My Cagri Chronicle: ongoing updates on progress with cag starting October 2024

my full send of 11.7mg T, 1mg Cag, 1mg sema on Monday, 1mg cag on thursday is really doing the trick this week. down 4 pounds, barely ate yesterday and not hungry today. 3 pounds to go to hit my february goal and the entire month to do it.

i made another forum post about whether i'll ever have the magic back of those first few weeks on tirz, and lo and behold, throwing the kitchen sink of glp's at myself gave me the magic again - at least for 36 hours!

i'm out of sema now so next week is tirz 15mg + cagri tbd and i'm considering doing 1mg with the tirz on monday and 1mg on thurs/fri but not sure yet
Wait a minute... are you doing Tirz, Cagri & Sema the same day???
Wait a minute... are you doing Tirz, Cagri & Sema the same day???
had a cheap vial of cagrisema i was working through. only pinned on the same day one time because my tirz vial was slightly short of the full dose. it's gone now. down to tirz+cag now, on different days
I’ve had great success stacking cagri with tirz. I did tirz alone for 3 months and cagri/tirz for 3 months so far - greater average weight loss/wk with cagri/tirz. I was pinning tirz every 5 days when I started the stack but transitioned to every 6 days and now 7 days. Currently on 8.25mg T and 500mcg C.