Tirz 2.5 dosage experience

Week 6 and satisfied with 2.5. Low grade food aversion the first couple days, then slowly hunger cues return and by days 6-7 it takes a little willpower to stay the course. Like @Nikki nik, it's an opportunity to practice "splurging" without binging. I say stay at the level your RS is losing and feeling okay about hunger, results...it's a marathon not a sprint.
I look at it as keeping our bodies from thinking we're in starvation mode. The first day or two I struggle to get 1200 calories in. Often it's just 800-1000. The next few days it gets easier to meet my 1200 calorie goal. The last day or two I tend to want closer to 1500-1800 calories. (For reference I'm 5'2 so the low calorie goal is reasonable!!) I noticed many years ago on keto that if I ate great for 5 days and then had two cheat days on the weekends the weight seemed to drop faster than eating perfect all 7 days. I think it helps keep our metabolism shaken up! So I let myself have those two days before the next shot to eat a little more within reason and the weight is still dropping off on the lowest dose.
Week 6 and satisfied with 2.5. Low grade food aversion the first couple days, then slowly hunger cues return and by days 6-7 it takes a little willpower to stay the course. Like @Nikki nik, it's an opportunity to practice "splurging" without binging. I say stay at the level your RS is losing and feeling okay about hunger, results...it's a marathon not a sprint.
Exactly the same as my RS it sounds like. Feeling so good since starting.
Would love to know why some people are super responders though
I look at it as keeping our bodies from thinking we're in starvation mode. The first day or two I struggle to get 1200 calories in. Often it's just 800-1000. The next few days it gets easier to meet my 1200 calorie goal. The last day or two I tend to want closer to 1500-1800 calories. (For reference I'm 5'2 so the low calorie goal is reasonable!!) I noticed many years ago on keto that if I ate great for 5 days and then had two cheat days on the weekends the weight seemed to drop faster than eating perfect all 7 days. I think it helps keep our metabolism shaken up! So I let myself have those two days before the next shot to eat a little more within reason and the weight is still dropping off on the lowest dose.
What you've described is how I eat, too, and it averages out to about 1200 calories a day over the course of time. And is probably closer to how we've historically taken in food, since it's only pretty recently that we've been able to guarantee a steady caloric intake at all times/on any given day.

I plan my injection cycle around having my hungrier days on the weekends since I'm generally out and about with friends more then and can enjoy eating more. Some people like to split doses to avoid peaks and valleys but I personally find this to be a better fit. I lost 45% of my bodyweight this way starting on sema and mostly with tirz.
Exactly the same as my RS it sounds like. Feeling so good since starting.
Would love to know why some people are super responders though
I posted in another thread but I use a continuous glucose monitor. And before meds my blood sugar was wildly spiking and dropping. After meds it stays steady. Maybe that plays a part in why some of us respond so well? The better controlled glucose happened literally within hours of the first shot!
What you've described is how I eat, too, and it averages out to about 1200 calories a day over the course of time. And is probably closer to how we've historically taken in food, since it's only pretty recently that we've been able to guarantee a steady caloric intake at all times/on any given day.

I plan my injection cycle around having my hungrier days on the weekends since I'm generally out and about with friends more then and can enjoy eating more. Some people like to split doses to avoid peaks and valleys but I personally find this to be a better fit. I lost 45% of my bodyweight this way starting on sema and mostly with tirz.
I time mine this way too!! Friday and Saturday are my eat more days and a dinner out makes that happen soooo easily :)
I posted in another thread but I use a continuous glucose monitor. And before meds my blood sugar was wildly spiking and dropping. After meds it stays steady. Maybe that plays a part in why some of us respond so well? The better controlled glucose happened literally within hours of the first shot!
Before tirz I'd binge a lot on sweet stuff and would get randomly sleepy in the afternoons. I wonder if that was blood sugar related?
I posted in another thread but I use a continuous glucose monitor. And before meds my blood sugar was wildly spiking and dropping. After meds it stays steady. Maybe that plays a part in why some of us respond so well? The better controlled glucose happened literally within hours of the first shot!
I wore a CGM the first 2 weeks when I started. I am 100% sure my BS kept me fat before GLP’s and after it was no more fat storage machine. It’s not just decreased appetite and slow digestion. I still have an appetite and eat. I eat less but BS levels play a huge role in fat burning or fat storing. They just don’t get talked about enough IMHO.
Christmas eve? Like exciting because you enjoy food again for a day?
I'm about 30 pounds off but I'm wondering what maintenance will look like me for me too
Excited about
Exactly the same as my RS it sounds like. Feeling so good since starting.
Would love to know why some people are super responders though
I wondered the same....Why are people super responders? I actually was wondering if I am because I've never really taken medicine at all. Maybe for a headache a few times a year. Nothing daily. Could that be the reason some are? Just a thought. Versus someone that takes daily meds of some sort. I don't know.
I noticed when I first started with Saxenda, liraglutide, that some days it was hard to eat much and the weight loss would slow, then I would eat a lot for a couple days and then drop a couple pounds. I think it turns food noise off but it also helps keep your metabolism revved up. Whatever was wrong with me metabolically was “fixed” through the Glp-1. I think just listening to your body goes a long way with this stuff..🤷‍♀️
I noticed when I first started with Saxenda, liraglutide, that some days it was hard to eat much and the weight loss would slow, then I would eat a lot for a couple days and then drop a couple pounds. I think it turns food noise off but it also helps keep your metabolism revved up. Whatever was wrong with me metabolically was “fixed” through the Glp-1. I think just listening to your body goes a long way with this stuff..🤷‍♀️
Very true