Someone told you to "go grey" and now you're here.

It’s CNY. No need to panic. The CN vendors don’t have the resources to deal with anything that might happen during CNY.
No panic. No rush. I am stocked on compound. I will likely order after CNY is over and most likely from the other supplier you often post about whom we know 100% ships from US Warehouse.
Bumping this thread so the newcomers can find it more easily.
I don't know if that's necessary, Bee pinned it. I do wish I had the ability to edit though- the telegram links no longer work, and there are a few things that upon reflection I'd like to elaborate on. 🤷‍♀️ I figure I'll just answer questions as they come in.
I don't know if that's necessary, Bee pinned it. I do wish I had the ability to edit though- the telegram links no longer work, and there are a few things that upon reflection I'd like to elaborate on. 🤷‍♀️ I figure I'll just answer questions as they come in.
Oh didn't know it was pinned, even I can't properly use this site 🤣

Yeah fair enough, there will always be questions anyway
Oh didn't know it was pinned, even I can't properly use this site 🤣

Yeah fair enough, there will always be questions anyway
I got my book early (!!!) so I haven't been here or sorting by new as much the last few days, but I try to make an effort to catch the easy questions. Gotta get more posts than you SOMEHOW.
I don't know if that's necessary, Bee pinned it. I do wish I had the ability to edit though- the telegram links no longer work, and there are a few things that upon reflection I'd like to elaborate on. 🤷‍♀️ I figure I'll just answer questions as they come in.
I killed the tg link and added a note that it’s down. If you have any other link youd like to replace it with (or any other specific changes) shoot me a dm, I don’t watch this thread closely for changes.

I also went through and removed some posts that could guide newbies to specific vendors. This is not and should not become a sourcing thread, lest it become a target for shills and we don’t want that.
I killed the tg link and added a note that it’s down. If you have any other link youd like to replace it with (or any other specific changes) shoot me a dm, I don’t watch this thread closely for changes.

I also went through and removed some posts that could guide newbies to specific vendors. This is not and should not become a sourcing thread, lest it become a target for shills and we don’t want that.
I'll message you with changes at some point, I want to clarify the dosing post a little better, I just haven't had the time. Thank you for fixing it even though I forgot to ask. 😅

I hope I didn't accidentally contribute to shilling. 😬
I'll message you with changes at some point, I want to clarify the dosing post a little better, I just haven't had the time. Thank you for fixing it even though I forgot to ask. 😅

I hope I didn't accidentally contribute to shilling. 😬
I don’t think there was any intentional shilling and nothing especially out of line, it’s just a particularly sensitive thread because vendors salivate over the fresh meat that will be directed here. Once you hook a customer you’ve got their business for a long time. Let’s not give them an inch.
I don’t think there was any intentional shilling and nothing especially out of line, it’s just a particularly sensitive thread because vendors salivate over the fresh meat that will be directed here. Once you hook a customer you’ve got their business for a long time. Let’s not give them an inch.
Ok. If people have questions re: vendors I'll redirect to a new thread and be nice, there, too.
Ok. If people have questions re: vendors I'll redirect to a new thread and be nice, there, too.
My preference would be to direct them to the vendor section free-for-all and let them do their research, or to some other site. We're not in the business of pushing people to this vendor or that 'round here, that's for the individual to sort out for themselves given that each vendor has their own set of tradeoffs that change over time. If they can't do the work of figuring out which vendor is best for them given their own set of requirements, they're probably not cut out for underground lab injectables.
Hi Chmuse,

I do have some questions.
I live in Australia, and I haven't found many Aussie speaking of their experiences, or my searching talents are lackluster.

I've been reading through these forums and others and the telegram for a few weeks now prepping myself for an order.

Just wanted to know if Aussies have successful experiences in ordering INTL.


I know its CNY so its relatively quiet now, so I am looking to grab either some BCP or a GLOW post CNY, how does an Aussie join in on one of the testing groups? I can imagine the shipping costs from Aus to Jano won't be cheap. I also havent seen any testing group for BCP or GLOW on my travels.

Also how often do these test groups arise?

Are there other Aussies here that could share their experiences?

Hi Chmuse,

I do have some questions.
I live in Australia, and I haven't found many Aussie speaking of their experiences, or my searching talents are lackluster.

I've been reading through these forums and others and the telegram for a few weeks now prepping myself for an order.

Just wanted to know if Aussies have successful experiences in ordering INTL.


I know its CNY so its relatively quiet now, so I am looking to grab either some BCP or a GLOW post CNY, how does an Aussie join in on one of the testing groups? I can imagine the shipping costs from Aus to Jano won't be cheap. I also havent seen any testing group for BCP or GLOW on my travels.

Also how often do these test groups arise?

Are there other Aussies here that could share their experiences?

Australia is a tough one- you'll generally pay a bit more for shipping, or not have a reship guarantee. There are absolutely some Australian members who purchase CN peptides. I don't want to single anyone out and tag them specifically. If you search 'australia' in the search tab up top, there are a few people who have made threads about buying in Australia which may help you out a bit.

If you check the vendor section, a lot of them do specifically list their shipping details for Australia, or you may need to message a vendor directly and just ask.

As far as testing, I think that's probably something you'll want to ask of someone in Australia. It's out of my scope of knowledge. 😅
That was a great write up. I’m glad I found this forum. Learned a lot in my short time following. Domestic prices are outrageous for the same thing direct from the source. Should get my first package today.
That was a great write up. I’m glad I found this forum. Learned a lot in my short time following. Domestic prices are outrageous for the same thing direct from the source. Should get my first package today.
If you have any questions on your first go, this is where to ask! Good luck!
If you have any questions on your first go, this is where to ask! Good luck!
I started Reta from a domestic peptide source 2 weeks ago. Nothing at all the first week. Still binge eating and craving sweets daily and giving in. Second week I weighed the same as week 1 on my injection day. I was 246 pounds this Sunday. Today I weighed 233. 13 pound difference. Now I’ve been around and lifting/bodybuilding/cutting/dieting for long enough to know what’s going on there. Reta makes me pee like crazy. So a big loss of water weight and Saturday night we had a birthday party so Sunday my stomach was filled with a bunch of crap. Second week I don’t feel so hungry. Eating regularly. My big problem is the food cravings. I’m not in need of losing a lot of weight. This week the food cravings dont last but a few minutes and are easier to push past. I even went to the supermarket hungry and only got the items I went for. That never happens. I bare minimum get some kind of single serve cake or candy. I just don’t want the crap food. I’m liking it. Just enjoy experimenting with things like this.
I started Reta from a domestic peptide source 2 weeks ago. Nothing at all the first week. Still binge eating and craving sweets daily and giving in. Second week I weighed the same as week 1 on my injection day. I was 246 pounds this Sunday. Today I weighed 233. 13 pound difference. Now I’ve been around and lifting/bodybuilding/cutting/dieting for long enough to know what’s going on there. Reta makes me pee like crazy. So a big loss of water weight and Saturday night we had a birthday party so Sunday my stomach was filled with a bunch of crap. Second week I don’t feel so hungry. Eating regularly. My big problem is the food cravings. I’m not in need of losing a lot of weight. This week the food cravings dont last but a few minutes and are easier to push past. I even went to the supermarket hungry and only got the items I went for. That never happens. I bare minimum get some kind of single serve cake or candy. I just don’t want the crap food. I’m liking it. Just enjoy experimenting with things like this.
Reta takes a bit longer to kick in than other options and has less hunger suppression, but overall will lose weight the fastest.

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