QSC Nightmare $670 5 weeks saying they not received Payment

Is the quality of product worth the effort? I still hear people say QSC is their favorite despite all the hoops to jump through. Or maybe it's just the type of people who love the chase? :sneaky:
Ordering from QSC can be a lot like playing Red Light, Green Light on Squid Game….there’s no forgiveness for error.
QSC will either change or die. The peptide industry, even in China, is moving rapidly to higher quality and greater ecommerce capability. QSC will compete on both or lose its market.
QSC will either change or die. The peptide industry, even in China, is moving rapidly to higher quality and greater ecommerce capability. QSC will compete on both or lose its market.
Yes, there are now many competitors with the same good prices and quality, if not better, and they will not ask you to eat shit from Amazon if there will be a problem.
We just have to watch them all closely and push them to improve, for some it works (GYC, SRY) and for some not yet (QSC).
Update: It turns out I did get the account number correct on my Wise transfers to QSC for their T30 sale at the beginning of September. My only error was choosing "checking" instead of "savings."

The money hasn’t been deposited into QSC’s account, so it’s not like anyone is ripping me off. But it’s also looking like I won’t be getting that money back.

I have called Wise at least six times over the past couple of weeks, each time hoping to catch someone who might see a new way to help. And they all say it needs to be QSC who lets their bank know about the error, so that the bank can either deposit the transfers or send them back to Wise and I can pay again, correctly.

(There are two transfers because the first invoice QSC sent was lower than it should have been. Canadians pay an extra 20% to ensure seized packages are re-sent. QSC sent me an e-mail letting me know that I would need to pay more if I wanted that insurance)

I have talked to QSC’s bank many times as well. They say it must be QSC who notifies them that the wire I sent contains an error, so that the bank can either deposit the flawed transfers or send them back to Wise.

I have sent MANY e-mails to QSC, and they say the bank will automatically send the money back. And around and around it goes.

Both Wise and Citibank say the ball is in QSC's court. Apparently all it would take is a phone call, and the bank employee assured me that if there is a language barrier, they have staff that could speak Mandarin or Cantonese.

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