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To those who replied, @hexagonal @keangkong @raw_oyster_eater

I guess I meant more so of SRY being on the US shitlist, and there being a greater risk of being recorded as a customer of a company that is on the shitlist of the USDOJ.

I agree, there can and should be the assumption that any of these other CN vendors are doing the same thing, but SRY was caught red handed. Just figured I’d pick your brains on that aspect.
Oh thank God, I was wondering why you angry reacted me.

It's not a Skye thing, it's a domestic seller thing. There are dozens of companies that do it and advertise on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.... It's basically its own market. Name brand- compound- domestic- China. It's expensive compared to what we're buying.... But compared to the other two? People will buy from them, and be happy with what they get. I've used them for single vials of things I wasn't ready to commit to a whole kit of.
Charging more than a 10-20% markup on any product that you are reselling is price gouging and unethical imo.
all i care about is getting the stuff i paid for and that it works.

i'm not on any moral and ethical crusade.
lol I didn’t even mean it in a moral or ethical standpoint. I just wondered if you’ve ever been worried of being fucked by being associated with a company that has a negative track record with USDOJ, but I guess your answer is self explanatory.
To those who replied, @hexagonal @keangkong @raw_oyster_eater

I guess I meant more so of SRY being on the US shitlist, and there being a greater risk of being recorded as a customer of a company that is on the shitlist of the USDOJ.

I agree, there can and should be the assumption that any of these other CN vendors are doing the same thing, but SRY was caught red handed. Just figured I’d pick your brains on that aspect.
Not particularly. No reason to believe they have customer records from SRY and all I've purchased from them are peptides even if they do.
I personally believe price gouging is unethical and immoral.
Indeed it’s your personal belief. But when dealing with these Chinese people, they don’t give two shits about it, and I say more power to anyone who can sell these at a premium. Still cheaper than the compound stuff, and people need to do their due diligence in finding better prices lmao
Charging more than a 10-20% markup on any product that you are reselling is price gouging and unethical imo.
I hate to break it to you, but almost every vendor you buy from charges more than a 10-20% markup. Most business will lose money if that's their markup. Businesses have other expenses they have to pay such as rent, employee salaries, advertising, employee benefits, taxes, accounting, legal fees, and in the case of grey vendors, reshippibf fees. Then they're also expected to make a profit. You’re expecting charity.
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lol I didn’t even mean it in a moral or ethical standpoint. I just wondered if you’ve ever been worried of being fucked by being associated with a company that has a negative track record with USDOJ, but I guess your answer is self explanatory.
Not really. Trying to track every product that SRY ships seems like a logistical nightmare.

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