Recommended supplier

We've read too many accounts of people losing $1000 or lots more because they bought every single item they might want/need in one order ... then the worst happened and the vendor did not make good.

It has not happened to me yet, but if or when it does, I will "only" be out a few hundred dollars… which in my situation will hurt badly – but not fatally :(
This has happened to me.
Never spend more than you can afford to lose.
I am only out about $500. I'm mostly just pissed I didn't do my homework better. It's my mad money not my rent or grocery money.
what's the most common way people are losing their money? they just don't send the product?
My not so scientific study shows that out of the one occasion when I was scammed, I sent money to Tracy and my beautiful girl failed to deliver her product. In other words, 100% of the time the scam involves the vendor not sending the product.
I don’t have the ability to prevent new accounts from sharing their experiences (fake or otherwise). Zippity could set something up when he is back but it’ll take some effort on his part. I don’t have permissions on the site or his blessing to go fiddling with policies in a big way. That said I’d gladly just delete such comments from new accounts if I didn’t think it’d lead to cries of censorship, if the site regulars are ok with that then I’ll just nuke em when I see em.
Do you have a problem with me? I don't work with any Peptide company. I am on Reddit if you would like to see my account. ? Calling me a shill?
Do you have a problem with me? I don't work with any Peptide company. I am on Reddit if you would like to see my account. ? Calling me a shill?
Do you legitimately not understand why we're suspicious of very low post accounts showing up to express their opinions on a vendor. Like, legit astroturfing happens in this forum almost every day.
Anyone knows of any Reta suppliers in the UK? I am sooo confused about this whole process of finding it 😭
I've just placed a second order with HKpeptides. Not experienced enough to recommend as such ( frowned upon)but my first order was problem free and good ( although I have only jabbed twice so far) I'm in Scotland and at target weight. I lost my weight with Cloud mounjaro and have, so far, noticed no difference in effect with the Chinese peptide. Trying to be helpful. Please, if you are new to this, read all the guides first before ordering and getting started. 😁
I've just placed a second order with HKpeptides. Not experienced enough to recommend as such ( frowned upon)but my first order was problem free and good ( although I have only jabbed twice so far) I'm in Scotland and at target weight. I lost my weight with Cloud mounjaro and have, so far, noticed no difference in effect with the Chinese peptide. Trying to be helpful. Please, if you are new to this, read all the guides first before ordering and getting started. 😁
Ahh another from the UK. How long did you find shipping turnaround was?
This has happened to me.
Never spend more than you can afford to lose.
I am only out about $500. I'm mostly just pissed I didn't do my homework better. It's my mad money not my rent or grocery money.
This is so true and one of the reasons to be reluctant giving vendor details. Things could go wrong, even with the best of intentions. My first two orders - please, I knew nothing!! - involved Indian companies selected totally at random (sensible?) One sent nothing, the next sent two packets of dog worming tablets🥴 £500 down. Another approach was needed. But it wasn't grocery money. I don't need many groceries. I'm on tirzepatide 😂
I guess I can understand but the bullying in this form is brutal.
Ive only witnessed “bullying” on this forum twice. One was some steroid guy last year who came here, assumed everyone was fat, and started throwing insults. The other was someone accusing another person of being racist for stating something that was objectively true. Both of these examples are even questionable at best.

People on here can be very critical, but calling us bullies is a stretch. If you think that labeling someone a shill or being annoyed because someone comes here and posts the same thing on 15 unrelated threads, then maybe you’re too sensitive.

Even through disagreements I can say that the majority of members on this forum are good people. Bullying is a strong accusation these days. People go to jail for that shit.
Ive only witnessed “bullying” on this forum twice. One was some steroid guy last year who came here, assumed everyone was fat, and started throwing insults. The other was someone accusing another person of being racist for stating something that was objectively true. Both of these examples are even questionable at best.

People on here can be very critical, but calling us bullies is a stretch. If you think that labeling someone a shill or being annoyed because someone comes here and posts the same thing on 15 unrelated threads, then maybe you’re too sensitive.

Even through disagreements I can say that the majority of members on this forum are good people. Bullying is a strong accusation these days. People go to jail for that shit.
I’ll add that I actually removed the “Shill” tag from this user when she contacted me to say she was not associated with the vendor despite 9 recommendation posts in a row. It would have remained at that if she hadn’t then followed up with accusations about the site not being female-friendly because of the post removals, which pissed me off because of the absurdity of it. Like, cmon.

For funsies, here are the posts I removed, an action that apparently amounts to “bullying.” The site would be a more comfortable place for women, apparently, if I left this shit in place.


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I’ll add that I actually removed the “Shill” tag from this user when she contacted me to say she was not associated with the vendor despite 9 recommendation posts in a row. It would have remained at that if she hadn’t then followed up with accusations about the site not being female-friendly because of the post removals, which pissed me off because of the absurdity of it. Like, cmon.

For funsies, here are the posts I removed, an action that apparently amounts to “bullying.” The site would be a more comfortable place for women, apparently, if I left this shit in place.
Stop oppressing us just because we're girls. It's not nice!
Ahh another from the UK. How long did you find shipping turnaround was?
Six days. Problem free. I was surprised and pleased. I'm aware that delivery times will vary and we must be patient. Actually, I quite enjoyed following the progress of the package. Weird. I really must get out more 😅
Six days. Problem free. I was surprised and pleased. I'm aware that delivery times will vary and we must be patient. Actually, I quite enjoyed following the progress of the package. Weird. I really must get out more 😅
Thank goodness it’s not just me lol. I’ve been checking tracking multiple times a day. I’m not desperate to get it or anything, it’s the same vibe as me watching a download bar fill, I just like it for some reason…

6 days is great though, I’ll be very happy if it’s inside 10 days
Says the most vocal person on the forum ;)

Also, it took me months to pick up you were a girl. And had no inclination of Anita_Grey. I assumed it was just a joke name.
That's the joke! (My humor rarely translates.) All of my profile pictures have been either girls or animals! I was even a pink bird for a good long while!

You thought I was Anita? 😂
That's the joke! (My humor rarely translates.) All of my profile pictures have been either girls or animals! I was even a pink bird for a good long while!

You thought I was Anita? 😂
You were just a weird person. I don't attribute those things to women.

But no, I didn't think you're anita. I meant anita_grey was "I need a grey" and not associating it with being a woman either.

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