New here and excited to learn!


Oct 23, 2023
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Hi all! I started compounded Semaglutide in October 2022, but was impatient in my weightloss endeavors, dosing up every month despite losing about 1 lb a week on every dose. About 6 months in I forever stalled on max dose, and told everywhere I should switch to Tirz.

I couldn't afford Tirz, name brand or compound, so down the rabbithole I went, desperate for more affordable options. You likely know the rest of the story- it begins with Reddit and somehow I found my way here. I started Tirz this week and things are looking up again! Planning to stay low and slow this time for as long as possible.

My NP also had me on cjc-1295/ipamorelin, switching to sermorelin next week- not noticing much there except a few weeks of vivid dreams. I've been doing so much research on peptides, I'm excited about all of the possibilities; they always seemed taboo to me, but the more I read the more I want to experiment. Hoping to learn a lot from this group, it seems like a lot of good people with great resources and expertise!

My goal is to find a stack that has me running like I'm 30 again, body and brain-wise. 🙂
Tirz is great for my test subject. Had to get to 5 mg for better suppression. Some times add another 2.5 mg 4 days later. Now trying stacking with low dose Sema ( .5 mg)and very happy with food noise suppression. Have lost 42 lbs since June. I work my macros, eat protein every 2-3 hrs and drink 100 Oz of water with electrolytes. I swim 5 days a week for an hour and that is helping. I do resistance in the water also. Trying to save muscle.get on a good bowel plan too and you will be successful. Good luck!
Tirz is great for my test subject. Had to get to 5 mg for better suppression. Some times add another 2.5 mg 4 days later. Now trying stacking with low dose Sema ( .5 mg)and very happy with food noise suppression. Have lost 42 lbs since June. I work my macros, eat protein every 2-3 hrs and drink 100 Oz of water with electrolytes. I swim 5 days a week for an hour and that is helping. I do resistance in the water also. Trying to save muscle.get on a good bowel plan too and you will be successful. Good luck!
Thank you! 5mg Tirz seems to be working for me so far. Will probably take a break from Sema for a while and add back in when it feels right. Good bowel plan? Please elaborate. I have many poo potions (metamucil, optifiber, magnesium) but I take as needed.
As long as your GI track moves close to daily you are good with the way you are doing it. People can get into constipation trouble if they aren’t paying attention. Always good to avoid that.

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