
New Member
Feb 13, 2025
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I am new and search and search this forum for information on. HYB QST ALM and TCI!!! I can’t find anything on here about any of these. I just place a rather nice size order with one of them! 😢
Has anyone ordered from any of these and can provide me with insite!!! GOOD OR BAD. Thank you
Ooooh I get it, it's one of those weird flex challenge thread

Alright I'll go second;
The other day I changed my break pads on my rav4. I searched the entire Toyota forum for the proper part number, but could not find anything!! So used the first one I saw when going to Canadian Tire. I have not tried the breaks yet, but so far so good! if you guys have any insight GOOD OR BAD on the proper part number I should use for next time, you let me know!! 💪
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Really should have done this "research" before ordering. Not knocking you down, but...
All of there are on stairwaytogray. I did do research. Apparently I am not reaching this site correctly!! FYI I’m not stupid. Just asked a simple question. I’ve been researching for several weeks now! I just thought maybe someone here could assist since you all have been here a while!
All of there are on stairwaytogray. I did do research. Apparently I am not reaching this site correctly!! FYI I’m not stupid. Just asked a simple question. I’ve been researching for several weeks now! I just thought maybe someone here could assist since you all have been here a while!

Sorry you have to hear from some of the assholes on this forum.

They spend 6 months in the gray market and act like they fucking know everything.

Which vendor did you order from? You gave a list of several and just mentioned that you ordered from one of them.
To search on this site for a term less than three characters, add a * to the end. So your search is "HYB*"' for example

As for what you ordered, you certainly shouldn't use it unless you've seen an official report of a lab test for the particular batch that you have, showing purity % and actual weight of the active ingredient in the vial (which you'll use to adjust your reconstitution/dosage calculations if it's far off from nominal weight). You'll need to use the search function here and on similar sites to find that report, which is usually referred to as a CoA.
Sorry you have to hear from some of the assholes on this forum.

They spend 6 months in the gray market and act like they fucking know everything.
I'm gonna speak for myself, but I have no issue with someone not knowing about something. I have issues with someone not knowing about something but still decide to proceed anyway. To me it's just very irresponsible given that you gonna put that into your body afterall.

Not everyone can be saved.
I'm gonna speak for myself, but I have no issue with someone not knowing about something. I have issues with someone not knowing about something but still decide to proceed anyway. To me it's just very irresponsible given that you gonna put that into your body afterall.

Not everyone can be saved.

What the hell are you talking about?

If you're going to spend time on here, at least try to be helpful instead of a condescending asshole.
What the hell are you talking about?

If you're going to spend time on here, at least try to be helpful instead of a condescending asshole.
Lol, I'm not gonna help someone that just buy something before knowing if it's OK. That's just irresponsible
The op seems to be ambiguous in which vendor they ordered from, if in fact they ordered at all it would seem after the fact questions should be directed at that vendor.

If you did order from one, narrowing it down to one vendor might help.

if you want to research all of these the abc* (initials and the * button on 3 letter searches)might be useful in the search
If you want to look through the VENDOR area that may help you as well.

Good luck!
The op seems to be ambiguous in which vendor they ordered from, if in fact they ordered at all it would seem after the fact questions should be directed at that vendor.

If you did order from one, narrowing it down to one vendor might help.

if you want to research all of these the abc* (initials and the * button on 3 letter searches)might be useful in the search
If you want to look through the VENDOR area that may help you as well.

Good luck!

I prefer to use Google since this site is indexed.

enter ABC123 site:glp1forum.com

And google will only return results from this forum.
Sorry to tell you that, but you suck at searching real bad
Not really. It's hard to search 3 letter words and abbreviations on this site. One way to do it is to to add an asterisk after the 3 letters. E.g., TCI*, HYB*, GYC*, or SRY*. For more information on how to search, see how to search this forum.

Edit: After I wrote the initial version, Brentm pointed out that doing so only sometimes works. You're better off searching this site using Google as described in subsequent posts.
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Not really. It's hard to search 3 letter words and abbreviations on this site. One way to do it is to to add an asterisk after the 3 letters. E.g., TCI*, HYB*, GYC*, or SRY*. For more information on how to search, see how to search this forum.

Using the asterisks isn't the solution. It's not consistent.

For instance, take the GYC* example you gave and search it using the site search. I get "No Results Found".

Then look at the actual results for GYC according to Google.

Using the asterisks isn't the solution. It's not consistent.

For instance, take the GYC* example you gave and search it using the site search. I get "No Results Found".

Then look at the actual results for GYC according to Google.

Brentm correctly pointed out that I gave bad advice

Try this instead. Go to the Google search engine. You can use your address bar if your default search engine is Google. Then type "site:glp1forum.com," followed by a space, then your search term. E.g., "site:glp1forum.com hyb." Then press enter.

If that doesn't work, ask someone else for help on how to fix the problem.
Is it weird that I am even more attracted to Scarlett Johansson? The beauty and giving off Tracy vibes...weirdest boner ever.

In all seriousness, it took me a long time to get the search feature in this forum down. I feel your pain.

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