USA here


Aug 24, 2024
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I’m interested in more cost effective overseas options, was about to purchase from Amopure yesterday but had issues with my Alibaba account, but w the tirz posts today, not so sure. Started with ozempic in January. Got to 2.5 but could not handle the fatigue. Went with compounded Tirz here in the states (April to end of July) but could not handle The fatigue and blues. Even at lower doses (3mg and up), and have wasted quite a few dollars doing so. August I jumped to Reta, also from a very overpriced USA vendor and here I am hunting for better prices. I bought a 12mg vial from Skye but have not yet reconstituted it, finishing up this vial first and also waiting on my HOSPIRA to arrive. QSC was my second choice but now waiting for more reviews since I have the Skye until I make that decision. Current Reta is now working, appetite suppression has kicked in, no major losses but have steered clear of the scale so as to not get antsy about the week off between Tirz and Reta (and several thereafter with no suppression waiting. For the Reta to kick in), where things went wildly awry, appetite-wise. So just another researcher looking for options! Glad to have been directed this way from Reddit

I do have a question: I read along the way that there is a difference between raws lyophilized and am looking for more info there. I have a low tolerance for pain and don’t want to get bulk and have to dread shot days w any kind of stinging. Thanks in advance!

Side note: I have the energy back, and am able to get out and move which I think is going to be my game changer 🥳
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All the overseas options are cost effective tbh.

I would recommend that you look at the supplier, reviews and history of delivering good products and amending mistakes.

There is no real good reason to take on extra risk to save a couple $ per vial :)

I can’t say too much about the separate vendors since I have not ordered from them. But QSC seems to be doing quite well on customer satisfaction, there are definitely others, but it’s the one I see most often when browning around on this forum.
I second the advice from Bacchus...better to pay a little more to a vendor that feels safe. And here's the glitch: sending that amount of cash through an unfamiliar system with communication that can be shaky just feels inherently UNsafe to me! LOL
But I have somehow made it to my weight loss goals and experienced significant pain relief in my back and ankle, so I'm committed to finding the right maintenance dose and hanging in for as long as possible.
I wish you tons of success and healing. :)
It’s more than a few bucks for me, if I refilled through current supplier it’d be $600. Skye was a little better at $149 for 12, but that’s basically another two weeks. Sooo, with Amopure having negative remarks, I think QSC is my next buy. Thanks all! 🥰
Hello and Welcome! Quite a few people have had success with Amo. I have not used them myself and don't really follow them, so I'm not sure what you are seeing. The stinging that a few people reported was from Tirz, not Reta, I believe. And a bunch of people just ordered from them a month ago, did extensive testing, and are not having any issues. That would be your fastest route at a more reasonable price, followed by the vendors that have discord servers. QSC takes a while to arrive and the tests they show aren't necessarily related to the batch you'd buy from. Just sayin. They all have their issues, so it takes some time to figure them out, pick one you are comfortable with, and get your order.