Hi from Jersey !


New Member
Aug 22, 2024
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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for invite to this forum ! I’m so enjoying everyone’s comments and stories ! Can’t wait to get to know all of ya !

Trying to learn all about compound GLP-1 and finding better vendors than some of my resouces now.

Friends of friends, who do group purchases, have been my only sources. Would rather purchase myself and go direct.

I’ve been on Semi (doctor prescribed) for 2 1/2 years and didn’t lose a ton (31lbs) but gained 10 back, finally switched to compound Tirz 5.0 about 7 weeks ago and started to lose again ! 🤘🏻Tracking, cal def, lifting. Want to learn about stacking as well. Reta seems to be the new rave !

Grateful for something new !

Thanks for all resources. I will be jumping in and asking tons of questions and advice ! I appreciate you all !!
Hello and Welcome! There is another new member form Jersey who joined shortly after you, and one of the Research Experts is from Jersey. Don't hesitate to jump in and ask questions! Lots of friendly helpful people here!
Thank you !!! 😊 Oh very cool !!! I will totally start jumping in. I do some questions on some peptides I’ve been wanting to try !! Thanks Broken Chef ! 🧑‍🍳