Goal Weight and Maintenance


Aug 11, 2024
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New York
If I've missed the thread, apologies, but I am wondering if anyone is nearing their goal weight, or has reached it, amd close to or at maintenance and if maintenance is something others would want to discuss?
Surpassed my goal weight by about 7-8 lb and still losing weight (much slower now -- 4-5 lb per month) at 7.5 mg Tirz.
Wife says I need to stop losing weight, but I want to see how far this goes (perhaps lose another 5-8 lb) before I drop down to maintenance dose, which I assume would be 5.0 mg.
Might decide to stop GLP-1 Tirz altogether for a month or two and let the receptors reset, assess my body's response to taking nothing, and see if I need anything at all, or resume at starting dose of 2.5 mg. Don't know yet.
I'm close, within 10 lb of goal weight. Once I achieve that will probably drop to every other week 2.5mg and see how that goes, or every week 1.25mg.
Surpassed my goal weight by about 7-8 lb and still losing weight (much slower now -- 4-5 lb per month) at 7.5 mg Tirz.
Wife says I need to stop losing weight, but I want to see how far this goes (perhaps lose another 5-8 lb) before I drop down to maintenance dose, which I assume would be 5.0 mg.
Might decide to stop GLP-1 Tirz altogether for a month or two and let the receptors reset, assess my body's response to taking nothing, and see if I need anything at all, or resume at starting dose of 2.5 mg. Don't know yet.
I wonder if a person just keeps losing or if it stops naturally eventually? I'm below my goal weight and next week I am thinking I'll drop down my dosing from 3.6 2x a week to 3 2x a week, from 7.2 to 6. I don't want to lose anymore but I want the food noise to stay away and I want the appetite suppression. Not sure why I felt COMPELLED to stock up on tirz to the degree I have!
I wonder if a person just keeps losing or if it stops naturally eventually? I'm below my goal weight and next week I am thinking I'll drop down my dosing from 3.6 2x a week to 3 2x a week, from 7.2 to 6. I don't want to lose anymore but I want the food noise to stay away and I want the appetite suppression. Not sure why I felt COMPELLED to stock up on tirz to the degree I have!
Well, if you are in a calorie deficit, you do lose fat/muscle mass. That’s unavoidable, but the lower your body fat is, the harder it is since your body will try to protect itself from starvation by using less energy etc.
I wonder if a person just keeps losing or if it stops naturally eventually? I'm below my goal weight and next week I am thinking I'll drop down my dosing from 3.6 2x a week to 3 2x a week, from 7.2 to 6. I don't want to lose anymore but I want the food noise to stay away and I want the appetite suppression. Not sure why I felt COMPELLED to stock up on tirz to the degree I have!
Those are all of my thoughts exactly, like
when does the weight loss stop, etc.
Sitting on 2+ years of Tirz stash at maintenance dose!
I’ll likely try Reta at some point to compare.
Those are all of my thoughts exactly, like
when does the weight loss stop, etc.
Sitting on 2+ years of Tirz stash at maintenance dose!
I’ll likely try Reta at some point to compare.
I never imagined thinking I don't want to lose any more weight! I've probably got about that amount too. Have you reached your goal, or beyond? Have you reduced tirz mg?
Interesting conversation! I've dropped only about 50% of my goal so far (goal of 100# loss), but have seen others talk about a 1mg sema dose as maintenance once reaching goal weight.

My plan is Sema until stall, cagri/tirz/reta and perhaps Maz until I reach my goal. Original plan was the 1mg sema to maintain, but seems there will be more options/info about this by the time I get there.

My goal is still 10-15# over my "recommended" weight, but what I would be more than happy with. I can only hope that I have the same "problem" others have - keep losing weight after reaching goal. I cant even imagine being a Skinny chef! Never trust a skinny chef! lol
I never imagined thinking I don't want to lose any more weight! I've probably got about that amount too. Have you reached your goal, or beyond? Have you reduced tirz mg?
I reached my goal and beyond. Been taking 7.5 mg Tirz once per week for about the last 18 weeks, and still losing weight. Why drop the dose to 5 mg, when my body might still have a few more lb to lose? Plus all the other benefits: cardio protective, neuroprotective, and reduction in fatty liver (had a mild degree of fatty liver that showed up co-incidentally on a CT scan of my chest when I was hospitalized with COVID in 2020, and my mother has severe non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, now cirrhosis with dementia --- so reducing fatty liver as much as possible is big for me).
Glad you are beyond your goal as well.
If I've missed the thread, apologies, but I am wondering if anyone is nearing their goal weight, or has reached it, amd close to or at maintenance and if maintenance is something others would want to discuss?
I overshot by probably 10-15 lbs... so I do not want to lose any more (and am not trying but also looks like I leveled off)... so technically in maintenance now.. but for me this was all about blood glucose anyways.. so that's what I am trying to figure out still.. don't really have a good answer to that yet.. (but I went up to 7.5 with a brief attempt at 10mg...without much of impact on BG levels.. or maybe I expected more)
I overshot by probably 10-15 lbs... so I do not want to lose any more (and am not trying but also looks like I leveled off)... so technically in maintenance now.. but for me this was all about blood glucose anyways.. so that's what I am trying to figure out still.. don't really have a good answer to that yet.. (but I went up to 7.5 with a brief attempt at 10mg...without much of impact on BG levels.. or maybe I expected more)
Can I ask what dose you're on now?
I reached my goal and beyond. Been taking 7.5 mg Tirz once per week for about the last 18 weeks, and still losing weight. Why drop the dose to 5 mg, when my body might still have a few more lb to lose? Plus all the other benefits: cardio protective, neuroprotective, and reduction in fatty liver (had a mild degree of fatty liver that showed up co-incidentally on a CT scan of my chest when I was hospitalized with COVID in 2020, and my mother has severe non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, now cirrhosis with dementia --- so reducing fatty liver as much as possible is big for me).
Glad you are beyond your goal as well.
Yes, all the other benefits, in addition to weight loss! Have you had another scan of your chest since being on tirz? So sorry about your mother.
Or you on 5mg once a week now or 2.5?
I'm on 7.5mg/wk right now for a final push, but when I first started using tirz I was able to balance my appetite with 1.25mg/wk. If I hit my goal I will be about 15-20% body fat after progressively increasing the dose to lose about 30lb. At 1.25mg I felt hungry sometimes but I had control of it enough that I didn't gain. I called it a magic key back then, that's what I'm hoping for! Almost no medicine but just enough to give me a second to decide to eat only ONE piece of pizza and not ONE PIZZA! :P

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