Just joined so can post reviews later

Also maybe consider batch numbers on the vials that can be traced back to batch numbers on the tests. This is one of the
@SRY Lab Lucy

This shows some organization on your part.

If you label each vial (or even each kit) with a batch number, then put that batch number on the Jano test, buyers can then verify what's in their hand matches the test. Otherwise, how do we know that a vendor didn't test one batch and then sell us vials from another batch? Trust is earned, not freely given, especially in this market that seems to be riddled with scams, liars, and cheats.

What might benefit you is to win over a loud mouth skeptic, earn his trust, and his recommendation.
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There were 4-5 new member posts where you jumped right on them the instant they joined, trying to make a sale before they had a chance to decide for themselves and look things over. They all stated they were new to this, so before they had a chance to learn anything and talk to people, you were shoving yourself down their throats.

And there was another thread where there were 4 or 5 new members who joined and and within minutes, the only post they made was in support of you, when we all know that no one here had even received a sample from you yet.

My bad on the last one, I went back to make sure I had the right vendor, there are so many, and I see it was a different vendor who this comment refers to.

It was Rachel who had the suspicious posts supporting her, and because she was mentioned in the same post as you, I made the mistake of thinking Rachel was from SRY...

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But I have to say that you are by far the most "aggressive" vendor on here. Posting the same thing numerous times and jumping on new members the minute they join. Maybe tone it down a bit, give your samples a chance to be tested and rely on recommendations from members who are testing them, rather than insisting that everyone blindly trust you.

You've come out with several new batches and testing to support them, so it seems like you are selling product in other places, but your posts come across as "desperate for a sale", at least to me they do.

Just because there aren't a lot of posts supporting you or a lot of people buying from you in this particular forum, doesn't mean people aren't watching and following your comments.

Also maybe consider batch numbers on the vials that can be traced back to batch numbers on the tests. This is one of the things that many people look for.
You have typed so many words, it seems that what you said is also very reasonable. You are a salesperson who knows a lot about peptide products! Do you have any evidence that I attacked new members? I only had a private chat with one member from beginning to end, and she was not a new member,because we chatted with each other under a post, so I wanted to talk to him privately, but I didn't know that you Westerners didn't like this way of chatting. He complained about me. After the forum officer told me, I didn't talk to any member in private! Can't I like other members? Can't I sell my own products? You haven't bought or used my products to slander my products and praise other products for their good. Is this what a normal person should do? We meet the needs of every customer in Jinli, strive to make our own products, and treat every customer attentively! But it seems that it has nothing to do with you!Anyway, I still want to thank you for being so attentive to our SRY, whether it's slander or teaching, thank you!
You have typed so many words, it seems that what you said is also very reasonable. You are a salesperson who knows a lot about peptide products! Do you have any evidence that I attacked new members? I only had a private chat with one member from beginning to end, and she was not a new member,because we chatted with each other under a post, so I wanted to talk to him privately, but I didn't know that you Westerners didn't like this way of chatting. He complained about me. After the forum officer told me, I didn't talk to any member in private! Can't I like other members? Can't I sell my own products? You haven't bought or used my products to slander my products and praise other products for their good. Is this what a normal person should do? We meet the needs of every customer in Jinli, strive to make our own products, and treat every customer attentively! But it seems that it has nothing to do with you!Anyway, I still want to thank you for being so attentive to our SRY, whether it's slander or teaching, thank you!
Dear friend, I'm honestly not sure if it's the language barrier or if you need some Prozac to slow down that rollercoaster. But you're right about one thing, I most definitely won't have anything to do with you. Thank you sweetie for letting everyone know I'm not the only one to complain about you.. point made. Best of luck, dear friend.
Also maybe consider batch numbers on the vials that can be traced back to batch numbers on the tests. This is one of the things that many people look for.
I totally agree on this, test without batch number or at least some kind of ID (color of cap or something) will not guarantee we get the same product as the one shown on the test result. Example is @Sheldor and his issue with Ret right now - he doesn't know if his product is from the bad batch or the new one.
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Anyway, to balance comments here, I would like add little bit of support for SRY again (as negative comments are already well managed by Chef ;) ) What I like about them, that they publish tests even when they show its 10% underfill or so, my impression from that is they are open about their results so gain my trust... for me 10% less is OK if their price is low and order to delivery time is very fast and smooth process etc. So I just hope they will continue trying to improve and hopefully next batch will be already on spot or even little bit overfill.
Anyway, to balance comments here, I would like add little bit of support for SRY again (as negative comments are already well managed by Chef ;) ) What I like about them, that they publish tests even when they show its 10% underfill or so, my impression from that is they are open about their results so gain my trust... for me 10% less is OK if their price is low and order to delivery time is very fast and smooth process etc. So I just hope they will continue trying to improve and hopefully next batch will be already on spot or even little bit overfill.
Thank you very much for your support and trust. Although there were some mistakes, they did not result in being sentenced to death. No matter what the reason is for the decrease in dosage, we will accept this reality. Although some of these products have slightly lower doses and are not particularly excellent, they are still considered qualified and within a reasonable range. In addition, our purity is really awesome, and we hope to be recognized by everyone. We will also make continuous efforts to improve the problem of insufficient dose of products. I also sincerely hope that our product can help every user who uses it! Thank you, Brooke Chef, thank you, Milos!