Dope! Thanks for the details on this! We're you on any other super sports supplements besides slu during prep? Whats your bw? Are your clients lean already? Are they at least intermediate lifters?
It makes me wonder if you and your clients are seeing great results because you're a) on point b) already lean c) already trained or d) some combination.
That kind of makes me also wonder about people who say they've seen nothing from slu-pp-332. Are they relatively new and/or untrained, could it be that those people who add slu-pp-332 are adding it to soon along their fitness/heslth journey?
Thanks again for sharing! Definitely has me more interested.
I'll try my best to address your list.
A) if you aren't on point, don't take drugs that may or may not have health risks.
B) the leaner you are, the harder fat loss is. Less insulin sensitivity benefits. I've seen less results in lean individuals
C) again, if you are going to use drugs, you should prob be doing some sort of resistance exercise.
D) the clients ranged from a woman trying to lose weight for her bday, 55 year old trt bro, competitive bodybuilders. Despite what I said about A and C, I tend to see better results in those who are untrained and not on a structured diet. There is just so much room for them to improve. I just don't think drugs are a long term solution. Some basic dieting principles and drugs, sure, I am fine with that.
Do you have much experience with PEDs? The genetic variation from person to person is mind blowing. I for example, can run 750 mgs of test E a week with 0 AI, other need lots on 150 mgs a week. Nandrolone makes me insanely depressed and limp dicked. Not the same for everyone. I can handle my tren. Others become massive assholes. Slu is no different than any other PED in this aspect. My best advice is, buy a small amount, and try it yourself.
If I had to fathom some sort of educated/ scientific guess why slu works for some and not others would be due to a lower density of estrogen receptors. It is an estrogen related receptor agonist after all.
Of course I was on other drugs during prep. There are two types of competitive bodybuilders. Ones who compete in untested competitions, and liars.
Tren, clen, mast, reta were all constant from week 12 on.
My show was Oct 27th. I am currently 202 lbs. 5 foot 8.5, prob 12-14% bodyfat.