Not a Research Expert


Research Enthusiast
Jul 28, 2024
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Hey Everyone,

Somewhere along the way I picked up the tag "Research Expert" next to my name. I think this is largely based on the software algorithm and maybe some of @ZippityDooDah's discretion but I'm really not sure. I have asked him to remove this moniker as I am not comfortable with it. I don't want members placing more stock in my opinions based on that moniker. Ideally, I would encourage everyone to read a variety of different viewpoints, even ones you disagree with before making important decisions for yourselves.

FWIW, I am actually a nurse, I do read a lot of research articles, gather intel about sources from more experienced members across multiple platforms and I am involved with two testing servers but, I am not that much further ahead of the game than a lot of you. I'm more like a sophomore getting good grades (so far) and I continue to increase my knowledge as much as possible.

I know many people are not going to go as deep into the weeds as I do but, in this space especially, please resist the temptation to follow any one person or discount another out of hand simply because you disagree with them or don't like them. Some will prey on your trust while the ones that annoy you may actually be dispensing valuable nuggets of hard-earned knowledge.

I know a lot of you just want to know who you can buy from with 100% certainty and the honest answer is no one. Even some of the domestic vendors have had issues. Of course, some vendors are more trustworthy than others but they are only as good as their last act so once you find a vendor that you 'trust', remember to trust but verify. Always.
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Nurse, I appreciate your thoughtful post, as well as your contributions on this and other platforms. I’m a PT, and am always reading the latest research in my field, which has many specialties. This new hobby has consumed all my attention this year :p
Nurse, I appreciate your thoughtful post, as well as your contributions on this and other platforms. I’m a PT, and am always reading the latest research in my field, which has many specialties. This new hobby has consumed all my attention this year :p
same here...when I get interested in something I go ALL IN.
I don't post for a week and just noticed that I now have one too? But it appears and disappears randomly throughout the day. I also frequently get switched between member and senior member. I also figured there's some weird stuff going on with the algorithm.
I don't post for a week and just noticed that I now have one too? But it appears and disappears randomly throughout the day. I also frequently get switched between member and senior member. I also figured there's some weird stuff going on with the algorithm.
Weird...right now it shows as Member under your name from my view. I now there's some algorithm based on engagement. But, posting more and just being here longer does not necessarily and expert make!
same here...when I get interested in something I go ALL IN.
Same here. I am a nurse too. I have spent a lot of time chasing down peer reviewed articles on peptides. I'm constantly amazed that many of the peptides aren't more generally well known.

I suspect the reason why there are not more facilities that make these and other medicines is related to regulations here in the US. Regulations for everything from purchasing the land to construction of the facility to the manufacturing process. It's a crying shame.
I don't post for a week and just noticed that I now have one too? But it appears and disappears randomly throughout the day. I also frequently get switched between member and senior member. I also figured there's some weird stuff going on with the algorithm.
Go figure. 🤷‍♀️ I have been a member since January 24. I read a bunch but don't engage much so I am still a "new" member.
Weird...right now it shows as Member under your name from my view. I now there's some algorithm based on engagement. But, posting more and just being here longer does not necessarily and expert make!
Lol it's back to research expert for me, and I haven't posted anything since your comment. I'm sure the next time I log in it'll be gone again 😆 I thought I remember seeing Zippity say he assigns it manually, but with the erratic way it's acting right now I wonder if that's changed.
The RE tag is a designation Zippity manually gives people (i think!). I am not certain what his criteria is but I take it to mean “this person is known to the admin of the forum and is considered to be knowledgeable enough to have informed opinions even if those aren’t opinions that said admin necessarily agrees with.” I believe he has plans for using the tag more functionally on the site, enabling types of posts that ought not be allowed to just any new signup (such as vendor reviews and other high-probability shill stuff). Anyway that’s enough of me putting words in zippity’s mouth for now.
Hey Everyone,

Somewhere along the way I picked up the tag "Research Expert" next to my name. I think this is largely based on the software algorithm and maybe some of @ZippityDooDah's discretion but I'm really not sure. I have asked him to remove this moniker as I am not comfortable with it. I don't want members placing more stock in my opinions based on that moniker. Ideally, I would encourage everyone to read a variety of different viewpoints, even ones you disagree with before making important decisions for yourselves.

FWIW, I am actually a nurse, I do read a lot of research articles, gather intel about sources from more experienced members across multiple platforms and I am involved with two testing servers but, I am not that much further ahead of the game than a lot of you. I'm more like a sophomore getting good grades (so far) and I continue to increase my knowledge as much as possible.

I know many people are not going to go as deep into the weeds as I do but, in this space especially, please resist the temptation to follow any one person or discount another out of hand simply because you disagree with them or don't like them. Some will prey on your trust while the ones that annoy you may actually be dispensing valuable nuggets of hard-earned knowledge.

I know a lot of you just want to know who you can buy from with 100% certainty and the honest answer is no one. Even some of the domestic vendors have had issues. Of course, some vendors are more trustworthy than others but they are only as good as their last act so once you find a vendor that you 'trust', remember to trust but verify. Always.
You're very humble, but I do think you got that title for a good reason 😉
I feel like this is the kind of thing you HAVE to go all in on. You need to screen vendors, do math, figure out your doses.

Then if you go allllll the way in you have to deal with telegram, Whatsapp, Alibaba, crypto.
I am so down the rabbit holes! And you have to get and stay super organized! I've learned to finally solve for x because of peps! I have a notebook of protocols, a notebook of purchases from which vendors, when, price, with all 2d and 3d party COAs, I have a file of just 3d p COAS, I have my calculations, a notebook of the protocols I'm following, files on my computer by pep and protocol, including downloaded screenshots labeled for the right category! I have all my filtering equipment. I have my lab! Helps that my study is all white and I can feel like a scientist! I have my 600 gram measuring scale too!
I am so down the rabbit holes! And you have to get and stay super organized! I've learned to finally solve for x because of peps! I have a notebook of protocols, a notebook of purchases from which vendors, when, price, with all 2d and 3d party COAs, I have a file of just 3d p COAS, I have my calculations, a notebook of the protocols I'm following, files on my computer by pep and protocol, including downloaded screenshots labeled for the right category! I have all my filtering equipment. I have my lab! Helps that my study is all white and I can feel like a scientist! I have my 600 gram measuring scale too!
Don't forget a separate Gmail address for all things peptides...

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