SRY ghosted after order placed

SRY is NOT shit. Just because some folks are having crypto issues doesn’t mean they are suddenly shit. They also were NOT involved in the zero peptide incident at all. I’ve had five orders with them all arrive successfully since November and one order arrive last Saturday from the US warehouse after just 3 days from payment.
Agreed. I do know iof what I believe to be a valid criticism of SRY; it was indicted for selling an opioid in the US. I still buy from SRY but many folks more moral than myself (no, I’m not being sarcastic) refuse to buy from SRY for that reason.
SRY is NOT shit. Just because some folks are having crypto issues doesn’t mean they are suddenly shit. They also were NOT involved in the zero peptide incident at all. I’ve had five orders with them all arrive successfully since November and one order arrive last Saturday from the US warehouse after just 3 days from payment.
How did you pay? What coin, what network?
Agreed. I do know iof what I believe to be a valid criticism of SRY; it was indicted for selling an opioid in the US. I still buy from SRY but many folks more moral than myself (no, I’m not being sarcastic) refuse to buy from SRY for that reason.
I only buy my fentanyl from SRY. I get peptides from other vendors
i am a new crypto user (but i am a tech pro, this is not confusing to me). I did find it wild to think that you can send a certain crypto currency to a specific address, but choose the wrong network, and your crypto/money is just gone, lost forever. does the same wallet address exist on multiple networks but belong to different users? that's insane, these wallet ids should be 100% unique.

imagine a credit card reader charging your mastercard $500 and your vendor saying "oh sorry i'm on the visa network, i didn't receive your payment" and your $500 is just gone forever, apparently it went to some anon honeypot in abu dhabi, and nothing in the process caught this or stopped it.

Like if you find $500 on your porch does it matter if it got there in a car or on a horse? @hexagonal makes sense with his email analogy although email can be resent or forwarded. Crypto is just gone.
SRY is NOT shit. Just because some folks are having crypto issues doesn’t mean they are suddenly shit. They also were NOT involved in the zero peptide incident at all. I’ve had five orders with them all arrive successfully since November and one order arrive last Saturday from the US warehouse after just 3 days from payment.
I will ALWAYS give my honest review. Believe me when I tell you, I want them to come through, but the experience has been an absolute fucking shit show so far. Honesty and transparency go a long way in any business, and the language barrier is no excuse, because what they told me before payment and after payment are two entirely different stories.
What was specifically said with the bitcoin/solana mixup?

It's not like an ethereum blockchain wallet address can just 'turn on' bitcoin - they're different networks. The transaction appearing as successful doesn't mean much, beyond it being confirmed on the chain - you still might have sent it to a non-existent wallet with it being lost forever.

If SRY told you to do the wrong thing, it's on them and it would be reasonable for you to argue they should make it right. If they told you to do the right thing and you didn't do it, unfortunately, there's not much reason for them to take responsibility - there's no way for them to get that payment.
The issue was totally my fault- we were discussing different coins that i had requested their solana wallet but ended up sending btc on coinbase to that wallet-- i should have confirmed before sending.

that being said, i was able to verify that the transaction was successful and was able to find the transacation hash when searching their wallet on solscan but they're still saying they can't find the funds.
If SRY told you to do the wrong thing, it's on them and it would be reasonable for you to argue they should make it right.
I highly doubt to be SRY's fault, otherwise they'd have same problem with everybody else. Pure and simple, the guy fucked up, money is lost.

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