How did you choose your goal weight?


Research Expert
May 2, 2024
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After all this time this is my first thread to start. But because of a goal I reached today I wanted to ask you all this.

So how are you deciding on your goal weight?

For myself, I initially wanted to weigh less than 200 and be in “onderland.” Well that wasn’t enough. Then I wanted to get out of the obese category on the BMI chart. I wanted to have a 100-pound loss. Ok, so I’ve met all of these.

Well my most recent goal was to weigh less than my husband (he’s not overweight). Guess what?! I met that goal today.

So now I can’t decide on my final goal. I’m 16 pounds from my wedding weight 34 years ago. Sounds like my next goal.

But my final goal, is that it? Do you pick a number that sounds good or do you wait and see where your body naturally stops? Just curious on your thought process of deciding. TIA.
The first time I lost weight, I just chose a random weight that sounded good (125lbs). But I got to around 143lbs and I was so active and lifting weights that I was really happy with how I looked. I was also having trouble losing more and felt it was a weight I could sustain without being miserable. And I was able to sustain it for about 5 years easily.

This time, I haven't chosen a weight. I have some milestones, like you, but I'm just going to go by how I'm feeling in my own skin. I assume it's going to be around the same weight as before, but like you said - I'm going to see where my body naturally stop and if I feel good then I'll stop. If I don't, I might push a little more.
The first time I lost weight, I just chose a random weight that sounded good (125lbs). But I got to around 143lbs and I was so active and lifting weights that I was really happy with how I looked. I was also having trouble losing more and felt it was a weight I could sustain without being miserable. And I was able to sustain it for about 5 years easily.

This time, I haven't chosen a weight. I have some milestones, like you, but I'm just going to go by how I'm feeling in my own skin. I assume it's going to be around the same weight as before, but like you said - I'm going to see where my body naturally stop and if I feel good then I'll stop. If I don't, I might push a little more.
Thank you for sharing. You made a very good point when you mentioned lifting weights. Since muscle weighs more than fat, that’s definitely a variable to consider. Something I need to work on for sure.
while a goal is perfectly sensible when starting out, I find that it doesn’t really work long-term.

But I can only speak for myself, having some milestones set is great. But long-term I find it more useful to focus on direction/improvement and to care less about specific goals.

If I did better than last week, that’s a win. If I did worse, I figure out why and try to amend whatever made me deviate.

But I don’t know if it’s applicable to everyone, probably not 🙃
Great topic, I'm interested to see others' answers. My current goal weight is 135. According to all of the bmi and health charts out there, I "should" be 120-125 (I'm only 5'3 😅). I haven't been close to that weight in almost 8 years. Looking back on pictures in that range, I feel like I looked ill and unhealthy, but I'm also my worst critic. At 130-135 I looked much more healthy and maintained that weight easily. I also had muscle and was more active, plus I liked the curves I had in that range. I started tirz at 190lbs. I had several injuries back to back over the past few years that prevented me from being as active as I once was and the weight packed on. I think once I'm back to 135, I'll reassess to see how I feel and decide from there if I stay or try for the "standard weight" for my age/height. I mainly just want to get to a place where I feel healthy & I'm not in pain being active.

Side goal: I have a dress I'm determined to wear again as well without all of the unflattering lumpy bumps I have going on. I'm thinking that will also be in the 130-135 range. We'll see! 🤞
When I first lost real weight, 6yrs ago, I got down to 83kg post pregnancy and I was happy at that. Still not meeting the weight requirement for my height but I was good, collar bones popping and all. So that’s my goal. Anything after that, is just a bonus loss. I’m now at 90kg, started the year at 121 so LFG! 🥳
its hard to know where you should be. the published charts are total bull. they don't account for frame size. My rib cage is huge compared to many guys my height and i can never shrink that.

an important goal would be to eliminate your fatty liver.

I'm going to be at this for a long time since my wife is lagging way behind me. My goal to lose 100 pounds was totally arbitrary and meant to be a fun self-challenge. the lowest i've ever been is 163 but i've worked out off and on for years so i must have put on 10# muscle or more. so its very hard to figure this out.

I also have fantasy of having abs but afraid i'm gonna need gear for that. The peptide nazi has laid down the law as something to not be discussed.
its hard to know where you should be. the published charts are total bull. they don't account for frame size. My rib cage is huge compared to many guys my height and i can never shrink that.

an important goal would be to eliminate your fatty liver.

I'm going to be at this for a long time since my wife is lagging way behind me. My goal to lose 100 pounds was totally arbitrary and meant to be a fun self-challenge. the lowest i've ever been is 163 but i've worked out off and on for years so i must have put on 10# muscle or more. so its very hard to figure this out.

I also have fantasy of having abs but afraid i'm gonna need gear for that. The peptide nazi has laid down the law as something to not be discussed.
If you want abs, then gun for the abs. Don’t let mom stop you 😁

But after 30/40, you are right about the gear part, unless being healthy and fit is your job
I have never had a real goal. I had lost and gained the same 50 lbs over the years so many times. So I was like here we go again maybe these meds will help me keep it off.

After the initial 50 lbs things started to slow down but I was still losing and my doctor wanted my BMI to be in the normal range. Well I am down 85 lbs and just barely in the normal BMI range. I haven’t weighed this weight in more than 14 years.

Now I am thinking another 10 lbs would be nice.

But I have to admit I say someone yesterday on the same journey and Skeletor describes my first impression. I’m like hell no I don’t want to look like that.

I will be 58 next month. My face looks pretty good, I have some extra skin and crepey underarms. How much more sag will I have if I lose another 20 lbs to get to my weight at 26 years old. It may not be worth it cause I am feeling pretty darn fantastic most days.

Still undecided 🤷‍♀️
I have never had a real goal. I had lost and gained the same 50 lbs over the years so many times. So I was like here we go again maybe these meds will help me keep it off.

After the initial 50 lbs things started to slow down but I was still losing and my doctor wanted my BMI to be in the normal range. Well I am down 85 lbs and just barely in the normal BMI range. I haven’t weighed this weight in more than 14 years.

Now I am thinking another 10 lbs would be nice.

But I have to admit I say someone yesterday on the same journey and Skeletor describes my first impression. I’m like hell no I don’t want to look like that.

I will be 58 next month. My face looks pretty good, I have some extra skin and crepey underarms. How much more sag will I have if I lose another 20 lbs to get to my weight at 26 years old. It may not be worth it cause I am feeling pretty darn fantastic most days.

Still undecided 🤷‍♀️
If you feel good, you are already winning my friend :)
I have never had a real goal. I had lost and gained the same 50 lbs over the years so many times. So I was like here we go again maybe these meds will help me keep it off.

After the initial 50 lbs things started to slow down but I was still losing and my doctor wanted my BMI to be in the normal range. Well I am down 85 lbs and just barely in the normal BMI range. I haven’t weighed this weight in more than 14 years.

Now I am thinking another 10 lbs would be nice.

But I have to admit I say someone yesterday on the same journey and Skeletor describes my first impression. I’m like hell no I don’t want to look like that.

I will be 58 next month. My face looks pretty good, I have some extra skin and crepey underarms. How much more sag will I have if I lose another 20 lbs to get to my weight at 26 years old. It may not be worth it cause I am feeling pretty darn fantastic most days.

Still undecided 🤷‍♀️
Congratulations!! I know the yo-yo way of life, gaining and losing…a vicious cycle. I feel like this time it sticks.😄
I based it off a weight I was previously and happy with. Basically, I really just want to fit back into a certain size, I understand that weight wont necessarily align with that, especially since I'm older now. I'm 5'7". Starting weight was 221. Currently at 194. Goal weight is 160 but honestly I'd be happy at 175.
I based it off a weight I was previously and happy with. Basically, I really just want to fit back into a certain size, I understand that weight wont necessarily align with that, especially since I'm older now. I'm 5'7". Starting weight was 221. Currently at 194. Goal weight is 160 but honestly I'd be happy at 175.
Almost twins 5’6 3/4” SW 238 CW 153. I was happy at 170, and I happy at 153.
I am big boned though so currently wearing a roomy 12. Was never smaller than a 10 even in the 130’s.

You’ll get there, these peps are the miracle we have been waiting for, and yes I lived through Phen-fen (not the miracle we were hoping for).
I don't have a goal number in mind, I just want something easier to maintain. I know what I've weighed in the past and how much effort it took to maintain that, so I'm thinking maybe 15-20lbs above that so I don't feel like I have to keep my foot on the gas, white knuckling the number on the scale for the rest of my life. 🙃
Side goal: I have a dress I'm determined to wear again as well without all of the unflattering lumpy bumps I have going on. I'm thinking that will also be in the 130-135 range. We'll see! 🤞
Fitting into my old wardrobe is one of my milestones for sure! I absolutely cannot wait to rock my pencil skirt covered in dinosaurs and my teal velvet skinny dress pants again. Are they and were they ever in style? Absolutely not but I rock them so hard.
my goal is around 15% body fat. Also I do martial arts and want to compete and I chose the weight class I want to compete in. <175 lbs.
I've never been thin or a normal weight in my adult life (or teen life either). I always dreamed of being 155lbs . I'm 5'6". Well shockingly I actually reached that for the first time recently. Probably the last time I was 155 was in elementary school which would have put me in the obese category then...anyway.

Now that I'm at my original goal that I had in my head for years, I realize there is no way I want to maintain at this weight. I still feel huge. I'm still wearing a size large, size 12 to 14. I would like to be a slim to normal weight and I think being in the mid 130s would give me the look I actually want and what I thought I would look like at goal.
I was aiming towards my high school weight, but I'm now at goal, which turns out to be about 5 lbs less than I weighed in high school. However, my lean body mass is probably about 10 pounds lower, so I sure don't have the same body as a post-menopausal female than I did in the 70s!

I maintained most of the LBM I had during my weight loss of 35+ pounds over 14 months (weightlifting!) Most of the LBM decrease has been the gradual result of aging, not dieting.

I hit this weight about 3 months ago, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. It's like my body just said, "OK, you're good."

I still take Tirzepatide 2mg q7d, but after the new year I may stop altogether to see if it's actually helping, or if it's just the placebo effect.
Fitting into my old wardrobe is one of my milestones for sure! I absolutely cannot wait to rock my pencil skirt covered in dinosaurs and my teal velvet skinny dress pants again. Are they and were they ever in style? Absolutely not but I rock them so hard.
You had me a dinosaur skirt! Don't let people lie to you, dinosaurs have always & will always be in style. Now excuse me while I go search the interwebs for said skirt in a size I can't even wear yet 😂