Rabbit-hole Explorer
The Chinese New Year starts in about two weeks and the entire country will basically shut down for about two-weeks. This means production, sales all of it. If you think you are going to need any peps before the end of February, I recommend getting your order placed this week. Also, if what you are buying isn't currently in stock it probably won't be until late February. So I also recommend confirming what you need is available before placing your order.
This was posted by Tracy@QSC:
The Chinese new year holidays will start in mid January, and it's a 15+ days holidays, when all shipments are paused because the logistics companies are fully closed, production stops, and my assistants will go back to their families to spend time with, so is the case of every chinese source, and you've seen how it looks the past 2-3 years. We advise you to make your orders earlier, during the next 3 weeks, you've been warned about the CN holidays, plan in advance!
This was posted by Tracy@QSC:
The Chinese new year holidays will start in mid January, and it's a 15+ days holidays, when all shipments are paused because the logistics companies are fully closed, production stops, and my assistants will go back to their families to spend time with, so is the case of every chinese source, and you've seen how it looks the past 2-3 years. We advise you to make your orders earlier, during the next 3 weeks, you've been warned about the CN holidays, plan in advance!