Surfacing the rabbit hole

I’m not comfortable with crypto either. It doesn’t give me any safety net if I don’t get what I ordered.
You have no safety net when you buy on the grey market, except the integrity/competence of the vendor and the ability to call out their behavior on forums like this. And mostly doing a lot of reading before deciding on a vendor.

You cannot/should not file complaints or chargebacks against vendors, because (a) PayPal, credit cards etc. will permanently close your account (and block future ones) for trying to buy from underground sellers, and (b) they will also close the vendor accounts, which ruins it for everyone else when vendors in general revert to crypto-only.

The alternative is to buy name-brand pens from a pharmacy for $1,000 a month (or your co-pay). The risk that you'll have to walk away altogether from lost funds usually pencils out well for grey vs brand-name.
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Would I be wrong to purchase from
Happily "wrong" right here. The entire purchasing, testing, and overall experience has been stellar purchasing from Nexaph. I was also part of a LARGE buyer-paid 3rd party test of their late January T30. We tested ELEVEN vials. Tests matched the vendor test and the vendor-paid, buyer-supplied tests. Rockstar experience.
They do, and for safety's sake (imitator scams), their full names should really be spelled out on every thread. But they're not, so I suggest you start your own private spreadsheet and keep track.

Generally speaking, the first letter is where they are geographically in China. Better-known places like Shanghai and Tsingdao, and lots of places that remind me that China has many megacities I've never heard of.
Thank you will do great idea to help me narrow down my choices when I do decide to go foreign
Just wasn’t sure if I do the website or message Cain directly for a different price is what I meant
Oh, just use the web site. The one secret trick (which isn't really a secret) is to monitor their announcements on Telegram so you can get pre-order pricing.

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