Is Tirz even something I should consider for 10-15lbs?

I may just give it a shot and if I gain it back so be it. Anyone have a recommendation for a vendor with a small moq? I’ve looked at a few of the main ones and they have so far had 2 kit minimums.
I may just give it a shot and if I gain it back so be it. Anyone have a recommendation for a vendor with a small moq? I’ve looked at a few of the main ones and they have so far had 2 kit minimums.
Only sales have moq. I don't know of any vendors that you can't buy a single kit from at their list price.
Is it possible you have loose skin fucking with your perception and it’s not really flab? I have a son at 5’11” 160lbs who’s pretty muscular but he’s super lean at that weight. Can’t imagine dropping anymore. I have another at 5’8 and 145 but is built like a pit bull, 10lbs lighter he was 4% body fat and while he did have muscle, he was mostly just skinny. My point is you may need to work on adding more lean mass.

Bodybuilders use glp’s to cut, but they’re also solidly built. How long have you been training? The meso forums would be a better resource for you if you want to improve body composition.

Lastly, there is evidence going off and on the peptides can make them less effective at the lower doses. Something to keep in mind if you are wanting to cycle off and on. If you start at the lowest suggested dose and lose quickly, I’d cut the dose in half, giving yourself more room to dose higher later.
Is it possible you have loose skin fucking with your perception and it’s not really flab? I have a son at 5’11” 160lbs who’s pretty muscular but he’s super lean at that weight. Can’t imagine dropping anymore. I have another at 5’8 and 145 but is built like a pit bull, 10lbs lighter he was 4% body fat and while he did have muscle, he was mostly just skinny. My point is you may need to work on adding more lean mass.

Bodybuilders use glp’s to cut, but they’re also solidly built. How long have you been training? The meso forums would be a better resource for you if you want to improve body composition.

Lastly, there is evidence going off and on the peptides can make them less effective at the lower doses. Something to keep in mind if you are wanting to cycle off and on. If you start at the lowest suggested dose and lose quickly, I’d cut the dose in half, giving yourself more room to dose higher later.
I’ve been consistently training for about two years, been lifting on and off for a number of years before that. Always been athletic, just hit a rough patch mentally in college. I would say I didn’t really know what I was doing training and nutrition wise until the last year or so. I 100% don’t have enough muscle, as I’ve been trying to lose all this fat for the last two years, so I’ve never had an opportunity to do a proper bulk.

I don’t know if it’s fat distribution genetics or what, but it’s not loose skin. I 100% have an inner tube of fat around my midsection that I can grab. Even though I have lost around 50-60 pounds, it’s been very slow and I am young with elastic skin, so I don’t think I have much loose skin, if any.

My goal with this substance is to overshoot a sustainable day to day bodyfat, get down to around 10%, and then start a lean bulk. I may use it again in the future if I find it to be very helpful with minimal sides, but I would prefer to get muscle on my frame, raising my TDEE to a point where cutting isn’t so difficult, and being more satisfied with my physique at a higher bf%, where I don’t have to use any substance to maintain my body.

Getting down to 180 was pretty easy, to get to 160 I’ve been eating 1500 cals, walking 4 miles a day, and strength training 3-4 times a week. Obviously a horrible experience that left me constantly tired, hungry, and in a bad mood. I know I can get down to ~150 on my own, but ideally the peptide will just make it less painful of an experience. My biggest issues when cutting is constant hunger, food noise, and impulse control. Seems like I would be a very good candidate for the drug and if I decide to try it out and then don’t need it in the future, seems like the potential long term effects of one or two cycles is negligible, especially compared to something like testosterone.
Is it possible you have loose skin fucking with your perception and it’s not really flab? I have a son at 5’11” 160lbs who’s pretty muscular but he’s super lean at that weight. Can’t imagine dropping anymore. I have another at 5’8 and 145 but is built like a pit bull, 10lbs lighter he was 4% body fat and while he did have muscle, he was mostly just skinny. My point is you may need to work on adding more lean mass.

Bodybuilders use glp’s to cut, but they’re also solidly built. How long have you been training? The meso forums would be a better resource for you if you want to improve body composition.

Lastly, there is evidence going off and on the peptides can make them less effective at the lower doses. Something to keep in mind if you are wanting to cycle off and on. If you start at the lowest suggested dose and lose quickly, I’d cut the dose in half, giving yourself more room to dose higher later.
I appreciate the advice, here’s the fat im talking about for reference. I will very likely be too skinny at peak cut, but the intention is not to get to 145-150 pounds and maintain that. That would be insane 😂
I appreciate the advice, here’s the fat im talking about for reference. I will very likely be too skinny at peak cut, but the intention is not to get to 145-150 pounds and maintain that. That would be insane 😂
View attachment 4310
Most of us men losing with tirz/sema end up looking like that anyways, so if you're confident you can lose the weight anyways and your goal is to prevent anymore skinny fat...... tirz is probably not worth it.
Most of us men losing with tirz/sema end up looking like that anyways, so if you're confident you can lose the weight anyways and your goal is to prevent anymore skinny fat...... tirz is probably not worth it.
I would think most using it probably do not have specific targeted goals for their physique or are tracking calories. I’d imagine most users are just intuitive eating with it and get to the point I'm at and are satisfied. I don’t think a skinny fat physique would be a consequence of the drug itself vs natural weight loss and anyone could use it to get diced if they really wanted to, but it’s just not what most people care about or are using it for and adding it on top of an already disciplined and active lifestyle could have some crazy results.

I do see your point though. Still haven’t decided one way or another but i figure it ultimately wouldn’t hurt to just try it out.
I appreciate the advice, here’s the fat im talking about for reference. I will very likely be too skinny at peak cut, but the intention is not to get to 145-150 pounds and maintain that. That would be insane 😂
View attachment 4310
I mean you need some skin there for sitting or bending? I've seen in shape guys (like you) obsess over mid skin to the point of getting tummy tucks! The result is when you blink you rectally prolapse! You wanna be that tight?

No offense but this isn't a GLP-1 issue because by the time that area is effected you will be positively ugly everywhere else like The Walking Dead. The mid section seems to be the last to benefit from weight loss.

Do a sit up while clenching your sphincter then repeat. This should tighten your abdomen while keeping your large intestine where it belongs.
I mean you need some skin there for sitting or bending? I've seen in shape guys (like you) obsess over mid skin to the point of getting tummy tucks! The result is when you blink you rectally prolapse! You wanna be that tight?

No offense but this isn't a GLP-1 issue because by the time that area is effected you will be positively ugly everywhere else like The Walking Dead. The mid section seems to be the last to benefit from weight loss.

Do a sit up while clenching your sphincter then repeat. This should tighten your abdomen while keeping your large intestine where it belongs.
Asking this question outside of bodybuilding forums may have been a mistake 😂
Asking this question outside of bodybuilding forums may have been a mistake 😂
It's good to have multiple perspectives. Have you got an accurate measure of what your total bf actually is? You might just be genetically unlucky to carry more fat there. I'm the same height and sitting just hair over 200lbs right now (down from 256). I'm still 35% bf on a dexa but I'm targeting 160lbs with 10%bf
It's good to have multiple perspectives. Have you got an accurate measure of what your total bf actually is? You might just be genetically unlucky to carry more fat there. I'm the same height and sitting just hair over 200lbs right now (down from 256). I'm still 35% bf on a dexa but I'm targeting 160lbs with 10%bf
True, but I think to people outside of the bodybuilding sphere it comes off as fickle or insecure to be concerned about 15% vs 10% bodyfat and they don’t understand the motivations behind it, which is understandable.

I have not gotten a dexa, the most I’ve done is rough estimations based on an online calculator that takes measurements at a few different points, like your neck, waist, ect and factors in your height, weight, and age. It’s not the most accurate, but it’s pretty close and has tracked accurately in terms of how much weight I’ve lost corresponding to the drop in bf% that it calculates. Just looking at male bodyfat charts too I think 16% is pretty damn accurate.

Also, 10% bodyfat is insanely shredded. I may have unlucky genetics with how my fat distributes on my body, but after a certain point genetics really don’t matter that much. At 10% bodyfat you can start to see striations in muscle and will certainly not have the “soft” look that I’m working with now. I know it’s a YouTube thumbnail optimized for engagement, so not a 100% accurate picture, but I definitely feel like my physique is currently like the before and I would like to approach the after. I don’t think that’s impossible.

True, but I think to people outside of the bodybuilding sphere it comes off as fickle or insecure to be concerned about 15% vs 10% bodyfat and they don’t understand the motivations behind it, which is understandable.
I didn't measure at the time but I think I was about 10%bf when I weighed 144lbs coming out of Basic Training. I'd like to get there again with more mass and see how it feels before I decide on my long term goal. Everyone is going to have different amount of difficulty walking around at 10% long term. But there isn't any health differences between 10-20% in general and most people here just trying to get into that healthy range.
Yeah tesa/ipa is a growth hormone secretagogue combo that is theoretically safer than just taking gh direct. Often used by the body builders for that last bit of cut while maintaining as much mass as possible.
I appreciate the advice, here’s the fat im talking about for reference. I will very likely be too skinny at peak cut, but the intention is not to get to 145-150 pounds and maintain that. That would be insane 😂
View attachment 4310
Hard to tell with the squishing angle and not full body. It does look like some extra fat, but I think it’s more of also being undermuscled.

And yeah, i suggested the Meso forums for better advice from people who actually train. I’m a woman, but it’s majority men there and their advice generally is pretty solid overall 🤪
I didn't read the whole thread but even with 5lbs to lose I would consider GLP1s. Pick your flavor

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