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Nexa just announced T30 in stock but no pre-order discount. Was going to pull the trigger but kind of expensive, 43% higher than his last batch

Saw this briefly today... eee still sold out fast on the site. The "sale" price was pretty rough. 🤕 $315 down from $415 🥸 for Tirzepatide 30mg kit. Dunno if they still have any active discounts/coupon codes to help with non pre order $.
T30 is $250 on the PGB site today. The big question though is, do you trust Cain's testing process? If you have to pay for your own test, PGB is a much more cost effective and tested multiple time (including 3rd P).
People bash Nexaph but they always reship when Jano tests come back low. Still a bit pricy though.
If you thought about it as potentially life extending drugs thanks to healthier diet and weight....

How much is that worth to you?
that was not my question.... I am asking in a relative sense to other options in buying these potentially life extending drugs, like PGB which I think someone mentioned 🤣

Where is PGB info, search for me in the forum isnt working for me, if I put it in PGB I get zero results, same with SRY though I found them in the vendor subforum
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Has that happened?
The reshipping? They did it for a kit of T15 I purchased from them. They didn’t want the underdosed one back either. I don’t get my peps tested so I never would have known if they didn’t ship me a new kit. I still prefer SRY for the price, but in a pinch I’d buy Nexa again.
that was not my question.... I am asking in a relative sense to other options in buying these potentially life extending drugs, like PGB which I think someone mentioned 🤣

Where is PGB info, search for me in the forum isnt working for me, if I put it in PGB I get zero results, same with SRY though I found them in the vendor subforum

I know it wasn't your question

You'd be best served to go price these on your own and come up with your own determination on "best price".

It seems like prices are changing daily and not in our favor.

PS. - be sure to plug in a shipping address to your profile so you'll see products in their store.

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