. Then meeting others locally in the healthcare industry who get their peptides from the same local compounding pharmacy. Meeting someone from that compound pharmacy and finding that they buy from a manufacturer in China. Which just happened to be the same lab the reseller supplying all these other vendors uses. I met the local people during the past 6 months at dog parks and we now meet up regularly. Just recently connected everything about a week or 2 ago when I finally got the supplier to this 1 reseller. The lab has custom packaging options and so does the reseller for a fee. The compounding pharmacy still has to make sure the EC50 values are correct amongst other things before releasing the product. It's just cheaper to get it from China than it is to make it in-house. If you've got a GLP-1 online, no matter where you got it, there's a good chance it came from the same place. No matter the labeling or safety cap color. It's gotten rare to find fake or dirty products over the past 6 years or so. But I'm sure they're out there. And scammers who take your money and run. Either way, the only real way to know what you are really getting, is to spend the $200-$400 and lose a vial to get it tested yourself. That was the first thing I did before taking anything. Or know someone who has done it and can share the results with proof they got the testing done (as in including the order info. Even if personal info is blanked out).
Can you recommend a good vendor for glps for research
The name is scammy to me, but as we know, I'm judgy.
That’s what I thought, but one of my 1st purchases was from them and it was legit. Found them via Meso. I only ordered the vit b complex and glutathione, but I’ve been happy with both. Their prices on other things is too speedy for me.
That’s what I thought, but one of my 1st purchases was from them and it was legit. Found them via Meso. I only ordered the vit b complex and glutathione, but I’ve been happy with both. Their prices on other things is too speedy for me.
They do seem a little pricey but their website does come across as less RV in the desert than Amo.

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