How did you choose your goal weight?

I felt the best when I was wrestling in High School at 189lbs. It is now 25 years later , so im adding a few lbs to that number and my goal is 215. My current weight is 253. I started at 265 two weeks ago.
12 pounds in 2 weeks?! Wow! Super responder. Congrats!
I plan on just dropping until I like where I'm at, but I suppose my "goal" is to get to my Basic Training weight from way back when, 22 years ago. I had a lot more muscle back then so I've got some work to do. I'm afraid that I'll look like a sack of flab and bones if I get that small without adding some muscle :ROFLMAO:
I do small goals, hit that one then make new ones. I was getting too discouraged looking at such a long distance so I shortened it up. I really have no idea what my final goal will be, somewhere between 140-180, a broad range I know. I have been comparing losses to everyday items. Lose a small bag of dog food, lose a 4yr old grandson's weight- I can not image carrying him around all day at Disney but I was technically and so much more. I lift him up and just have a hard time fathoming the weight gone from my body and how much lighter I feel. My next goal is a large bag of chicken feed (50lb), then a bale of hay (75lb). Maybe a silly way of doing it but the concreteness of seeing the amount gone for good really motivates me.
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I do small goals, hit that one then make new ones. I was getting too discouraged looking at such a long distance so I shortened it up. I really have no idea what my final goal will be, somewhere between 140-180, a broad range I know. I have been comparing losses to everyday items. Lose a small bag of dog food, lose a 4yr old grandson's weight- I can not image carrying him around all day at Disney but I was technically and so much more. I lift him up and just have a hard time fathoming the weight gone from my body and how much lighter I feel. My next goal is a large bag of chicken feed (50lb), then a bale of hay (75lb). Maybe a silly way of doing it but the concreteness of seeing the amount lost really motivates me.
I love that! What a fun way to look at that. Also, never seen 75# hay bales... only ever 50 or 100...but that's a conversation for another forum. :) A hay bale weight loss of any size is nothing to shake a stick at!
I do small goals, hit that one then make new ones. I was getting too discouraged looking at such a long distance so I shortened it up. I really have no idea what my final goal will be, somewhere between 140-180, a broad range I know. I have been comparing losses to everyday items. Lose a small bag of dog food, lose a 4yr old grandson's weight- I can not image carrying him around all day at Disney but I was technically and so much more. I lift him up and just have a hard time fathoming the weight gone from my body and how much lighter I feel. My next goal is a large bag of chicken feed (50lb), then a bale of hay (75lb). Maybe a silly way of doing it but the concreteness of seeing the amount lost really motivates me.
Love the way you’re thinking
At first, I figured I would shoot for what I weighed in HS as that is probably when I was at my healthiest but I didn't really account for what I was doing at the time that got me to that weight. Lifting weights as an elective class and constant sports combined with the adderall that the teachers insisted that I needed meant I was a nice lean mean teenager who usually weighed 175~185. Today, I'm a busy adult who has a lot of responsibilities, a sedentary job and definitely less overall energy.

So instead, my goal has shifted to 150~160 as this is what my old man weighs. We are built nearly identical except he has never struggled to not eat more than necessary and does light workouts and runs daily. It sounds stupid but I should strive to at LEAST be as healthy as my 30 year older than me father 😅

But at the end of the day, the weight is just a number. A means to the end goal which is to BE healthy and to feel healthy. I just want to feel good about what I am doing for myself and my health in the long run.
I love that! What a fun way to look at that. Also, never seen 75# hay bales... only ever 50 or 100...but that's a conversation for another forum. :) A hay bale weight loss of any size is nothing to shake a stick at!
He probably wanted 100 but knew I'd revolt, lol. Free help is hard to deal with you know. He always liked to tighten them down so they stayed shorter but got heavier, at least I didn't have to work the wagon, just the elevator. Plus I was lugging 1-2 "bales" of my own doing it the whole time being so overweight.
I'm 5'8" and have been in the obese BMI range off and on since elementary school. My lightest weight as an adult was around 145lbs for my wedding... down from ~235 after a loooot of extended and intermittent fasting. Cold hands and crashed metabolism aside, I was fairly happy there, although definitely "skinny fat." I settled in around 165lbs shortly thereafter, which I maintained until a stressful career change (and pandemic!). I'm now at ~256, down from 272, which was an all time high for me and not a good feeling physically or otherwise.

Near-ish term, I will be very happy to get back under 200lbs. Long term, I guess I want to be somewhere between 145 and 165, but with better body comp than last time I was at that weight. I began TRT recently and am hopeful that will help to maintain a good bit of my existing lean mass, and allow for better payoff with weight training. Guess time will tell!
5’6, SW 177, CW 157. Highest weight 204 (at age 25). Lowest weight: ??? Maybe 153? Only when doing extreme no sugar and whole foods type diets. Since puberty I have always been above 150. Mostly fluctuating between 160-180 in adult years.
When I started Tirz 9 weeks ago I set a goal of top of the healthy BMI range so 150-155. But now that shockingly came in reach so fast I guess I want to keep seeing what feels good. I have been weight lifting 3-4 times a week (or some kind of strength training). I have never bought a size 8 anything in clothes so thinking that would be a place that feels unique. Scary uncharted territory though. Definitely not maintainable off Tirz. Hence why I am here hoping to do some kind of long term maintenance. I love this stuff so much I would take it even if I never lost a pound!!! I just love the freedom from insatiable evening snacking and binging (4-10pm danger zone). I just want to exercise, maintain muscle and bone mass, and get in the best shape of my life as I go into the perimenopause / menopause years. Good knees. Good back. Good joints. Etc.
I came into this with a huge goal to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight of 150. After I had my daughter 17 years ago I have hovered around the 180 mark. I’m 5’9” so I never looked that heavy but never felt good in my skin. When I turned 53, I started gaining at an unbelievable pace (especially around the middle). Peri-menopause came on like a lion and took over my body and mind. Got the mind part fixed with some hormone replacement and now working on the horrendous weight gain. SW 209 CW 191 GW 150. I started my Tirz journey on August 26th and am currently taking 3.5mg a week. Going low and slow is my motto. I’m motivated and haven’t felt this good in many years. I appreciate each and every one of you on this journey with me. So glad I found my way here.
Ah…such a great question. I reached and bypassed my goal weight 5 years ago and managed to maintain for about a year before slowly gaining about half back. This was all pre-glp1s. From my highest weight to my lowest I lost over 100 pounds with ups and downs over several years. The goal post kept moving and in my final push I was counting every macro and strength training 1-2 hours/day 5 days a week and got very lean at 18% BF. No surprise, this was unsustainable and my mind and body rebelled. In retrospect, I was overdoing it and I really just didn’t know how to ease into maintenance after being focused on trying to lose weight most of my adult life.

This, hopefully, last time around there is no “final” goal. I definitely want to get out of overweight territory and want to maintain strength, fitness, and health. But there is no magic number I will arrive at and say ‘okay, I’m done now’ because the real work continues in maintenance. I know I need to be more vigilant about my weight than others but it does get tiresome thinking about it all the time. GLP1s have eased some of this mental burden for me. When I first started, I thought I’d just do a year to help get the weight off but now I realize I will likely be on them in some form for the rest of my life. And it’s not like the pounds are flying off and it’s so easy. I’m still doing the work, it just no longer feels like a battle.

Congrats on your weight loss and being skinnier than your hubby! My hubby enjoys lean genes and has a Brad Pitt (from the Thelma and Louise days) physique with little effort. I got thinner than him for 2 minutes 🤣. Embrace your achievement and start thinking about other non-weight oriented goals. Don’t focus on just a scale number. Make sure to buy some new clothes to match your new form.
I say let it settle where it settles if it’s at a healthy weight. I’m 5’8. Goal was 165. Currently 144. I’m in maintenance. This is the lower side of my maintaining…I typically go up and down 145-150…even though there has been a slight trend down over the past months. My body picked this and it’s not hard to maintain….on a GLP!!!!!
I'm 46F, 5'4" HW 210 SW 189 CW 175. I know a lot of people dread the BMI calculation, but it works for me, petite sedentary female. I have my goals set into stages, my first goal is to get out of the obesity range and into overweight, so that's 170 lb.
Next is to get into the normal range, with 25 BMI, so that's 150 lb.
After that, my next target is "middle of the way" ~22.5ish BMI with 132 lb.
My final target, and that's where I want to stop for maintenance is the lower end of normal BMI ~20, which puts me between 112-120 lb. I was my healthiest when I was there, and it gives me wiggle room to adapt.

It's an aggressive final goal, and there's a chance that I can't really reach it at my age, with a bunch of metabolic issues and being in perimenopause. Honestly ANY progress towards a healthy weight is a win. And I understood early on that I'll need GLP-1s for life.
I'm 46F, 5'4" HW 210 SW 189 CW 175. I know a lot of people dread the BMI calculation, but it works for me, petite sedentary female. I have my goals set into stages, my first goal is to get out of the obesity range and into overweight, so that's 170 lb.
Next is to get into the normal range, with 25 BMI, so that's 150 lb.
After that, my next target is "middle of the way" ~22.5ish BMI with 132 lb.
My final target, and that's where I want to stop for maintenance is the lower end of normal BMI ~20, which puts me between 112-120 lb. I was my healthiest when I was there, and it gives me wiggle room to adapt.

It's an aggressive final goal, and there's a chance that I can't really reach it at my age, with a bunch of metabolic issues and being in perimenopause. Honestly ANY progress towards a healthy weight is a win. And I understood early on that I'll need GLP-1s for life.
I think the small goals along the way are great. It keeps you motivated as you see your progress. I’m the same height as you (funny I don’t consider myself petite 😂) and always wanted to be 128. But I’m now post-menopausal and would be thrilled at 135. It seems more realistic but I’m honestly hoping my body will continue to lose and get me to 120s. We shall see.
I have been less concerned about GW as I am about the clothes I fit into and my overall body shape. I'm a 6'1" 50yo male who started at around 286. When I was at my best weight I was at about 190. But I was also in my 20s... so that seems unrealistic at my age. So I just want to be in the mid-range of "Overweight" from a BMI standpoint ("Normal" for me is 185 which is a pipe dream. I have old clothes that I would love to fit in again... so that is mainly what I am using. I started in July and even though I am only down about 25lbs I have already gone down 2 belt sizes and have bought smaller pants. So for me its more about that than a number.
6'2 and i had a goal of 200, but right now I'm 215 and still pretty damn fat in the chest / stomach area so I've now moved my goal down to 175ish, which is what the BMI charts all say. I do think there is some merit in the BMI numbers, hopefully I will get there and see. much easier to gain back weight then to lose it :)
6'2 and i had a goal of 200, but right now I'm 215 and still pretty damn fat in the chest / stomach area so I've now moved my goal down to 175ish, which is what the BMI charts all say. I do think there is some merit in the BMI numbers, hopefully I will get there and see. much easier to gain back weight then to lose it :)
There is a reason BMI is used in medicine, it is a good standard measurement to indicate health risk factors with a very simple calculation.

But people love to hate it because it sometimes is silly, it will for example have it's limitations for:

*Individuals with high muscle mass
*Individuals which some reason have significantly reduced muscle mass
*Children and teens, but still rather accurate with the correct age and sex-specific percentile charts
*Different body compositions

It is accurate for 80-85% of the general adult populations
The remaining 15-20% - including athletes, the elderly, and those with atypical body compositions- may not get an accurate health assessment based solely on BMI.

And it is a screening tool, not a diagnostic tool.
Im a 51m, 5’11”, SW was 271 (my heaviest ever) on July 2nd, CW is 214 (3 months in) so 57lbs down. My original goal was/is 185lbs which would be 86lbs to lose which seemed insane to me. It’s been literal decades since i was even near that weight. And in reality i dont think i was that weight since about 18-20yrs old. But BMI says i should be 165-170lbs. I havent been that weight since i was like 15yrs old. So i dont think that would be healthy for me. I do think 185 is good. But if i get there and still aren’t where i need to be looks/feel wise ill adjust to 175. Don't think i can go lower than that without looking sickly. I feel 1000% better at 214 than i was at 271 and havent been this slim since 12 years ago and that only lasted a month or two before putting the weight back on. So I’m giving myself more leeway and grace going forward. My goal was to go from 271 on July 2nd to 185 by years end. And it may still happen, but i feel so much better and am going in the right direction, and since cost isnt an issue anymore with buying kits, I’m not going to be too hard on myself if it doesn’t happen by years end. I know ill be sub 200 at the very least by then and that in itself is huge! Im also in the process of buying a house in another state and then having to pack all my shit and move and get settled into a new life is stressful enough and know things aren’t going to go as smoothly the next couple months. So I’m giving myself some room to mess up and to slow the weight loss some until i get moved which will probably be around years end. Then i can buckle down again and go the rest of the way. But i hope everyone here gets to where they are happy and healthy. Good luck all!

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