Made in China


Apr 1, 2024
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The website Made in China just sent me a email recommending 3 suppliers for GLP-1's. How legit do you think it really is???
Made in China is "legit"-ish. They are a marketplace similar to Alibaba, but for far more sketchy shit.

Ultimately you have to vet each supplier individually. 99% of the vendors you'll hear discussed appear on MIC, along with thousands of others that nobody has been daring enough to try yet. The vast majority are just "Trading Companies" a/k/a resellers who just buy from another supplier.
Made in China is "legit"-ish. They are a marketplace similar to Alibaba, but for far more sketchy shit.

Ultimately you have to vet each supplier individually. 99% of the vendors you'll hear discussed appear on MIC, along with thousands of others that nobody has been daring enough to try yet. The vast majority are just "Trading Companies" a/k/a resellers who just buy from another supplier.
A decent number of these have popped up on Meso recently, in terms of resellers. It's really clear that they're all likely sourcing from the same supplier after any type of remotely close examination of their price lists, most clearly when some random specialty items appear across multiple sources. The most visible one I am thinking of is the sildenafil/tadalafil (best known as Viagra and Cialis, respectively) combo that is called "cock bombs"; it's really unlikely that multiple vendors appear within 1-2 months of each other all suddenly calling a particular product "cock bomb" without it being that they are just reselling the same source who provides "cock bombs" as an option. There are other examples, but obviously that name jumps off the page quite readily :D and is easier to see a pattern than seeing 10mg tirz or 10mg reta multiple places.

In terms of what it actually means, I'm not quite as sure yet. Would a Janoshik test (good or bad) from one of these vendors likely be applicable to any other vendor with a similar price list, if they are all sourcing from the same supplier? If so, this could help with working through a number of vendors from a product quality standpoint, especially perhaps discarding some. It is extremely unlikely though that any of us will "know" with certainty that they are using the same supplier. Naturally, customer service and shipping standards will be different even if they are all using the same supplier, and this is just as important as having products with good quality testing. 99% purity doesn't matter if it's 0% shipping success rate, and vice versa. And every vendor, even the most established among them, is only as good as their most recent product testing, customer service, and delivery experience. The reputation for high quality in these can take a while to establish, and it takes only a few bad experiences, or even just one particularly terrible one, to demolish that reputation and force a rebuild.

I do appreciate everyone who is seeking out the new vendors and testing them, both for quality through Janoshik and for experience as a purchaser. More good quality options are almost always better, both for keeping existing vendors honest and providing other options in case of bad vendor experiences.
A decent number of these have popped up on Meso recently, in terms of resellers. It's really clear that they're all likely sourcing from the same supplier after any type of remotely close examination of their price lists, most clearly when some random specialty items appear across multiple sources.
They are a marketplace similar to Alibaba, but for far more sketchy shit. -Zippity
I do appreciate everyone who is seeking out the new vendors and testing them, both for quality through Janoshik and for experience as a purchaser. More good quality options are almost always better, both for keeping existing vendors honest and providing other options in case of bad vendor experiences.

I agree with you Zip. Made-In-China vendors are notably sketchy in demanding company.

And I agree also with you, @FourthQuintile that "every vendor... is only as good as their most recent product testing, customer service, and delivery experience."

Reading through the user feedback and accumulated experience of forum users here is very, very helpful. Doing so greatly assists in weeding out the dross, and greatly improving the chances of selecting high quality products from reliable vendors. However, the forum's User Experience data is unstructured, and, it is dispersed widely across random forums. Finding it is tedious and reaching a conclusion takes far, far longer than most people will commit to.

Gonkulator, is it possible to create a Forum tailored to hold User Experience reports?
And to structure it in a concise, somewhat standardized way so that users will find it easy to make their contributions?
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both Made In China and Alibaba are only platform for sellers and buyers, There are too many suppliers on the market. Choosing a long-term partner is everyone's ultimate goal, including delivery speed, transportation timeliness, and of course product quality and after-sales guarantee.This may require constant trial and comparison.;)
Made in China is "legit"-ish. They are a marketplace similar to Alibaba, but for far more sketchy shit.

Ultimately you have to vet each supplier individually. 99% of the vendors you'll hear discussed appear on MIC, along with thousands of others that nobody has been daring enough to try yet. The vast majority are just "Trading Companies" a/k/a resellers who just buy from another supplier.
I just dared try one. Will share when I get my stuff how it is. I went with both good pricing and had zero issues answering questions
I just dared try one. Will share when I get my stuff how it is. I went with both good pricing and had zero issues answering questions
Brava! @Goreandglitter. I did a similar thing by purchasing a kit from a newish CN vendor.. Stunningly short delivery time! But it is Retatrutide and I have something like 4-5 months of Tirzepatide ahead of it now! I was fatally tempted by QSC's Group Buy and a forum member here who made it just too easy to buy part of a kit. And I can resist any thing but temptation ya know!
Brava! @Goreandglitter. I did a similar thing by purchasing a kit from a newish CN vendor.. Stunningly short delivery time! But it is Retatrutide and I have something like 4-5 months of Tirzepatide ahead of it now! I was fatally tempted by QSC's Group Buy and a forum member here who made it just too easy to buy part of a kit. And I can resist any thing but temptation ya know!
Mine just shipped via fedex so we’ll see how long it takes to get here.
" ...Would a Janoshik test (good or bad) from one of these vendors likely be applicable to any other vendor with a similar price list, if they are all sourcing from the same supplier?... It is extremely unlikely though that any of us will "know" with certainty that they are using the same supplier. "
It would be a fine thing if we could deduce where a vendor's raw product was manufactured, and interesting to know.

My speculation is that the bulk RAW product, in kilogram and larger weights, is purchased by many distributor-trader-vendors.
The Raws would then be processed through sterile filtration, mixed with mallitol filler to make it easier to accurately divide into vial portions, lyophilized, packed and sold to us. There would be any number of opportunities to short-weight the product to increase profits; being human, many Chinese traders could not resist!

Disappointingly, as consumers I believe we are left with no choice but to COA every batch purchased from every different "brand" we deal with. Further, widely reporting our individual experiences with each batch from each vendor looks like a necessity to keep the vendors honest provide feedback.
I mean they're PEOPLE, wadda ya gonna do 🤷‍♂️
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Would a Janoshik test (good or bad) from one of these vendors likely be applicable to any other vendor with a similar price list, if they are all sourcing from the same supplier?
Possibly, but probably not reliably. With a company operating under "known" aliases like XCE/Cool Achieve/Xinchenyu/Energy Cycle did it's probably safe to trust test results for the same product, but for anyone else without firm knowledge of the associations between companies it would be a pretty big gamble.
It would be a fine thing if we could deduce where a vendor's raw product was manufactured, and interesting to know.

My speculation is that the bulk RAW product, in kilogram and larger weights, is purchased by many distributor-trader-vendors.
The Raws would then be processed through sterile filtration, mixed with mallitol filler to make it easier to accurately divide into vial portions, lyophilized, packed and sold to us. There would be any number of opportunities to short-weight the product to increase profits; being human, many Chinese traders could not resist!

Dsappointingly, as consumers I believe we are left with no choice but to COA every batch purchased from every different "brand" we deal with. Further, widely reporting our individual experiences with each batch from each vendor looks like a necessity to keep the vendors honest.
I mean they're PEOPLE, wadda ya gonna do 🤷‍♂️
Without getting too deep into the weeds of how the sausage is made, there are only a handful of actual manufacturers synthesizing the raws; 3-5 is the best current intel.

The fill & finish companies (which still call themselves "manufacturers") actually produce the solution that is filled into the vials and lyophilized. Some of those companies sell direct to anyone wanting them including you and I, while others are B2B only. Some will also re-package and resell unfinished raws. The manufacturers doing the actual synthesis will not sell directly to anyone in the west to remain anonymous; they will only sell to intermediary trading companies in China. Anyone who says they're buying directly from the manufacturer who synthesized the peptide is stupid (I'll avoid calling them liars because they genuinely don't understand who they're buying from).

Believe it or not, the fill & finish companies are not trying to "short" anyone. The problem is that up until the recent explosion of GLP-1's they all used a set formula ("recipe") for mixing the fluid used to make finished vials and account for lyophilization losses. Let's say they are using a factor of 1.2 as a fixed filling value. For BPC-157 would mean filling a vial with 12mg to net a 10mg finished product. That may work fine for BPC, but now use that same factor for semaglutide and the finished vial may only have 7.2mg instead of 10mg. The "good" companies are learning to develop unique factors for each peptide and are getting much better with accuracy of the finished products. But there are still others sticking to their old fixed factor for everything which is why there are such huge variances sometimes. (Unfortunately Chinese culture makes it difficult and often impossible for any one person or even small group of engineers to change their practices; there are countless layers of middle managers etc. who have to all agree on these kind of changes and many are simply not willing to upset the apple cart.)

On top of all that, lyophilization losses still vary even with exact calculations and dispensing just due to the nature of the process so there will always be subtle variances that are beyond anyone's control.

Testing will always be a critical component to proper dosing and harm reduction. While I wouldn't use the phrase "keeping them honest" to bolster the need for testing, it definitely can cause some of the suppliers to improve. The others will just keep finding new customers willing to save a buck and send them money who will never do any testing beside their "feels".
Thank you Zip. Your better understanding of the process leads to a more generous interpretation of motives than mine.
I like that and I've amended my original post's wording.
Possibly, but probably not reliably. With a company operating under "known" aliases like XCE/Cool Achieve/Xinchenyu/Energy Cycle did it's probably safe to trust test results for the same product, but for anyone else without firm knowledge of the associations between companies it would be a pretty big gamble.
Hey Gonk, I just tried to re-order from CA and got no response. They always respond ASAP. Did they switch things up again?
Hey Gonk, I just tried to re-order from CA and got no response. They always respond ASAP. Did they switch things up again?
The Chinese government shut them down mid-March for (allegedly) attracting too much attention by selling direct to consumer. "Peter" and his associates are believed to have been hauled off to a re-education camp or worse. The same factory has been resurrected under different management (now called "XYX" -- creative, eh?) but they only sell B2B and group buys for now while they determine if their government supervisors will allow them to return to selling B2C (but without an attention-attracting website next time).

What were you trying to order from them?
The Chinese government shut them down mid-March for (allegedly) attracting too much attention by selling direct to consumer. "Peter" and his associates are believed to have been hauled off to a re-education camp or worse. The same factory has been resurrected under different management (now called "XYX" -- creative, eh?) but they only sell B2B and group buys for now while they determine if their government supervisors will allow them to return to selling B2C (but without an attention-attracting website next time).

What were you trying to order from them?
Thats absolutely awful and terrible news for me. I need to order Tirz. Im fine with 10mg or 15mg. You can absolutely DM if needed.

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