Testing domestics


Research Expert
Jul 28, 2024
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So, in my enthusiasm of learning about research I ended up with product from Skye and product from 2 overseas vendors. While I will definitely get the latter two tested, do I need to be as vigilant with Skye?
Someone on Facebook sent me a link to this forum a couple weeks ago after I bought from this greedy Cantyde woman Funmi or Faye (she uses alot of different names) and I'm here to tell you that she sent me fake tirzepitide that didn't match the pix she posted or the tests and it was like I took nothing at all and she blocked me when I asked for my money back. Someone else said she called them a fat fuck when they complained about bad products too. Learn from my lesson and don't get ripped off by crazy liar and thief who hates us trying to lose weight!
Oh NO. You can track how much time we spend on here. I'm afraid i may not look sane either.
You're from Massachusetts and presuming that's really you in your profile pic are standing in front of a classic 2nd gen Trans Am so really there's no question about your sanity or lack thereof lol! 🤪
Maybe you should take your own damn advise and seek mental help! You and your entire peppy spiteful envious greedy fucks. I have asked for a simple PROOF of scammer, sketchy , fake COA, arrested by Canadian authorities and many other lies you’ve spewed. All this nonsense you are saying, WHERE IS THE PROOF.😂😂😂😂where did you lock the other post? Of cos there’s no proof of your lies to counter with. Do what a bully would do, lock the thread. Disgusting. You guys have not been arrested running peptide syndicate, its cantydes that will be arrested, so delusional 🤮, there’s Arctic, biosynergen and more in Canada openly selling peptides, Cantydes is your only problem in life.

Yes very profitable and prosperous! Love the numbers we are doing. Social media ads, multiple websites, even resellers buy from us. Choke on that HATER!

Post the proof of your allegations or shut the fuck up liar. Keep posting random photos except PROOF that you have been asked multiple time.

Now that your servers where you spend all your days arguing, banning and been rude to people have all been NUKED, How are you spending your miserable days? Such a vile group of people I’ve ever seen.

Just look at the hate they have. Ordinary private test posted for QSC, they couldn’t hide their jealousy and apparent dislike of any other seller doing well. A group of vagabonds.

POST THE PROOF. I’ve asked a thousand times and go seek the mental help you so like to advise. Your are a nutcase.
Oh my, I see the cycle of psychosis, delusion, and lies only continue to get worse. PLEASE GET HELP HERE!!!

PROOF of your lies and deception is already posted all over this forum and other venues, including your very own words which seem to have the most impact. If people and your victims posting about your lies, deception, and hatred of your customers was really helping your business grow you wouldn't be posting here at all and just letting the "haters" keep on hating, so yet just another one of your lies to add to the list. And with now over 80 hours spent here over the past few weeks your screen name is actually responsible for over 3000 views on that thread alone.

I'm terribly sorry that people calling out your dishonesty and bad business practices has triggered this psychiatric episode in you. There is help available if you will only take the first step and call 9-8-8, 2-1-1, or visit https://www.ontario.ca/page/find-mental-health-support


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Someone on Facebook sent me a link to this forum a couple weeks ago after I bought from this greedy Cantyde woman Funmi or Faye (she uses alot of different names) and I'm here to tell you that she sent me fake tirzepitide that didn't match the pix she posted or the tests and it was like I took nothing at all and she blocked me when I asked for my money back. Someone else said she called them a fat fuck when they complained about bad products too. Learn from my lesson and don't get ripped off by crazy liar and thief who hates us trying to lose weight!
I also saw someone on a different platform say that she found their FB somehow and started belligerently harassing them. Tried to find it again but I cant remember where I saw it.
It's ironic how you keep telling us how busy and prosperous you are in your little peptide venture, yet you still have found over 78 hours of free time in the past 24 days to visit us here. Of course if these tall tales of your wonderful success were true you wouldn't be wasting your time here, and that's clear to anyone with even a non-native comprehension of English reading your many, many, many unhinged words here in the past few weeks. Hell, you can't even keep the name of your pretend company straight in the same posts half the time.

I've tried to just leave it alone and hope that you would go away and find some other flim-flam or scam to victimize the unsuspecting public, but your endless diarrhea of self-hatred deflected into anger aimed at everyone else but yourself is becoming tiring.

Please, I beg you, avail yourself of the free mental health services offered by Health Canada. Please!

In the meanwhile, to illustrate the folly, paranoia, ad nauseum repetition, and formulaic nature of your posts, I have included a number of random peptide vial photos I found online to make it seem like I have a vast TESTED inventory available for my new venture, Contrived Tides: Estados Unidos and Iceland. TESTED!
Wait…what?!?! You can track how much time we spend in here?? I swear I don’t need an intervention… 🫣🙈

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