Syringe comparison: BD, Easy Touch, Sure Comfort, True Plus

I personally wouldn't, but everyone's risk threshold is different. These cartridges weren't designed to be used over and over. Theres a risk of degradation, specifically with the stoppers. Proper sterilization is done with heat or chemicals. UV sterilization is a thing too, but it is meant for hard smooth surfaces and only sterilizes what the light touches. The cartridge itself can be sterilized with UV but I'm doubtful about it's efficiency with the stoppers.

When I finally get a pen, I'll be tossing carts after one use. They cost less than $1 each and are used multiple times before being emptied. I'd rather spend a few extra bucks each month than take the risk.
Yes I've been tossing mine. But I saw where the owner of PepPens offered to resterilize and I have been saving them. Who knows if I will actually send them. I do have a UV machine. But have used it for other things
I don't like to inject too much liquid into my rats, so I go for the .3ml 31g Easy Touch. Has marking for each cc up to 30 so you can dial in really awkward doses like 4cc, 6cc, 13cc accurately. Also really small and cute. Does take 2-3 draws to reconstitute but that's only once a month and not a big deal.
EasyTouch came and were tested, went in smooth, no pain, would recommend. throwing the BD ones in the trash

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