How much stock do you all keep? Realistic time to keep unprepared Tirz?


Aug 3, 2024
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Los Angeles, CA
Ordered T60 from Amo and it arrived in just a few days all the way from china! Previously bought some T15 from QSC and have been using it a bit while I get through the remainder of my branded mounjaro (new insurance doesn’t cover).

How much do yall stock up on? With supply getting better it’s only a matter of time until compounding pharmacies see more enforcement action from manufacturers and I’m worried prices, supply or both, will be disrupted here when that happens due to surge in demand.

As of now I have about 12-14 months of stock but nervous about losing potency over time. On the other hand, considering buying more just to have a super long term stockpile given how cheap it is relative to having to pay out of pocket for branded meds.
Ordered T60 from Amo and it arrived in just a few days all the way from china! Previously bought some T15 from QSC and have been using it a bit while I get through the remainder of my branded mounjaro (new insurance doesn’t cover).

How much do yall stock up on? With supply getting better it’s only a matter of time until compounding pharmacies see more enforcement action from manufacturers and I’m worried prices, supply or both, will be disrupted here when that happens due to surge in demand.

As of now I have about 12-14 months of stock but nervous about losing potency over time. On the other hand, considering buying more just to have a super long term stockpile given how cheap it is relative to having to pay out of pocket for branded meds.
I have only around 300mg tirz
I'm with you. Around 12 months supply doesn't hurt. I'm also hoping that during this time some of these drugs will be covered through insurance so I can switch over to the brand name, if proved economical.

With the kind of benefits GLP 1 are showing across a number of diseases, sooner or later they will get added to the formulary.
As much as I can afford, within reason of course. My understanding is it will keep for 3-5 years in the deep freezer but I'm not 100% certain on that being true.

Most certainly, my biggest fear is that the powers that be will decide that this needs to be aggressively regulated to the point that it will become impossible to get anything within reasonable costs. I do think I will feel good when I got at least 3 years worth in the freezer. Right now, I should be good for at least a year :cool:
I have about 4-6 months worth of Tirz depending on how my dose increases. Hoping for the latter because I'm basically living paycheck to paycheck most months. However I am saving on groceries and I'm also saving on my power bill because the Tirz has mostly halted my constant hot flashes and I've been able to bump the temp up about 3-4° and still be comfortable.
I’m working to build up a year’s supply. That should always give me enough buffer to handle whatever might happen with supply issues.
I have about a year. I also try to participate in a buy one at a time so I make one purchase and I wait until it arrives before participating in another.
10 kits of 10x12mg from the AR wholesale clearance, plus an extra 10x30mg kit. Also have about 10 kits of Reta stocked up. All in the dedicated non-defrost freezer with the other peptides.
Wow that’s crazy (not in a bad way)! Are you confident in the potency over time?
Semi-confident, some sources say frozen vials are good for years. Guess I will find out.

I'm shooting for about 1 year for tirz which has been my magic drug, don't need anything else really. If I have any other peptides hanging around I would just have maybe a kit or partial kit. It's tempting to buy more tirz but with the popularity I don't see it disappearing. Maybe more or less expensive, maybe easier or harder to acquire but it's not going anywhere unless something better comes along or it's found to be less safe than previously suggested.
10 kits of 10x12mg from the AR wholesale clearance, plus an extra 10x30mg kit. Also have about 10 kits of Reta stocked up. All in the dedicated non-defrost freezer with the other peptides.
Yesssss let's get it!
I have about 4-6 months worth of Tirz depending on how my dose increases. Hoping for the latter because I'm basically living paycheck to paycheck most months. However I am saving on groceries and I'm also saving on my power bill because the Tirz has mostly halted my constant hot flashes and I've been able to bump the temp up about 3-4° and still be comfortable.
Very understood. I have saved money not eating so much since on tirz lol
Have Zep pens that I held off using when the shortage started and I moved to compound. Have compound still from when the fear was EL would come off the shortage, and I found myself in this new and brave world of research tirz. Right now I have 8 Zep 5mg pens, 4 Zep 7.5 pens, I had 3 5mg pens but split all three directly into a vial. I have Hallandale vials of 7.5mg and 10mg compound, four vials of 10mg Ouisa compound. One Tydes Tirz 30mg vial that I bought since I was reconstituting for the first time and wanted to try it with a Jano-COA tested vial. I have 2 kits of Tirz 30 from Amopure - less the 2 vials sent off for the testing that @Cndmk so brilliantly put together. I have another kit of Tirz 30 from a different vendor - will lose one to eventual testing. A third kit of Tirz 30 from yet another vendor that doesn't require testing. And I note that my highest dose and only a few times, has been 7.6mg. The fear, the hoarding compulsion that has taken me over! Every time I open my fridge or my freeze, I run the numbers in my head - how much do I have, how much have I spent, what else might I want to try - hmmm, Cagri for the appetite suppression, Reta for the metabolic boost, epithalon for sleep, Mots-C for energy, etc and etc. My stock also includes the vials I've bought for subq Glow I'll start in October, and I've got ghk-cu cosmetic-grade powder coming for the external Glow. I've got Bac water with various expiration dates. I also have Bioboost +, and two vials of something called Pegasus, a B-Lipo-C concoction I haven't yet tried. And I think - ENOUGH, but I keep finding myself checking out the sales and prices, wondering if I should get a kit of Cagri, of Reta, etc. I also have a detailed BUD and expiration date schedule. I don't usually experience the FOMO, but it's taken hold of me!
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Have Zep pens that I held off using when the shortage started and I moved to compound. Have compound still from when the fear was EL would come off the shortage, and I found myself in this new and brave world of research tirz. Right now I have 8 Zep 5mg pens, 4 Zep 7.5 pens, I had 3 5mg pens but split all three directly into a vial. I have Hallandale vials of 7.5mg and 10mg compound, four vials of 10mg Ouisa compound. One Tydes Tirz 30mg vial that I bought since I was reconstituting for the first and wanted to try it with a Jano-COA tested vial. I have 2 kits of Tirz 30 from Amopure - less the 2 vials sent off for the testing that @Cndmk so brilliantly put together. I have another kit of Tirz 30 from a different vendor - will lose one to eventual testing. A third kit of Tirz 30 from yet another vendor that doesn't require testing. And I note that my highest dose and only a few times, has been 7.6mg. The fear, the hoarding compulsion that has taken me over! Every time I open my fridge or my freeze, I run the numbers in my head - how much do I have, how much have I spent, what else might I want to try - hmmm, Cagri for the appetite suppression, Reta for the metabolic boost, epithalon for sleep, Mots-C for energy, etc and etc. My stock also includes the vials I've bought for subq Glow I'll start in October, and I've got ghk-cu cosmetic-grade powder coming for the external Glow. I've got Bac water with various expiration dates. I think - ENOUGH, but I keep finding myself checking out the sales and prices, wondering if I should get a kit of Cagri, of Reta, etc. I also have a detailed BUD and expiration date schedule. I don't usually experience the FOMO, but it's taken hold of me!
All this sounds about right! I just tried mots and purchased kit of NAD from q. Just thinking I need more. Maybe a kit of mots
All this sounds about right! I just tried mots and purchased kit of NAD from q. Just thinking I need more. Maybe a kit of mots
How was the Mots-C? Was it for energy? I forgot to include that I also have a Bioboost Plus vial and 2 vials of what's called Pegasus - a version of the B12 lipo c blend.

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