I've been on tirz for 31 weeks and am genuinely curious what everyone is "feeling" from these meds. I can't tell if I took it or not. No vendor, name brand, compounded, grey, etc has ever "felt" different, because wtf would you be feeling? I'm not getting a dopamine rush or anything, are you?
Tfi or tfc or whatever the god jizz tirz is that everyone was talking about it "feeling" the best, feeling clean, feeling pure etc lmfao idk wtf any of them are talking about. Am I missing something?
Is everyone talking about how hungry they feel? Is the "feeling" not being hungry? Because that's going to vary day to day, hour to hour, etc. lol we're all humans and need food anyway, regardless of the meds or your dose. You should still feel hungry sometimes on these meds. That's normal. And that seems like an absolute terrible way to judge the effectiveness of the meds.
Wtf else is everyone feeling? Lmao am I supposed to be getting high off this shit or something?