UGH! The chills!


Staff member
Aug 1, 2023
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I noticed somewhere around June or July that I occasionally felt chills with my A/C set to anything below 75, so that's where I started setting the temp and was comfortable most of the rest of the summer.

Now that we're getting cold, holy crap I can't turn up the heat enough the past few days! Normally I only heat my house to 68 when I'm home and awake, and 65 when sleeping. Lately anything below 70-72 and I can't stop shivering!

This is even with multiple layers on, plus 3 blankets and a comforter in bed lol. I've pretty much stopped feeling any other side-effects from TZ, but holy crap these chills are driving me insane! Anyone else?
Not just you -- I thought it was due to having less insulation... but it's a really weird feeling and kinda doesn't feel like regular being cold. I started wearing slippers because my feet are always cold now. 100% in my Grandma Tirz era now.
That happened to me too. I started taking more iron. It helped a little.
I've been cold blooded my whole life, if Tirz gives chills I'll never notice :ROFLMAO: . Always have had cold hands and cold feet my entire life.

That said, I haven't noticed being unusually cooler this past summer (my air conditioning bill wishes I had felt that way), and not noticing being unusually cold so far as the weather changes to cooler temps. But, seems like something else to add to the tirz user watchlist. It's feeling more like a forced full lifestyle change and not just a medication!
Yes, 100%...i don't think i turned my heat on all last winter and i've already turned it on this year...i've been freezing for the first time in my life!
32 Degrees Heat base layer long-sleeve tops. They sell them in 2-packs at Costco for less than $20. Very thin, barely noticeable even under a dress shirt, and warm enough that skiers and runners use them in the winter.

This is what I use because the dude who sits in the office next to mine is in f-ing menopause. He tells me to put on a damn sweater. I tell him to ask his doctor for hot-flash lady hormones. Everyone else in the office thinks we’re hilarious.
I noticed somewhere around June or July that I occasionally felt chills with my A/C set to anything below 75, so that's where I started setting the temp and was comfortable most of the rest of the summer.

Now that we're getting cold, holy crap I can't turn up the heat enough the past few days! Normally I only heat my house to 68 when I'm home and awake, and 65 when sleeping. Lately anything below 70-72 and I can't stop shivering!

This is even with multiple layers on, plus 3 blankets and a comforter in bed lol. I've pretty much stopped feeling any other side-effects from TZ, but holy crap these chills are driving me insane! Anyone else?
Ok that's so crazy because I didn't realize until now that is what's going on! 3 additional blankets and I was finally super comfortable 😌 Glad you posted this- I had not attributed it to Tirz at all!
I am having the same issue with my heat! I have also had to buy warming layers that I now wear underneath everything. I have heard that G1P1 drugs work on a receptor in our body that controls body temperature regulation. It is not just losing body fat that is making us cold.
Yep! Had this issue with Sema and now with Tirz too. These past couple weeks since I started tirz, i've started wearing sweaters and flannels to bed with extra blankets. Was just telling my husband today it feels like the chill from our concrete foundation is seeping its coldness up through the soles of my shoes. I have a space heater under my desk AND heated mittens. My cold tolerance is zilch these days. I can't stand wearing layers, which makes it interesting.
Me too. If I would have known this was a side effect, I would have started Tirz much sooner. I’m perimenopausal and live in Florida - so this past summer was brutal for me. I’ve always been warm blooded, and now I’m sleeping in socks, sweats and a sweater! Uncharted territory me as well!
Me too. If I would have known this was a side effect, I would have started Tirz much sooner. I’m perimenopausal and live in Florida - so this past summer was brutal for me. I’ve always been warm blooded, and now I’m sleeping in socks, sweats and a sweater! Uncharted territory me as well!
I’m in the same boat but am in Michigan. I have family all over florida and idk how you all do it.

Anyway, reading these replies and I never knew of this side effect. I don't struggle with weight, but, blood sugar is another story. ( since high-school )
I have it under control for the first time ever. I thought this ( sugar being managed ) is why I no longer sweat profusely.

I went from being in a tank & shorts 24/7 to pants, shirt, hoodie all day/night.

Always learning here.😊
I noticed somewhere around June or July that I occasionally felt chills with my A/C set to anything below 75, so that's where I started setting the temp and was comfortable most of the rest of the summer.

Now that we're getting cold, holy crap I can't turn up the heat enough the past few days! Normally I only heat my house to 68 when I'm home and awake, and 65 when sleeping. Lately anything below 70-72 and I can't stop shivering!

This is even with multiple layers on, plus 3 blankets and a comforter in bed lol. I've pretty much stopped feeling any other side-effects from TZ, but holy crap these chills are driving me insane! Anyone else?
I’ve always been cold, but it’s gotten worse. I’m stacking Uniqlo Heat Tech layers on top of each other.
I only experienced a distinct chill for a few minutes the day after my very first pin. This was in May, and our house at the time did not have AC, so it was not a real issue. I am cold all the time anyway so if it had persisted into the fall I might have had a problem. We ended up moving to a warmer environment for unrelated reasons (partner job)
That happened to me too. I started taking more iron. It helped a little.

There are studies that GLP's lower your iron, and I've got to say I get absolutely low iron symptoms, as far as light headedness when standing up. I have to remember to start taking iron.

Also yes, it makes me cold! I assumed it's a metabolism effect, but could it be low iron?
I may need to try some iron! I’ve turned into the little old lady who’s freezing all the time! I mean all the time!! And I live in the Deep South! It’s crazy.
I noticed somewhere around June or July that I occasionally felt chills with my A/C set to anything below 75, so that's where I started setting the temp and was comfortable most of the rest of the summer.

Now that we're getting cold, holy crap I can't turn up the heat enough the past few days! Normally I only heat my house to 68 when I'm home and awake, and 65 when sleeping. Lately anything below 70-72 and I can't stop shivering!

This is even with multiple layers on, plus 3 blankets and a comforter in bed lol. I've pretty much stopped feeling any other side-effects from TZ, but holy crap these chills are driving me insane! Anyone else?
That means that you are on the right track. No more insulation 😀. I am usually cold 🥶 but more so if I lose weight.
I noticed somewhere around June or July that I occasionally felt chills with my A/C set to anything below 75, so that's where I started setting the temp and was comfortable most of the rest of the summer.

Now that we're getting cold, holy crap I can't turn up the heat enough the past few days! Normally I only heat my house to 68 when I'm home and awake, and 65 when sleeping. Lately anything below 70-72 and I can't stop shivering!

This is even with multiple layers on, plus 3 blankets and a comforter in bed lol. I've pretty much stopped feeling any other side-effects from TZ, but holy crap these chills are driving me insane! Anyone else?
Ya know, I attributed it to being thin but I am forever cold on Tirz. There is not enough heat in the world for me. I have a heater blowing hot air on me in my office and I wear a sweater and still cold. Its June! Theres a high 90s heat wave coming this week and I couldnt be more thrilled.

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