Reta has been great, less appetite suppression but it really doesn't matter it broke a 2-month stall(I was on tirz) and so far I can say the weight loss rate is at least 30% more and plus the days after injection the thermogenic effect is really nice, I don't feel cold anymore, I had the same concern, I started with a really conservative dose of 1mg, and did that for a couple of weeks and then moved up to the normal starting dose of 2mg, if you feel like you want the appetite suppression try stacking with a small dose of cagri or even triz, you will lose weight regardless, however, when and if you do start reta don't stack it with anything at first, try it by itself and then judge how you feel. Also don't take it at night, it will not let you sleep if you do. Have not had issues with heartrate, do have an increase in bpm injection day and then it normalizes, no issues so far. Also be very mindful of your water intake, reta did gave me headaches but I was dehydrated, tirz suppressed my thirst cues lol.