New to this! Advice needed

Yes I started seeing about glow after I did the TB-500/BPC-157 (Wolverine Protocol). Trying to work on bad knees...but not much left there :)
Down the road may go back and try with all 3 at same time.

Yes I started seeing about glow after I did the TB-500/BPC-157 (Wolverine Protocol). Trying to work on bad knees...but not much left there :)
Down the road may go back and try with all 3 at same time.
Ah, bad knees here too - but now I'm bionic in both knees - I'm 4 months past a total knee replacement on my right knee that I held off having for as long as I could.
Ah, bad knees here too - but now I'm bionic in both knees - I'm 4 months past a total knee replacement on my right knee that I held off having for as long as I could.
Hope everything is going well with your replacement...

Fighting compressed disks and narrowed spinal cord passages at bottom of back causing alot of back pain along with knees (nothing left in them :()...been mostly focusing on back but nothin we have tried is helping... AND my knee doctor hasn't been willing to do surgery at current weight but they have set up an appointment with a different doctor middle of next month who may be willing to ....🤞
Hope everything is going well with your replacement...

Fighting compressed disks and narrowed spinal cord passages at bottom of back causing alot of back pain along with knees (nothing left in them :()...been mostly focusing on back but nothin we have tried is helping... AND my knee doctor hasn't been willing to do surgery at current weight but they have set up an appointment with a different doctor middle of next month who may be willing to ....🤞
So sorry! That's a double whammy - nothing so awful as knee pain and back pain! My recovery is going wonderfully - though very hard work from the moment you wake up after surgery - tons of PT. If you end up finding a new doctor and you are going to have the surgery, reach out directly and I can at least pass on what I did to prepare - and of course, the longer you're on a glp, and lose weight, the easier it will be for you! Nothing like chronic pain, it just wears you down!
Hope everything is going well with your replacement...

Fighting compressed disks and narrowed spinal cord passages at bottom of back causing alot of back pain along with knees (nothing left in them :()...been mostly focusing on back but nothin we have tried is helping... AND my knee doctor hasn't been willing to do surgery at current weight but they have set up an appointment with a different doctor middle of next month who may be willing to ....🤞
Have you looked at Pentosan? If not, head to Reddit: Pentosan. I took my first shot yesterday.
Hope everything is going well with your replacement...

Fighting compressed disks and narrowed spinal cord passages at bottom of back causing alot of back pain along with knees (nothing left in them :()...been mostly focusing on back but nothin we have tried is helping... AND my knee doctor hasn't been willing to do surgery at current weight but they have set up an appointment with a different doctor middle of next month who may be willing to ....🤞
Also, I have the Minimally Invasive Limbar Decompression (MILD) soon! Go to YOUTUBE and look it up, if you haven’t heard of it….so terribly sorry for all your pain. sometimes it’s miserable being us! A hug
Thanks @MingHenry @MarisWinter

I will look into those and really appreciate the support ❤️
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Going on just over a year now...Last August (2023) suddenly had fire in back and down right leg and muscle weakness. Everything Doctors/I did got rid of the lightning down the leg, most of the muscle weakness and lessened the back pain from a 9 (I know it can ALWAYS get worse :rolleyes:) to a 7 when standing or bending at the wrong angle.

Been fighting this for the last year and thought I was going to get a "moving forward" plan that I figured would include a back surgery based on previous conversations with Doctor/Aides. At times it really feals like they just pull you along until they don't think they will be able to justify anymore money from the insurance company...and of course the insurance companies won't pay for all the "cutting edge" stuff that might help.

Just had my follow up appointment with back surgeon yesterday...and left it feeling a little down.
If I am trying to walk more than a handful of steps I use a walker to lean on to take pressure off back and knees. 😂 or grab counters, tables, chairs, or walls
During meeting with back surgeon...He said he doesn't feel like a surgery at this time would be justified (He said not enough instability and lightning not currently shooting down leg so doesn't believe it would help enough) is sending me back to the pain/injection group. lol

On top of seeking 2nd opinions that said "At current weight we aren't even interested in looking...continue to follow the current doctors advice". To which I think, "I have been following their advice and continue to not improve"... I have been shuffled from Back Doctor to Pain/Injection Group to Back Doctor to once again Pain/Injection Group...who now can't see me for a month... lol 😢 I guess that will give me some time to experiment more!

Dealing with the back the Injection Group in the past did steroids, epidurals, nerve ablasion (said they can't reach one of the main spots because their is extra bone growth there at bottom of back that prevents them from reaching it)
Additionally have spent ALOT of time doing Aqua Therapy, Massage, Cupping, Chiropractor (eventually found one with a decompression unit), Rx muscle relaxers, Rx pills for nerve ending pain and BPC157, TB500, GHK-CU

At same time the knees lost their minds...
Been an issue for years but I was managing...knowing there would probably be future total knee replacements at some point. During the same year have done steroids/gel injections for them but that is all that Insurance will cover along with the BPC157 and TB500.

Sounding a little whiny even to myself at this point. 🤷‍♂️
Just needed a little venting I guess. 😜

All this along with needing to find more affordable Tirz options has lead me down this rabbit hole...😀
@PepOhio Is the TB/BPC (Wolverine) helping with your knees? Curious if you feel it’s been successful over the past few months.

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