This forum needs to go private and invite only

I think the pep market is going to be a in a little bit of turmoil while this shakes itself out, at least until after the Chinese new year holidays . We will also have a couple of weeks where nothing is produced and vendors are completely offline Fortunately, I'm stocked up.
Anyone else find it depressing that people in China have better work schedules, and get more time off than we do here in the US?
Anyone else find it depressing that people in China have better work schedules, and get more time off than we do here in the US?
Hardly. I visited China about 15 years ago and toured factories and businesses. The factory workers work like 12 hour days, six and sometimes seven days a week. Most live in "dormitories" at the factory so they basically work, eat and sleep there. Their only time off is during their holiday weeks and Chinese new year when they travel home to spend time with their families. Maybe its improved since then but they laugh at our work schedules and call us lazy.
Maybe not a full stop, but less promotions for sure
If the peptide industry in China is like every other Chinese industry I have worked with over the years, CNY is effectively a full and complete stop of everything. Nothing will be manufactured, nothing will be shipped, no one will be taking orders. If you're super lucky someone might respond to a wechat days later if it doesn't require them do any actual work and they can answer it off-hand.
Anyone else find it depressing that people in China have better work schedules, and get more time off than we do here in the US?
I might, if it was actually true.

As GimmeABreak mentioned, much of the Chinese manufacturing industry runs on the '996' system - 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. There's been pushes to reduce this, but we're still talking 10 hour days, 5 to 6 days a week.

CNY is generally an unpaid break for the larger shutdown. There are only 11 statutory public holidays in China, and most of the days off during CNY do not get paid to the employees taking them off. Many of the statutory public holidays actually end up with the workers coming in for "make up" days as well, so they don't even decrease the number of days worked for many workers - just shift around when they occur.

The average Chinese factory worker is going to work about 50% more hours per annum than their american counterpart.
Is this actually a Xenforo cloud install or self hosted? Hopefully the later and really Xenforo can do nothing about it, other than refuse to issue a license update (for future patches).
Self hosted overseas. It was the whole point of this forum, which came into existence after a bunch of community discords were nuked.
This site is hosted and managed out of reach of those entities. Xenforo is the software, but isn’t involved in running the site to the best of my knowledge.
$ dig +short

$ whois | grep netname
netname:        AlexHost-NET

Appears to be a webhost out of Moldova. So yeah, should be safe.
If the peptide industry in China is like every other Chinese industry I have worked with over the years, CNY is effectively a full and complete stop of everything. Nothing will be manufactured, nothing will be shipped, no one will be taking orders. If you're super lucky someone might respond to a wechat days later if it doesn't require them do any actual work and they can answer it off-hand.
Tracy has said as much. For about three weeks there will be no shipping. No sales. Nothing.
Here’s what s/he said about Chinese new year. It might be worth a top level post for noobs like me to see and understand what to expect

The Chinese new year holidays will start in mid January, and it's a 15+ days holidays, when all shipments are paused because the logistics companies are fully closed, production stops, and my assistants will go back to their families to spend time with, so is the case of every chinese source, and you've seen how it looks the past 2-3 years. We advise you to make your orders earlier, during the next 3 weeks, you've been warned about the CN holidays, plan in advance!

Merry Chrismas, enjoy the Foie gras and yummy Oysters, My GLP-1 will be ready for you straight after ! 🎄😇
$ dig +short

$ whois | grep netname
netname:        AlexHost-NET

Appears to be a webhost out of Moldova. So yeah, should be safe.
We just better hope the EU doesn't tell Moldova: "We'd really like you to be part of the EU but if you want to join, you better to shut down the GLP1FORUM." If the EU says that, we're toast.
Hardly. I visited China about 15 years ago and toured factories and businesses. The factory workers work like 12 hour days, six and sometimes seven days a week. Most live in "dormitories" at the factory so they basically work, eat and sleep there. Their only time off is during their holiday weeks and Chinese new year when they travel home to spend time with their families. Maybe its improved since then but they laugh at our work schedules and call us lazy.
It's in vogue to criticize the US. In theory, I'm fine with criticizing the US. We're free to criticize it all we want. However, at the same time, I so often hear folks describe other countries as being better than us at things where they clearly are not.
It's in vogue to criticize the US. In theory, I'm fine with criticizing the US. We're free to criticize it all we want. However, at the same time, I so often hear folks describe other countries as being better than us at things where they clearly are not.
China having a better work life balance was certainly a first for me, though.

Not getting political.... Not getting political....
if you really think China has a culture of work-life balance then you don’t know much about labor practices in China. Yes they have a couple of long holidays where the country shuts down for an extended period and factory workers doing 12-14 hour shifts 6 days/wk get to go home to see their families for a bit before returning to the meat grinder. I wouldn’t call that a particularly progressive or superior system. This is not political, it’s just a statement of fact.

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