USA Domestic Source / Shipping

since you are telling people that cain is not trustworthy how about adding QSC or ASC how they are some of the most trusted people on here that just outright scammed people out of alot of product.
Cain may not be upfront with you but as someone thats been in the game a long time i would never tell people my info or source of product. Nexaph product works just like every other china vendor on here. As for principles people this is the same as buying on the darkweb you need to do research and expect to be scammed a few times its the price of going grey! The majority of the china factories are gross and not clean whatsoever ive been ordering RCs from china for over 20 years now and its always the same a vendor will pump then dump or shoot out after something happens over in china they get arrested or gangs take over they have a hundred reasons why stuff goes wrong over there.
If you are new to this game buy a little to try it out if you like it put them on your list and be aware that being scammed or getting bunk product can happen with ANY vendor that sells Grey market
The fact that Nexpha takes CC is just one layer of protection that most others dont allow.
Remember is just a Journey so enjoy the Trip!
this feels like whataboutism. just because someone mentions they think one vendor is untrustworthy doesn't mean they automatically have to mention every other vendor they've deemed untrustworthy. multiple vendors can be untrustworthy at the same time, and they're discussed in the relevant threads about them.
The evidence doesn't point to QSC having scammed anyone; they appear to have been busted. If you’re as old school as you say you are then you ought to understand and appreciate the distinction. If Nexa gets busted and Baba is sitting in jail, you shouldn't expect to receive outstanding orders either. That's a risk you take with every single vendor.

As for ASC, I haven’t been following, but if they're scamming people, great—go discuss it in a relevant thread instead of throwing out red herrings to divert the conversation here.

I've heard of that but not on that forum. Where is that?
This forum is bias against cain so you wont find many people trying to stand up for him or have ordered and tested his product personally. But a few of us have bought from him no problems
Just wait, they'll come out of the woodwork here shortly and say that people just have an "axe to grind," ignoring any of the substance of what was said above.
This forum is bias against cain
…. Did I call that one or what? Not engaging on the substance, just saying it’s bias that came to exist for no apparent reason.
I've ordered from Cain and had no problems. WAY faster than China orders and sometimes pricing is just as good, sometimes not.
For the record, I have ordered from Cain too, and had no problems. I was simply trying to educate myself on things I've read about him regarding his past. It started with using the name Shanghai but had no ties to China other than where the peptides come from. Not judging, just a fact. Like many people, I thought it was another Chinese supplier like any other. Then I found out he's as U.S. as any one of us. I found that a little odd but, he seems to have a good customer following so, whatever, As I'm learning more about this peptide world, I just asked here if anyone had some of the backstory. Exploitedworkerbee offered specifics. I'm just trying to figure out if he went too far, which could be the case based on the details apparently on a Peppys post someone else here referenced (I'm still looking for that), and if he's backed off from that after maybe learning a lesson. Doesn't matter to me either way, other than finding out the truth. Why do I want to find out the truth? Because as I learn, I try to pay it forward to others to help and then I learn more in the process. I don't want to unknowingly pass on incorrect information because it looks bad on me and I don't want to cast anyone in a bad light. Now, if someone did something wrong, or I think is wrong, I will say why, engage in a meaningful discussion about it, and admit I'm wrong if that's the case. If not, I will stand by what I say. All of this is hard, finding and speaking the truth. It's easy to talk in vague generalities to try and take the focus away from whatever the issue is if someone has no solid info or, if someone just has a baseless opinion they want to be the truth. That's not how I operate. So, again, not bashing Cain at all. For those of you old enough to know, from the late great Paul Harvey, I just want to know "....the rest of the story."
Nexaph just had some good 3rd party test results on their reta lately. We even did one a month or so later and it was still good.

Another option is to see it someone would sell you extra vials at cost but make sure its not a scammer
I hate it when my drug dealers lie to me. You mean Tracy is really a dude?

I have ordered from Cain several times and received high quality products and had a good experience. The bad Reta he sent (that I actually bought through a GB) was automatically reshipped requiring no action from me. I have also ordered from Tracy, Tuk Angel, SRY, PGB and others. As long as I receive a good product, that tests well, in a timely manner, all is good. I don't care if they claim to be a man/women, Chinese, Japanese, Russian or North Korean, as long as they deliver a good product.

Eventually, one of these vendors is going let me down but until then I will continue to order from them.
I have had 5 orders with Cain before going CN direct. All were received in a few days. I ask a question I get an answer fast. Not the best price, but very convenient. The recent reta 24 works just fine, broken pucks dissolved easily and clear. Seems he was pretty transparent on that deal. That's been my experience at least.
I hate it when my drug dealers lie to me. You mean Tracy is really a dude?

I have ordered from Cain several times and received high quality products and had a good experience. The bad Reta he sent (that I actually bought through a GB) was automatically reshipped requiring no action from me. I have also ordered from Tracy, Tuk Angel, SRY, PGB and others. As long as I receive a good product, that tests well, in a timely manner, all is good. I don't care if they claim to be a man/women, Chinese, Japanese, Russian or North Korean, as long as they deliver a good product.

Eventually, one of these vendors is going let me down but until then I will continue to order from them.
I hope our girl Tracy is back soon.
I have had 5 orders with Cain before going CN direct. All were received in a few days. I ask a question I get an answer fast. Not the best price, but very convenient. The recent reta 24 works just fine, broken pucks dissolved easily and clear. Seems he was pretty transparent on that deal. That's been my experience at least.
My suspicion is that all the vendors that we regularly hear about are probably fine for reta and tirz. I say probably because with the exception of Eli Lilly, most compounding pharmacies, and a few grey US vendors, you should always be a little skeptical that you won't be burned. That's not an insult to Cain or the other vendors; it's just I don't know them. I've never bought from him because he tends to be pricier than many of the Chinese vendors. However, he's under much scrutiny. Being under scrutiny is a good thing. You want vendors whose work is greatly scrutinized. If every now and then something turns up wrong with a product, that's to be expected. You then watch how the vendor deals with situation. Do they minimize things? Or after getting a bad test result, do they email/Whatsapp all those who ordered from them telling them that there was a problem and that they're going to fix it?
Say Nexaph 3 times in front of a mirror and @exploitedworkerbee will appear behind you.
What can I say, I’m driven to warn folks against dishonest vendor behavior and—either because you’re a moron, you’re exceptionally dishonest, or both—you’ve got a long rap sheet.

@Cain_SPC has been threadbanned. If he wanted to engage on substance he’d have done so, but he opted to troll. Vendors trolling mods because they don’t like their dishonesty being discussed isn’t behavior that’ll be accepted.
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What can I say, I’m driven to warn folks against dishonest vendor behavior and—either because you’re a moron, you’re exceptionally dishonest, or both—you’ve got a long rap sheet.

@Cain_SPC has been threadbanned. If he wanted to engage on substance he’d have done so, but he opted to troll. Vendors trolling mods because they don’t like their dishonesty being discussed isn’t behavior that’ll
Yeah, that was a bit odd for a vendor to post that.........the mystery continues.
other than finding out the truth.
I hope I don't rub someone the wrong way (as it is not my intent whatsoever) but why are we focused so much on truth. I for once only care for quality, price, and fast and reliable shipping. The guy could have been a killer in his past life and I wouldn't know nor even care. I've never spoken to him and doubt I'll ever do. I've placed 4 orders, and all went the easiest and smoothest from all other venders I've tried, and price was very competitive (if not the cheapest it was within 10 bucks on a 200-dollar order). To be clear I usually buy products he has on sale otherwise his prices tend to be higher than some others. I hope people will talk more and inform us all about their experience and quality of his product (to the extent that there is third party info on that) as opposed to finding out if he is saint or a devil LOL
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I hope I don't rub someone the wrong way (as it is not my intent whatsoever) but why are we focused so much on truth. I for once only care for quality, price, and fast and reliable shipping. The guy could have been a killer in his past life and I wouldn't know nor even care. I've never spoken to him and doubt I'll ever do. I've placed 4 orders, and all went the easiest and smoothest from all other venders I've tried, and price was very competitive (if not the cheapest it was within 10 bucks in a 200-dollar order). I hope people will talk more and inform us all about their experience and quality of his product (to the extent that there is third party info on that) as opposed to finding out if he is saint or a devil LOL
What can I say, I’m driven to warn folks against dishonest vendor behavior and—either because you’re a moron, you’re exceptionally dishonest, or both—you’ve got a long rap sheet.

@Cain_SPC has been threadbanned. If he wanted to engage on substance he’d have done so, but he opted to troll. Vendors trolling mods because they don’t like their dishonesty being discussed isn’t behavior that’ll be accepted.
Since you're so worried about substance here's a substance for you he has great chemicals that work so is that enough substance for you buddy? You keep bringing up the past about this vendor but it's his past he has great stuff now and that's all we're worried about is it. I'd also like to see you start up a profile and vendor page and do the same thing he is doing without any problems at all or any people saying that you do something negative and immoral challenge accepted?
Since you're so worried about substance here's a substance for you he has great chemicals that work so is that enough substance for you buddy? You keep bringing up the past about this vendor but it's his past he has great stuff now and that's all we're worried about is it. I'd also like to see you start up a profile and vendor page and do the same thing he is doing without any problems at all or any people saying that you do something negative and immoral challenge accepted?
You’re incorrect that selling peptides automatically leads to accusations of bad behavior. If I started a peptide business my competitive advantage would be ethical and honest behavior, which would earn the trust of the community. This is the model that Arctic used and Polaris uses, both saw great success and no controversy.

The guy you are shilling for has poor ethics cooked into the sauce for lots of reasons which have been outlined above so I wont rehash. His competitive advantage compared to the other group buy facilitators (which is what he is) is manipulative marketing tactics that drive people like you to threads like this. This would make me leery to trust the results of his tests that you’re citing. Not to mention quite a few bad tests that you’re willfully ignoring.

And yeah, once again you have not engaged with the substance of any of the above. You’ve just attempted to dismiss is, and then turn it back around on me.

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