This forum needs to go private and invite only

I often wonder what goes on in a conspiratorial type mind, If nothing else, it must be way more interesting than my boring old 'it was a scammers because people like money and don't like to work' type mind.
I haven't scrolled through the latest on the Swiss yet, but I'm still pretty convinced everyone was given bunk raws
Do we need two threads for bashing my dear SRY? Why must we punish them? For meeting the needs of a diverse customer base and cutting out the middle man?
Do we need two threads for bashing my dear SRY? Why must we punish them? For meeting the needs of a diverse customer base and cutting out the middle man?
By middleman i meant your local street dealer
I believe it is because he thinks Novo and EL are on both sides of the deal. He alleges that they're also selling the peptides to the Chinese black market dealers. So gen meds on both sides.. one with a neck to wring... one without.
Amazing. I was thinking of posting something about Eli Lilly and Novo being behind the Chinese black market, but that was just as a spoof.
The reason that aluminum foil hats don't work is that people don't follow directions. They only work if you use foil made from actual tin; that's hard to come by these days.
It works as a faraday cage if you wrap it around cellphones and other devices. Just saying… 😉
Make Occam's Razor Common Knowledge Again. (and Hanlon's Razor by extension)
Hanlon's Razor is a mental shortcut which teaches us, in the words of Robert J. Hanlon to “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” I agree with it and believe that I generally follow it in practice even to the point where I sometimes attribute innocent motives people and later learn that I was wrong. Still I believe I'm more accurate by following Hanlon's Razor.

Occam's razor is a problem-solving principle that suggests the simplest explanation is often the best one. It's also known as the principle of parsimony. The principle is named after William of Ockham, an English theologian, logician, and Franciscan friar who lived from around 1285 to 1348. The term "razor" refers to the idea of "shaving away" unnecessary assumptions. Philosophically, I aqree with Occam's razor, but in practice I often go chasing after squirrels.

A Gillette razor is just a razor, the type that you'd use on your face or your legs.
Im going to stick to trusted QSC persoanlly. I like my messages ignored, reps to be assholes, and increasingly uncompetitive pricing.

My backup is Ano, when i want to be humbled by injection site pain

Damn Im starting to think there are issue within the chinese grey market
If admin ever has any issues I'll offer to host the site for free, DM me :)

(This is kinda my day job so I already run other Xenforo instances on my bare metal boxes. God bless Containerisation - it literally takes less than an hour to set up a new LAMP + Elastic environment.)
I don’t understand a goddamn thing you just said. When can you start?
Hanlon's Razor is a mental shortcut which teaches us, in the words of Robert J. Hanlon to “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” I agree with it and believe that I generally follow it in practice even to the point where I sometimes attribute innocent motives people and later learn that I was wrong. Still I believe I'm more accurate by following Hanlon's Razor.

I think it is always wiser to start out from a place of blaming a lack of thought rather than malice... Even if you turn out to be wrong.
I haven't scrolled through the latest on the Swiss yet, but I'm still pretty convinced everyone was given bunk raws
I now think it's even worse than that, everyone was given finished products. I don't agree anymore with the FF theory aha
I now think it's even worse than that, everyone was given finished products. I don't agree anymore with the FF theory aha
My thought is along the lines of:

Raw producer pulls scam on multiple finishers

Finishers sell to multiple dealers

We get product from dealers pretending to be finishers
I now think it's even worse than that, everyone was given finished products. I don't agree anymore with the FF theory aha
I think one take away here that is useful information is that GYC sold different batches under the same GB without testing or even telling anyone. That's pretty shitty.
No I'm fully aware others do it as well. People have become too comfortable relying on these gb tests. Back to pounding the drums about true blind 3rd party testing.
I think the pep market is going to be a in a little bit of turmoil while this shakes itself out, at least until after the Chinese new year holidays . We will also have a couple of weeks where nothing is produced and vendors are completely offline Fortunately, I'm stocked up.
I think the pep market is going to be a in a little bit of turmoil while this shakes itself out, at least until after the Chinese new year holidays . We will also have a couple of weeks where nothing is produced and vendors are completely offline Fortunately, I'm stocked up.
Maybe not a full stop, but less promotions for sure

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