I don’t drink and I do weight training. Are you referring to the Winstrol or the inhibitor?
Brain atrophy? It's a side effect of anabolic steroid abuse. Recreational use of Winstrol would fall into that category.
Although Clomid is most well known for fertility treatment in females. It is used commonly to kick start natural testosterone production after a cycle of anabolic steroids.
Clomid is also given as a fertility treatment in men with low sperm count. Not just for coming off gear and it's cheap from vendors like SSA.

Clomiphene increases free testosterone levels in men with both secondary hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction: who does and does not benefit? - International Journal of Impotence Research
Secondary hypogonadism is more common than primary gonadal failure and is seen in chronic and acute illnesses. Although testosterone has a role in erections, its importance in erectile dysfunction (ED) has been controversial. Hypogonadism produced by functional suppression of pituitary...