Try the
StairwaytoGray Telegram site and the
STG vendor list. On March 22, 2025, Amolist is supposed to open up again, although they'll probably use a modified version of the name. Amolist is planning on using the site then. I believe it's still dead. You could buy from Cain at Opinions on Cain range from he's the Second Coming of Christ to he's evil incarnate. Here is an invite to the SRY Discord site: I like SRY; I will advise you that they've been indicted for sending a fentanyl-like opiod to the US. If you're okay crypto and are computer savvy, my top recommendation (considering that I know amost nothing about you) would probably be Peptide Group Buys (PGB). See the guide to how to use them in my signature. A few months from now, I'll probably have changed my opinion. I know that you'll likely make one order soon. However, stay on this site or research one of the other places and read around. See what others think. You'll find a variety of opinions on different vendors. Also understand that with the possible exception of a few greatly overpriced US vendors, there is always a chance that you'll pay for the product and nothing will arrive. That happened to me a few months ago with the vendor Tracy from QSC.