How Have GLP1s Changed Your Life?

For me, I gained 90 lbs last year prior to my dozen-eth surgery for nasal polyps. Being on Prednisone for the whole year always sucks, and comes with insatiable hunger. This has happened 6 times throughout my life, follow by rapid weightloss from extreme exercise once I can breathe again.

I started losing weight on Jan 1st 2024 this year at 295 lbs and am down to 178 lbs as of this morning. This has been the quickest I've lost all of my Prednisone weight so far, and the healthiest according to my (very frequent) blood test results.

Interestingly enough, it's also the least effort I have put into losing weight throughout my life. No need for extraneous exercise for 5+ hours per day and no constant soreness from exercising constantly while weighing too much. It's been more relaxed and healthy amount of exercise I get to put in while losing weight without a problem. I can actually have a full time job while being able to get this done.
I'm more able to do everything! I was anti GLP1 until I found Dr. Tyna's 4-part pocast for GLP1's done right. Then it opened my eyes for all of the benefits!! I've lost and gained the same 15 lbs for years with no real success. Weight watchers, jenny craig, high intensity workout, etc. GLP1 Tirz made loosing weight doable! I'm down 42 lbs since May. My focus is a lot of protein (i could almost be carnivore), low and slow dosage (still on 5mg), and strength training! I am able to lift 3 days a week and squat for the first time in years. I lifted a 45 lb sand bag the other day for reps and it really sank in how much that put on my body. I still have another 20 to go but at 50 I'll be far healthier than at 30!
For me, I gained 90 lbs last year prior to my dozen-eth surgery for nasal polyps. Being on Prednisone for the whole year always sucks, and comes with insatiable hunger. This has happened 6 times throughout my life, follow by rapid weightloss from extreme exercise once I can breathe again.

I started losing weight on Jan 1st 2024 this year at 295 lbs and am down to 178 lbs as of this morning. This has been the quickest I've lost all of my Prednisone weight so far, and the healthiest according to my (very frequent) blood test results.

Interestingly enough, it's also the least effort I have put into losing weight throughout my life. No need for extraneous exercise for 5+ hours per day and no constant soreness from exercising constantly while weighing too much. It's been more relaxed and healthy amount of exercise I get to put in while losing weight without a problem. I can actually have a full time job while being able to get this done.

Incredible! I love reading that.

I was 450lbs, truly suicidal and thinking about it daily. I'm now about to be in the 260's and don't think like that anymore. I'm excited to live for the first time in a decade and I credit these medicines, because everything changed when I gave them a chance.
The biggest change is hopefully one that takes decades to realize. Nothing is more important than living a long and healthy life and being there for those that need me and these medicines are helping me achieve that goal.

As for short term life changes, I think the most immediate change is the end of food noise and my ability to live my life the way I always wanted to. Nothing makes me happier than the desire to eat a nice healthy meal, eat said meal and then go about my life without thinking about all the other stuff I could be eating.

I got to say, posts like these are my favorite. I love reading about how these medicines are changing peoples lives for the better and I hope when I am older, we look back on this time as a major turning point, like the discovery of vaccines and the end of polio.
I'm more able to do everything! I was anti GLP1 until I found Dr. Tyna's 4-part pocast for GLP1's done right. Then it opened my eyes for all of the benefits!! I've lost and gained the same 15 lbs for years with no real success. Weight watchers, jenny craig, high intensity workout, etc. GLP1 Tirz made loosing weight doable! I'm down 42 lbs since May. My focus is a lot of protein (i could almost be carnivore), low and slow dosage (still on 5mg), and strength training! I am able to lift 3 days a week and squat for the first time in years. I lifted a 45 lb sand bag the other day for reps and it really sank in how much that put on my body. I still have another 20 to go but at 50 I'll be far healthier than at 30!
Out of curiosity, how were you originally anti GLP-1? I have a LOT of family that is excessively against these medications and don't really want to ask them as I don't want to clue them in on what I am taking.
I've lost 103 lbs and am now able to comfortably work out, walk everywhere (turns out I love this), and painlessly stand for hours at a time for band practice and shows. But even more than all of that, I went from abusing alcohol daily -- a struggle that's been going on since I was 13 years old -- to having a drink every once in a while and truly being able to give or take it. It feels like the most magical freedom from something that was just wrecking me and I couldn't shake no matter how hard I tried. And now the therapy I get to help me deal with the roots of that can actually stick and be meaningful. It's amazing and I am soooo very grateful.
Out of curiosity, how were you originally anti GLP-1? I have a LOT of family that is excessively against these medications and don't really want to ask them as I don't want to clue them in on what I am taking.

I heard so much bad about it in the media and seen many talk about side effects and folks having to stay on them "forever", the long-term risks (cancer, pancreatitis). I had one co-worker using Ozempic and she lost weight, but really struggled with her gut issues, was constantly sick. So that didn't help either. Then there's the "you're taking the easy way" comments and assumptions. I'm also not a "drug" person. I've not had a flu shot in many years, I don't go to a doctor just for a cold, etc. In my adult life, I have not taken an antibiotic unless absolutely necessary. However, I hit 200lbs and knew I had to do something. And I lost the same 15 pounds for years. Dr Tyna's podcast "Ozempic done right" really opened my eyes and ears to GLP1's. Then the rabbit hole began :).
Incredible! I love reading that.

I was 450lbs, truly suicidal and thinking about it daily. I'm now about to be in the 260's and don't think like that anymore. I'm excited to live for the first time in a decade and I credit these medicines, because everything changed when I gave them a chance.
Duuuuuude. High fives all around.

When did you start taking GLP1s? What made you choose GLP1s over bariatric surgery out of curiosity?
The biggest change is hopefully one that takes decades to realize. Nothing is more important than living a long and healthy life and being there for those that need me and these medicines are helping me achieve that goal.

As for short term life changes, I think the most immediate change is the end of food noise and my ability to live my life the way I always wanted to. Nothing makes me happier than the desire to eat a nice healthy meal, eat said meal and then go about my life without thinking about all the other stuff I could be eating.

I got to say, posts like these are my favorite. I love reading about how these medicines are changing peoples lives for the better and I hope when I am older, we look back on this time as a major turning point, like the discovery of vaccines and the end of polio.
Lack of food noise is my favorite part as well. Complete game changer.
I heard so much bad about it in the media and seen many talk about side effects and folks having to stay on them "forever", the long-term risks (cancer, pancreatitis). I had one co-worker using Ozempic and she lost weight, but really struggled with her gut issues, was constantly sick. So that didn't help either. Then there's the "you're taking the easy way" comments and assumptions. I'm also not a "drug" person. I've not had a flu shot in many years, I don't go to a doctor just for a cold, etc. In my adult life, I have not taken an antibiotic unless absolutely necessary. However, I hit 200lbs and knew I had to do something. And I lost the same 15 pounds for years. Dr Tyna's podcast "Ozempic done right" really opened my eyes and ears to GLP1's. Then the rabbit hole began :).
Glad you're along for the journey!

Feel free to ignore my to cents on doctor mindset: The way I see going to a doctor is an proactive and preventative maintenance.

Ex: Do you wait to take your car to a mechanic until your engine blows and you need to get it towed + repaired for an exponentially higher price than that of having it looked at by a mechanic once in a while?
They have made me lazy. lol. I spent 6 years in the Army and was in law enforcement for 20 years. I stayed in ok shape. Then, I gained a bunch of weight after having two surgeries last year. Losing weight is much harder in your mid 40's, and when you are in pain all of the time. This stuff is like a cheat code. "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start" It did help lessen some of the pain in my ankle and knee though.
Incredible! I love reading that.

I was 450lbs, truly suicidal and thinking about it daily. I'm now about to be in the 260's and don't think like that anymore. I'm excited to live for the first time in a decade and I credit these medicines, because everything changed when I gave them a chance.
You are truly a Delight, Dwight, and I'm happy you are here!
I’ve always been very active. My main hobbies are hiking, backpacking in the mountains and skiing but after the pandemic I gained so much weight that I was putting too much stress on my joints that I could not enjoy these activities anymore.

I hit a high of 325 lbs (I’m 6’2”) . I started semaglutide back in December and have dropped 65 lbs. There are so many things I’m able to do at 260 that were just not possible at 325.

For me MOTS-C has been every bit as much a miracle drug as semaglutide. Exercise no longer feel like a chore, and I can truly enjoy my hobbies again.

I plan to take a 1 month break from glp1s while trekking in Nepal next month (again something that I could not do at 325) and start Tirz. I’ll see how far that will take me, once I stall I’ll start reta and see how far that will take me (I have both stashed). Preserving muscle and improving overall fitness are more important than the numbers on the scale for me.
Duuuuuude. High fives all around.

When did you start taking GLP1s? What made you choose GLP1s over bariatric surgery out of curiosity?
I really appreciate it.

I had a family member who saw how bad I was and essentially pleaded with me to allow them to share their prescription of Mounjaro with me. (Crazy support right?) I was uninterested in the conversation and life in general, but they talked me into trying it that night. I took one of their lower dose pens that they no longer needed, felt the difference after a few days, and immediately found a doctor with the purpose of getting my own prescription. The rest is history.
For me it has given me control! I have yo-yo'd for years and every single time it's a horrible feeling to lose weight and I feel like garbage. Tried fast weight loss, slow, different forms of exercise. Tried everything and would always end up going back from overweight category to obese again despite exercise.

Glp1s fixed something that is broken in me. Absolutely I believe that. I am a veteran meditator so it's no exaggeration to say that I recognize when I have extreme difficulty dealing with hunger and it circumvents my willpower. This is a physical thing, I know my mind. Hunger comes from my body and takes control of me like alcohol addiction did years ago (thankfully I beat that demon). I blamed myself for years and struggled with limited success only to fail again.

If there was some psychological issue that caused me to eat, wouldn't that have become apparent by now? It's clear to me that it wasnt my fault and there is no deep psychological issue causing overeating because tirz just...fixed the whole issue. Even at 5mg a week maintenance now I'm able to control myself basically all the time. I've gotten into weight lifting and am loving my body. I'm doing everything right for months the first time in my life and feel awesome! Truly every aspect of my life is better.
Absolutely life changing! Diagnosed with PCOS at 18 and Ankylosing Spondylitis at 25. I've been around low to mid 200s (260 when I started T cmp) for most of my life. Today, I'm 5.9" at 191lb and I already feel like a new woman. I'm living life to the fullest and am excited about my future for the first time since high-school!

Thank you all for your time and sharing your community. This is a great platform with amazing pèeps!
My motivator for GLP-1s was vanity, honestly. I didn't start struggling with my weight until my mid 20s when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. From there, I had an ankle injury followed by a pregnancy that contributed to the weight gain. I lost about 10lbs of the 40 I had gained during that time when I got pregnant with my second. Then one day in 2018 I weight myself and was the highest I had ever been when not pregnant. From 2018-2020 I lost 50lbs through a strict diet and a ton of exercise (10-12 hours a week). Then in 2020 I went through a divorce and then Covid happened. I turned to food for comfort, often eating until I felt sick, and from 2020-2024 I gained back those 50lbs plus about 12 extra for good measure. I still have about 15lbs before I'm at my goal weight, but I'm feeling so much more confident in my skin and my self-esteem as returned.

This fall was the first season I didn't have to buy new clothes because the ones from last year were too small. I don't hide from the camera anymore and am happy to take pictures with my kids. Overall, I'm just a lot happier than I was, of course part of that is due to my antianxiety and antidepressant meds, but also the GLP-1s.
It's clear to me that it wasnt my fault .
It's not your fault. It's not a situation where blame should be applied, ever, imo.

My personal take is that we see so many of us struggling with weight now because we are just a few generations into not having widespread food scarcity issues, for the most part, anymore.

I think humans are hard wired to eat when there is excess (metaphorically and literally - spring and summer), store the fat from that excess and live off it during scarcity (winter). The only problem is that there typically is no winter anymore, so we just exist in a permanent state of excess. Couple this phenomenon with the type of foods we have access to now that were purposely engineered to be so tasty that they would be over consumed and bam, 75% of us are overweight and blaming ourselves.
Incredible! I love reading that.

I was 450lbs, truly suicidal and thinking about it daily. I'm now about to be in the 260's and don't think like that anymore. I'm excited to live for the first time in a decade and I credit these medicines, because everything changed when I gave them a chance.
This is amazing. And made me tear up. I am so happy for you @DwightTheDelight.

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