
OTP Exclusive: Lilly Has Been Quietly Exploring Alternative Avenues to Shut Down Tirzepatide Compounding
In an exclusive interview last night with Scott Brunner, CEO of the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding, we uncovered a bombshell: Eli Lilly has been working quietly but diligently on additional means to remove compounded versions of tirzepatide—the active ingredient in Mounjaro and Zepbound—from...

They’ve been trying to say it’s a demonstrably difficult compound since August. But it’s obvious no one can afford it and by next year better drugs will be available so it’s almost like they don’t want people on it? What a truly weird way to drive people away. They could make it affordable and make so much more money. This drug costs $84 in Japan so it’s not like it’s costly to manufacture. Am I missing something here? Do they really think people will pay $1000 a month for it?