Is there any advantage to joining vendor discords and telegrams?

Or make a few posts and read some stuff.... But guess that is too high of a bar for some people.
Right? I got Peppy’s full access but I can’t get full access here. I’ll be a newbie forever here. I just want full access to documents 😭
Right? I got Peppy’s full access but I can’t get full access here. I’ll be a newbie forever here. I just want full access to documents 😭
Sorry to break it to you but glp1f Shangri-La doesn’t exist… there is no such thing as full access here. You don’t even have to log in to see all the content.
Peppys full access you gotta take a polygraph, background check and submit fingerprints. It’s brutal.
That was a few months back, I did all of the same and then they opened everything up to basically public like a week later lmfao