They all sell through resellers on these steroid sites/forums. That's how this market has worked for years. No one really sells directly. Instead a reseller site will have multiple vendors and acts similar to drop shipping. You order from the site and the manufacturer ships directly to you. There is a way to go directly to the manufacturer. But not likely for the average consumer. Most of the resellers don't mark up much anyways and offer a lot of loyalty rewards. Pfizer for example, if I wanted name brand Viagra, I can get it for $11-$12. The vendor sites would sell it for $16-$17. Not much of an upcharge at all. Not like these new GLP-1 vendors popping up selling at a 10X+ upcharge. is a pretty good reseller site. 20% store credit on all orders, up to $15 store credit for leaving a review. Still need to do your research on some of those vendors, but most are old and vetted. There are many other resellers out there with over a decade of recorded history. Not hard to find them. I recommend everyone to go out to these fitness/steroid forums, get information from the people on there with years of experience in all this stuff (peptides and GLP-1's included), and find the "go to" vendors. Plenty of information on scams in the past, things to watch out for, everything. And use this forum and possibly other GLP-1 forums to focus their GLP-1 info on.
I came to these GLP-1 forums and reddit recently out of curiosity. It's like the wild west out here. But these forums are needed. Just needs more veterans in this field with 5+ years of experience who are actively contributing and helping those coming into all this blindly. That is not me. I'll help people here and there but I'm not active on forums at all. I mean, 10 years on reddit and I made my first comment 3 months ago

. More of an observer and information/data gatherer. I'm also selective when it comes to some vendor information. I don't want to end up supporting someone who is looking to take advantage of people. A lot of them are popping up as vendors the past few months. If you search you'll find the information eventually and connect dots, somethings I just won't give easily.