Tirz-Appetite suppression or weight loss?

I am not being "abrasive," but they also said they are "extremely sedentary." People are overthinking this one.
I think your wires got crossed somewhere along the thread. The person who said they were extremely sedentary is not the same person who is struggling to lose.
me too. My cat does make me get up a lot to feed her. De-lickable delectables are hell.

i'm going to go ahead and be sedentary until i'm light enough to exercise. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
I feel that. I have some injuries (part of the reason I gained so much weight) and the way I carry my weight definitely limits mobility - so it was kind of a neverending cycle. Also a bad knee that didn't appreciate the extra weight. I'm gonna try and go to PT again here soon.

I'm almost down 30lbs and the Tirz has definitely reduced inflammation, my knee is acting up a lot less and my plantar fascitis hasn't reared it's ugly head in a while so I'm thinking I may start going hiking with my dog again soon. Especially since it's not hot as balls down here in GA anymore.
On Reddit if you ask about results on different doses nearly everyone reports whether a certain dose is suppressing their appetite or not. They seem to titrate up only if their food noise and appetites are back.

My goal is weight loss. By the appetite measure I could stay at 2.5 mg for probably a long time, except the last 3 weeks on 2.5 mg I lost no weight. So I can’t get a “read” on if higher doses will help me lose weight beyond appetite suppression. Or if the magic is simply appetite suppression. 900-1000 calories a day has only lost 2 lbs in the last month on 5 mg. Wanting food isn’t a problem—no food noise, no hunger, no craving. Don’t tell me I’m eating too little. I’m post menopausal and I’ve eaten 1200 cal a day for 3 years without scale budging—tracking every bite. I have definite hormonal challenges to weight loss—PCOS, insulin resistant, etc.

Does Tirzepitide help hormonally resistant weight loss at higher doses? Or should Tirzepitide be considered just a terrific appetite suppressant? I’m honestly trying to figure out how the medicine works.
For me I had to go on hormones before I lost any weight. I literally had nothing left. I dropped 15 quickly and then stalled. That was when my menopause specialist suggested Oz. I continued to drop another 15 and stalled again.
If you are having no food noise, no hunger and no cravings on 2.5mg of tirz, then before you increase your dose, look at other things. Caveat: 3 weeks without weight loss is not a stall and increasing one's dose should not be the initial response. A stall is much longer than that, a month, two, AFTER you've done/improved/changed other things that are in your control. Caveat: I too (like most on GLP-1s) - are, if not diabetic, insulin resistant, and for me, that's only one of many metabolic issues I've had to contend with. And yes, your PCOS is a hormonal challenge to weight loss. Also, as a result of your PCOS, insulin resistance, and whatever else, the typical TTDE calculators are useless to you. Those with hormonal imbalances, metabolic imbalances, hypothyroidism, etc. can't use those TTDE calculators as a guide for daily calories, or anything else. The calories they tell you that you need to eat are way too high. For instance, I set my daily calories at 1000, and now that I'm in maintenance, I try for more calories each day, but even in maintenance, that calorie increase is relatively small, 50-200 or so. You say you ate 1200 calories for years with no loss, and now you're eating between 900-1000 cals a day. Are you sure about that? Are you tracking your food on a food app, measuring the amounts? Many people think they know what 1/2 cup etc looks like, or how big a burger is, or how many almonds they ate, but often they are wrong, thinking the portions are smaller than they actually are. I would keep your calories as they are - 900-1000 - but start tracking them to see if those really are the calories you are taking in. Next, and immediately, you must make hydration intentional, hydration can't be something you try and do, and you should be using a packet of electrolytes daily. I prefer LMNT but there are many choices out there. And you should be drinking water from the start of your day. There are various calcs for how much water a person at a certain weight needs, you can look those up. I started out aiming for 100 ounces a day, and now drink 147 ounces of water every single day - 67 of them with one LMNT packet. Next, you must make protein your focus.There are suggestions that you calculate protein grams based on what you weigh now, or based on your goal weight, tons of ways to figure it out by googling. From the start, and even now in maintenance, I don't worry much about macros. I set my macros on the food app - I like Lifesum, but there are many others. I went through the various ways to determine my protein needs and chose 100 grams of protein a day, 93 grams of carbs and 26 grams of fat. I haven't bothered to change the macro %s because I'm used to it. I only focus on protein - and aim for a daily intake of protein between 130-180 grams. Every day. But note, in the beginning, I just tried to reach 100 grams a day. The carbs and fats come naturally with the protein you eat. It is impossible for me to get that much protein with regular food - or, if like me, one eats very little meat - so I, and others, find workarounds - starting using collagen peptides, they have protein, so your coffee becomes useful to you. Start using plant-based protein powders and make shakes. Most days, I make a shake with a Fairlife or Premiere Protein shake that has 30 grams of protein in it, and I add a scoop of Orgain or Live Conscious protein powder, and sometimes Javy protein powder, and whatever else and end with a shake that has 50 or more grams of protein in it. Oikos Pro is a great yogurt that has 20 grams of protein in each cup. If you start to track what you're eating/drinking, and greatly increase your hydration (and the electrolytes allow your body to use all that water rather than simply peeing it out, and you focus on increasing your protein, probably by a lot I'm assuming, and you give it some more time, things will likely start to change. Better to do everything you can do first before immediately going up in dose. Tirz is an appetite suppressant yes, and slows gastric emptying, but it works on the weight reduction as well. You've got the dose right for now, without experiencing side effects, so start making adjustments to what you are doing. I hope this is helpful to you.
Wow! I really appreciate all this!

I do eat 100 grams of protein a day. I do log my food and weigh it (I have 11 years of logging on My Fitness Pal, even Christmas Day when I eat 4500 calories—I’m an expert). I’m strict on macros, especially protein, carbs and fiber. I’ve done Atkins for 7 months testing to make sure I was in ketosis the whole time. My question may make it seem like I’m blindly in this but I’m no newbie at weight loss, well, except the loss part. Before these meds came out I went from doctor to doctor to nutritionist to nutritionist to gym trainers. Literally I tried everything. Then I gave up for a couple of years. These meds gave me hope. I’m trying not to lose that hope but it’s fading fast.

I am a newbie at is Tirzepatide. I don’t understand how it works and since it’s not working on me for weight loss I’m trying to figure that out. I don’t care about appetite suppression. At all. I care about losing weight.

I’ve never heard anyone say that TDEE doesn’t work on hormonal imbalances. That’s good to hear.

I will work on the water. I do use Liquid IV but will increase. Thank you.
Are you weighing food for your calorie counting?

Anyone but the smallest 85lb granny can lose on 900kcal. If you can't it's either calories in being wrong or a medical issue.
I weigh everything that I can’t scan. And track every morsel that goes in my mouth.

🙋🏼‍♀️I beg to differ. This over 200 lb granny can’t lose weight at 900 calories.
Been at this off and on for 18 months. I have gone months without losing weight. But my waist was shrinking.

Then all of a sudden I’ll be down 4-5 lbs. And it will stay down - so it’s not just water weight.

Over time that has added up. I’m down almost 60 lbs (and 8 inches on my waist!). Averaged out, it’s a couple pounds a month.

I think the goal (for me) is to use these meds to learn a new way of living. I don’t plan to ever go off them. And I’m not dieting.

I don’t feel the need to grab a snack every time I walk past the fridge, and I’m not craving sugar all the time. And I don’t need to carbo load to fall back asleep.

Those things are amazing changes in themselves. Is that “appetite suppression “?

Heck if I know.

I’m hungry much of the day - and I eat! I eat protein mostly. Pounds and pounds of chicken. And dozens of eggs. And protein shakes. And some veggies I force myself to buy cook and eat before they go bad. But I eat. Lots. But nowhere near what I used to.

That’s it! I don’t drink enough water and I don’t get much exercise - although now that everything doesn’t hurt as much and my heart doesn’t pound when I go up stairs, I’m up for trying more.

I’d encourage you to stay the course. And not expect a quick fix. Drink more water, eat more protein. (I personally don’t think 1000 calories is enough for anyone.)

And settle in for the long haul.

Good luck.
What dose are you at? In 18 months how has your dosage journey progressed?

I appreciate this. I’m not at it for a quick fix, as evidenced by my My Fitness Pal account and tracking for most of 11 years.

I am trying to understand Tirzepatide, how it works and whether to titrate up or not, based on weight loss.
Wow! I really appreciate all this!

I do eat 100 grams of protein a day. I do log my food and weigh it (I have 11 years of logging on My Fitness Pal, even Christmas Day when I eat 4500 calories—I’m an expert). I’m strict on macros, especially protein, carbs and fiber. I’ve done Atkins for 7 months testing to make sure I was in ketosis the whole time. My question may make it seem like I’m blindly in this but I’m no newbie at weight loss, well, except the loss part. Before these meds came out I went from doctor to doctor to nutritionist to nutritionist to gym trainers. Literally I tried everything. Then I gave up for a couple of years. These meds gave me hope. I’m trying not to lose that hope but it’s fading fast.

I am a newbie at is Tirzepatide. I don’t understand how it works and since it’s not working on me for weight loss I’m trying to figure that out. I don’t care about appetite suppression. At all. I care about losing weight.

I’ve never heard anyone say that TDEE doesn’t work on hormonal imbalances. That’s good to hear.

I will work on the water. I do use Liquid IV but will increase. Thank you.
Apologies, there are so many newbies who do not do any research before starting tirz, or whatever GLP-1, and don't realize all the good habits they think they have, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't actually have them. You can easily find out how tirz works by googling it. There are tons of articles that explain how it works, and on what receptors. And it's a good rule of thumb for anyone on these meds to do that homework, so they understand what they are taking. Obviously you are a tried and tested healthy eater, as was I. You are only at 2.5 mg a week - that is the introductory/starter dose. Many are lucky and lose on it. Many do not. Many only start to lose once they hit 7.5mg or 10mg or 12.5 or 15. What has swept through places like Reddit is this notion that you have to stay on a low dose. That somehow being on a low dose is good or better, and really it's a meaningless concept. You do want to maximize each dose for yourself before increasing. I am no doctor, I can give no medical advice, can only speak to what I've learned and/or experienced for myself. How long have you been on the 2.5mg dose? If a few months, then it is time to move up, and if you only just started it, and are in your 3d week, then I'd suggest waiting another week, but in both cases, I suggest you increase your protein, increase your water, don't worry about the other macros - I don't think ketosis or IMF or anything like those diets are helpful on this med, my personal opinion - and see how you do deliberately increasing those for the next week. Give yourself some time for your body to catch up with how the med works - your hormonal imbalances, your PCOS makes it work more slowly, it's just a fact - and time for your body to adjust to the new and improved plan, yes, it's only a tweaking of the course you've followed for years, but the difference between 100 grams of protein and 130 or more per day is actually quite amazing. Same too with the hydration. In either case, whether you've been on 2.5mg for only 3 weeks, or for more than a month, do the new and improved for another week, and if there is no change in terms of weight loss, then increase your dose. And if you're on compound, then you don't have to increase up to 5mg per the standardized, you can increase in smaller increments. You've been lucky, on 2.5mg with no side effects, and great appetite suppression, no food noise, etc. - it would be wonderful if you can keep those effects, and not experience the gastro and other side effects, so titrating up slowly is always a good idea.
Wow! I really appreciate all this!

I do eat 100 grams of protein a day. I do log my food and weigh it (I have 11 years of logging on My Fitness Pal, even Christmas Day when I eat 4500 calories—I’m an expert). I’m strict on macros, especially protein, carbs and fiber. I’ve done Atkins for 7 months testing to make sure I was in ketosis the whole time. My question may make it seem like I’m blindly in this but I’m no newbie at weight loss, well, except the loss part. Before these meds came out I went from doctor to doctor to nutritionist to nutritionist to gym trainers. Literally I tried everything. Then I gave up for a couple of years. These meds gave me hope. I’m trying not to lose that hope but it’s fading fast.

I am a newbie at is Tirzepatide. I don’t understand how it works and since it’s not working on me for weight loss I’m trying to figure that out. I don’t care about appetite suppression. At all. I care about losing weight.

I’ve never heard anyone say that TDEE doesn’t work on hormonal imbalances. That’s good to hear.

I will work on the water. I do use Liquid IV but will increase.
Have you looked into trying a cycle of 5-Amino-1MQ, or MOTS-C?
me too. My cat does make me get up a lot to feed her. De-lickable delectables are hell.

i'm going to go ahead and be sedentary until i'm light enough to exercise. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

For me I had to go on hormones before I lost any weight. I literally had nothing left. I dropped 15 quickly and then stalled. That was when my menopause specialist suggested Oz. I continued to drop another 15 and stalled again.
Wait! Don’t leave me hanging! What hormones did you go on? I need more info.
I don’t feel the need to grab a snack every time I walk past the fridge, and I’m not craving sugar all the time. And I don’t need to carbo load to fall back asleep
I'm really curious about the carbo load comment. My sleep has been terrible for a while, getting worse with tirz. I wake up between 2:30 and 4 and cannot go back to sleep. I'm usually super awake, not tired or drowsy. And I have a ton of energy through the day. At first I thought it was perimenopause stuff, but I don't have night sweats.
I read somewhere that it could be a cortisol spike due to low sugar. That's why I'm curious on your carb comment. I measured my blood glucose at 4 am today and was at 89 so not too bad. Maybe that 89 is after the cortisol spike that woke me up and I was lower before, hard to tell.
I'm so desperate that I'm considering a CGM.

Btw, my resting heart rate has increased considerably at night, my deep sleep is fucked up too.

Any suggestions?
In my experience, Tirz is not a great appetite suppressant. I actually had the best results at the lower doses and it was wildly inconsistent. I can remember feeling nothing one day and the next day throwing away an entire order of food at the airport because it repulsed me to even look at it. Then the next day wanting to stop at Quicktrip for snacks. I think I was on 5 or 7.5 at the time. I noticed no difference in terms of appetite increasing the dose.

Find a comfort zone and inject every 5 days instead of 7. For me, that was 10mg.
Which peptide has given you the best appetite suppression? I've been on tirz for close to a year and lost a lot, but still have some work to do and it doesn't feel like it's going to get me there, so I'm on a search
What dose are you at? In 18 months how has your dosage journey progressed?

I appreciate this. I’m not at it for a quick fix, as evidenced by my My Fitness Pal account and tracking for most of 11 years.

I am trying to understand Tirzepatide, how it works and whether to titrate up or not, based on weight loss.
I’m at 10 now. First week. Honestly I went up because I bought a kit of tirz 40 and the math was easier.

Last year I did the compound route. Lost 40lbs April- December. Started at 2.5 peaked at 7.5.

Then financial realities kicked in and I couldn’t swing the costs. So I went off. Gained back 20-25 by April and that when I started research both intellectually and physically.

Was on 5, then 7.5 and just went up to 10. I don’t sense a difference. I’m still hungry much of the time. When I am I eat grilled or roasted chicken. Or eggs. Yesterday I ate a whole rotisserie chicken at lunch. I was hungry! I cannot have sweets or junk food in the house - I will devour it. I don’t drink soda.

Now that my knees don’t hurt with every step i bought a garmin watch. My activity level is very low, like 2500 steps. So I’m gotta try to up that slowly.

That’s all I’m doing so far. Just had to buy new jeans, other ones were falling off. The difference is noticeable, but still like to lose 50 more. I think it will happen within the next year.

I have plenty of tirz now, thanks to other researchers pointing the way.
I'm really curious about the carbo load comment. My sleep has been terrible for a while, getting worse with tirz. I wake up between 2:30 and 4 and cannot go back to sleep. I'm usually super awake, not tired or drowsy. And I have a ton of energy through the day. At first I thought it was perimenopause stuff, but I don't have night sweats.
I read somewhere that it could be a cortisol spike due to low sugar. That's why I'm curious on your carb comment. I measured my blood glucose at 4 am today and was at 89 so not too bad. Maybe that 89 is after the cortisol spike that woke me up and I was lower before, hard to tell.
I'm so desperate that I'm considering a CGM.

Btw, my resting heart rate has increased considerably at night, my deep sleep is fucked up too.

Any suggestions?
I found that if I drink a 100 calorie 20 G protein shake at night or at a waking I’m not having night time low blood sugar dips or cravings. My fav is Clean Simple Eats vanilla. It has digestive enzymes too so it’s easy on tummy for us constipation prone glp users.
Which peptide has given you the best appetite suppression? I've been on tirz for close to a year and lost a lot, but still have some work to do and it doesn't feel like it's going to get me there, so I'm on a search
I am still trying to figure out what is "just right." I was doing tirz only every 5 days for quite a while.Then I tried going back to 7 and stacking 1mg of Sema on day 5 of Tirz and it worked pretty well. Sema is generally known to have better suppression but higher side effects. I did not have any additional side effects. After I killed one bottle, I switched to .5mg of Cagri on day 5, and after three weeks, I didn't feel it really helped any, so I pinned 1mg today. We will see how that goes. I have 7 months of tirz left and I may try Reta when this is gone. That is the toxic trait of this world is you always want to try something new.
I'm really curious about the carbo load comment. My sleep has been terrible for a while, getting worse with tirz. I wake up between 2:30 and 4 and cannot go back to sleep. I'm usually super awake, not tired or drowsy. And I have a ton of energy through the day. At first I thought it was perimenopause stuff, but I don't have night sweats.
I read somewhere that it could be a cortisol spike due to low sugar. That's why I'm curious on your carb comment. I measured my blood glucose at 4 am today and was at 89 so not too bad. Maybe that 89 is after the cortisol spike that woke me up and I was lower before, hard to tell.
I'm so desperate that I'm considering a CGM.

Btw, my resting heart rate has increased considerably at night, my deep sleep is fucked up too.

Any suggestions?
Try DSIP (Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide), if you are comfortable with daily injections. It improves my sleep quality exponentially.
I'm really curious about the carbo load comment. My sleep has been terrible for a while, getting worse with tirz. I wake up between 2:30 and 4 and cannot go back to sleep. I'm usually super awake, not tired or drowsy. And I have a ton of energy through the day. At first I thought it was perimenopause stuff, but I don't have night sweats.
I read somewhere that it could be a cortisol spike due to low sugar. That's why I'm curious on your carb comment. I measured my blood glucose at 4 am today and was at 89 so not too bad. Maybe that 89 is after the cortisol spike that woke me up and I was lower before, hard to tell.
I'm so desperate that I'm considering a CGM.

Btw, my resting heart rate has increased considerably at night, my deep sleep is fucked up too.

Any suggestions?
I realize now that I was constantly craving “something” my whole life, and I also have learned that food was a way I medicated that. It wasn’t hunger. I believe it’s a hormonal sugar/insulin imbalance that these drugs somehow are treating.

I think sugar is WILDLY addictive, and getting my body used to vastly reduced sugar isn’t easy. I’m not doing atkins or anything, I’m just doing protein and veggies - as much as I want - with minimal bread/starch and no sweets.

Donuts were on sale the other day. I bought a box and ate the whole thing in one day. 🤷🏻‍♂️. That messed up my tummy and also kicked in the craving for a few days.

My heart rate fluctuates, but I take Ritalin and still on a bp med, so I can’t offer any advice. (My bp meds are already reduced 2/3 after losing this weight!)

I think many/most older/overweight people have sleep issues including apnea. I’ve been wearing a mask for like 4 years and it completely changed my sleep experience. I think so many would benefit.
I realize now that I was constantly craving “something” my whole life, and I also have learned that food was a way I medicated that. It wasn’t hunger. I believe it’s a hormonal sugar/insulin imbalance that these drugs somehow are treating.

I think sugar is WILDLY addictive, and getting my body used to vastly reduced sugar isn’t easy. I’m not doing atkins or anything, I’m just doing protein and veggies - as much as I want - with minimal bread/starch and no sweets.

Donuts were on sale the other day. I bought a box and ate the whole thing in one day. 🤷🏻‍♂️. That messed up my tummy and also kicked in the craving for a few days.

My heart rate fluctuates, but I take Ritalin and still on a bp med, so I can’t offer any advice. (My bp meds are already reduced 2/3 after losing this weight!)

I think many/most older/overweight people have sleep issues including apnea. I’ve been wearing a mask for like 4 years and it completely changed my sleep experience. I think so many would benefit.
My fitbit watch tracks oxygen spikes at night and it doesn't look like I have apnea. But I truly didn't do a sleep test to confirm. I'm also in BP meds, specifically a beta blocker that lowers HR so ... Mine is increased even with that. I never had carb cravings but I'm suspecting the low glucose. I also take metformin along with tirz so I might be going too low at night. I'm more and more thinking that I should go back to a CGM for a few weeks and see how it's going