If you haven't read up on Telegram, the founder agreed to clean up the app as a condition of his release from jail. I kind of thought it had more to do with kiddie p0rn than peptides, though.
If you haven't read up on Telegram, the founder agreed to clean up the app as a condition of his release from jail. I kind of thought it had more to do with kiddie p0rn than peptides, though.
He completely cooperated with the police to save his bacon. Cant say I blame him though. That was a witch hunt.
I personally like the little telegram/peptide.chat community. There are a couple of immature people but overall people are very helpful, share experiences, lots of little collabs on labels and storage
If you haven't read up on Telegram, the founder agreed to clean up the app as a condition of his release from jail. I kind of thought it had more to do with kiddie p0rn than peptides, though.
It has to do with access and control, not specific subjects
If you haven't read up on Telegram, the founder agreed to clean up the app as a condition of his release from jail. I kind of thought it had more to do with kiddie p0rn than peptides, though.
Well.... that telegram was 80% steroid purchasing / usage chat, 15% showing-off steroid homebrewing, 4.99999% roid raging, and 0.00001% peptide discussion that didn't involve Peptide pens or 3d printing.
He completely cooperated with the police to save his bacon. Cant say I blame him though. That was a witch hunt.
Odd that these problems only started after a "retired" LEO joined our midst, huh AndyPanda? 🤨 🕵️‍♂️

(/s obviously)
I’ve had plenty of peptide discussions there not sure what you’re taking about.